Under the guidance of Xiaocui, the three little ones quickly headed to the area where the Taobao stall was located.

Compared to the street where Xiaocui and her grandfather set up their stalls, this place is really inconspicuous, just like an ordinary alley.

But there are not many people here. Both sides of the alley are crowded with simple stalls, and the stalls are equipped with quaint objects that are still stained with soil.

Although the appearance is not very good, the taciturn stall owners and the Taobao customers who quietly ask for prices give this place a mysterious atmosphere.

These so-called Taobao customers are also a mixed bag, and they seem to be doing anything.

Fortunately, Xu Lang and others were with them to protect them, which saved Princess Ankang and the others a lot of trouble.

Perhaps they looked unfamiliar, but as soon as they arrived here, they attracted a lot of people's attention, and many people were secretly sizing them up.

Neither Xiaocui nor Princess Ankang paid much attention to these looks.

With confidence in their hearts, they would not show the slightest hint of cowardice even in the face of such looks.

Their reactions and the postures of Xu Lang and others made these appraising eyes retracted, and they did not dare to look randomly in the direction of Princess Ankang and others.

Princess Ankang hugged Li Xuan and looked curiously at the stalls on the roadside.

There are price signs on the stalls, divided into areas of five taels, ten taels, twenty taels and fifty taels.

Different price areas are also paved with different colored cloths to make it easy to distinguish.

Even though it was just the first time for Sanxiao to come here, he quickly understood how to play here.

The price and presentation of these antiques are also significantly differentiated according to the display area.

The area with five taels of silver is basically in a dingy state, and it's hard to see clearly what it is, and there won't be any treasure here at first glance.

But the five-tael stall area occupies the largest area in the alley, and it is also the place where the most buyers visit.

Other areas, especially the fifty taels of silver area, can be said to be sparsely populated.

Every stall owner has at least two or three types of antiques at different price points for people to choose from, and no one's stall only has one price range.

There is not too much bargaining between the stall owner and the buyer. After occasionally exchanging a few words, the transaction will be completed, making this place seem out of place compared to other places in the West Market.

San Xiaozhi and Xiao Cui were picking and choosing here, looking at them for a long time, but they couldn't see any clues.

None of them are connoisseurs of antiques, and they don’t have the eye for picking out treasures from trash heaps.

"Axuan, look if there is any treasure in here?"

When Li Xuan heard this, he immediately turned into a kitten-like face.

He asked why Princess Ankang was so interested in visiting the Taobao stall. It turned out that she was pointing to him to come to Taobao.

Li Xuan rolled his eyes at Princess Ankang, who just smiled heartlessly.

But at this point, Li Xuan could only try to take a look.

He amplified his perception and explored the antiques on these stalls, but did not get any useful feedback for a while.

After all, these are dead objects. Even if Li Xuan is possessed of Yin and Yang Qi, nothing can be detected.

These antiques are not like living things, they have different auras. Even if Li Xuan uses Yin and Yang Qi to detect them, he can't tell the difference between the old and the new.

Li Xuan opened his eyes and couldn't help but sigh. Just when he was about to shake his head with Princess Ankang to express his helplessness, the expression on his face suddenly changed and he turned his head to look in a certain direction.

"Go ahead and act casual."

Li Xuan quietly wrote on the back of Princess Ankang's hand with his tail.

Princess Ankang was overjoyed, knowing that Li Xuan had discovered something, but she still did not forget Li Xuan's instructions and did not reveal any flaws on the surface.

Princess Ankang walked forward leisurely, casting curious eyes at the stalls on both sides from time to time, and occasionally stopping to ask about prices.

But it seems that the rules have been formed in the alley. There is no room for bargaining. The price is the price.

But there are quite a lot of people who come to shop for treasures, and some stalls are seeing a steady stream of business. This means that some stalls have a higher success rate.

Not to mention the "big prize" of hundreds or even thousands of taels is awarded at one time, but it is common to multiply it several times, or even ten or twenty times.

Of course, more people spent money to buy worthless junk.

“This model is a bit like a scratch-off lottery.”

"And the process of redeeming prizes is not transparent or safe."

Anyone who can afford to play this kind of game here can be considered a wealthy person.

After all, five taels of silver for a prize is definitely not cheap.

Under Li Xuan's instructions, Princess Ankang came to a stall at the end of the alley.

The stall owner was a weird man, wearing a large linen cloak, with only his hands and chin exposed, covering himself tightly.

Princess Ankang stopped in front of his stall, and the weirdo didn't say hello. He sat blankly behind the stall, not knowing whether he fell asleep or not.

His stall is not big, and there is only an area for five taels of silver and ten taels of silver. Compared with other stall owners, the items are obviously much less, and they all look ordinary.

At Li Xuan's suggestion, Princess Ankang picked up a dark stone in the five-tael silver area, and then asked the stall owner:

"Stall owner, what is this?"

"Meteorites from outside the sky." The stall owner replied coldly.

As a result, Princess Ankang and Li Xuan both looked speechless.

They had looked all the way before. Although they could not bargain here, they could ask about the origin of things.

In order to sell conveniently, the stall owners would naturally make up a gimmicky origin, and the words they said were half true and half false.

But people on Taobao would verify their speculations through the stall owners' words and make the final judgment.

They had also heard how several stall owners deceived people on the road before.

But the stall owner in front of them was obviously too careless.

Meteorites from outer space are very rare materials, which can be used for both forging and arranging formations.

If the black stone in front of them was really a meteorite from outer space, how could the stall owner sell it for only five taels of silver.

And if the stall owner really used these four simple words to deceive Princess Ankang, it would be suspected that he looked down on Princess Ankang's intelligence.

"Why not make up some lies with more heart..."

Li Xuan and Princess Ankang said in tacit understanding.

But then the man and the cat looked around and understood why the business here was not good.

Li Xuan cared about this inconspicuous stone because he felt that there was a fluctuation of the fire elemental force in the stone.

He could not be sure that this stone was a valuable antique or treasure, but the fluctuation of the elemental force was obviously abnormal.

According to Li Xuan's previous experience, he had only felt similar breath in natural treasures.

Of course, the fluctuation of the elemental force in this stone was much weaker than that of natural treasures.

But if it was only five taels of silver, Li Xuan felt that he would not suffer too much, so he wanted Princess Ankang to buy it and try it, and then go back to identify it.

If this judgment method is feasible, they can find a reliable way to buy it on Taobao.

In this way, their chances of winning this month's competition will increase greatly.

Seeing that the stall owner was silent, Princess Ankang was too lazy to spend more effort, so she asked Yu'er to pay five taels of silver and took the black stone away.

The stall owner took the silver from Yu'er's hand, and then kept his original posture and guarded his stall.

The transaction was completed, and Princess Ankang was relieved.

She stood up and hugged Li Xuan, and turned around here a few more times, but Li Xuan did not sense a similar breath again.

From this point, Li Xuan also understood that the Taobao stall was not a long-term solution.

There were few valuable things here, and it was unknown how long it would take for a "big prize" to appear.

Not to mention whether they could get the big prize, they could not wait.

The competition only lasted for twenty days, and no one could say for sure whether there would be treasures in the Taobao stall, and how many treasures there would be.

After turning around in this alley, Princess Ankang did not get any more hints from Li Xuan, so she walked out with people.

"Ah Xuan, is this the only stone worth buying?"

After leaving the alley, Princess Ankang asked Li Xuan.

"This is the only special thing I can sense."

Li Xuan wrote honestly on the back of Princess Ankang's hand.

Princess Ankang could not help but show a little regret.

She originally thought it was a good way to get rich, but now it seems that there is really no such simple thing in the world.

"Xiao Cui, are there any other Taobao stalls?"

"Let's go around today."

Xiao Cui nodded: "Okay, Your Highness, I will take you to other places now."

In the following time, several people visited all the Taobao stalls in Xishi.

During this period, Princess Ankang also made several moves under Li Xuan's suggestion and bought a total of five small items.

These things are not large in size, and the prices are all in the range of five taels and ten taels, which does not cost too much.

I just don't know how much these things can actually cost, and I don't know whether they lost or earned money on their first Taobao.

At noon, the group of people who had finished shopping for treasures found a roadside stall in Xishi to fill their stomachs.

While eating, they were also discussing what to do next.

"We have to find a place to identify these things in the afternoon."

"Xiao Cui, do you know a reliable place?"

Princess Ankang asked Xiao Cui.

"There are several antique shops with good reputations in the West Market. You can go there and ask. They said that if you want to sell these things, they should be able to appraise them for free."

It is indeed much more convenient to have Xiao Cui, a local, around.

Otherwise, if they encounter unscrupulous shops, the three little ones will definitely suffer.

After all, this is the first time they have come into contact with the antique business, and they will not avoid these pitfalls at all.

"After appraising the antiques, think of other ways?"

"It seems that Taobao is not as easy to do as I thought at the beginning."

After shopping for a morning, Princess Ankang also understood the reality.

Yu'er saw what Princess Ankang was thinking and asked immediately:

"Do you want to go to the gambling house to take a look?"

Xiao Cui was shocked when she heard this and hurriedly advised:

"Your Highness, the gambling house is not a place where you can make money."

"It's okay if you go there to lose money, but if you make money, especially a lot of money, the people in the gambling house will not let it go."

"Although they can't do anything to your Highness, in the end, at most they will end up in a bad mood. Let's not waste this time."

Hearing this, Princess Ankang said in surprise: "Ah? Can't everyone afford to lose?"

"I just won a few tens of thousands of taels of silver, and then I don't win anymore, is that okay?"

Xiao Cui blinked, wondering if she had heard it wrong.

In the past, Yu'er was responsible for the expenses of Jingyang Palace alone. Princess Ankang didn't have much concept of money. In addition, she just counted the house deeds worth hundreds of thousands of taels of silver, which made her feel that tens of thousands of taels of silver were not a big loss for the gambling house.

Seeing that Princess Ankang was genuinely confused, Xiao Cui immediately explained:

"Your Highness, let alone tens of thousands of taels, even a few thousand taels would cost the gambling houses their lives."

"People open gambling houses to make money. They are not really gambling with you, but, but..."

Xiao Cui thought for a long time before finally coming up with a more appropriate statement:

"It is providing an entertainment service."

"As far as I know, it is difficult to win the gambling house itself. Their dealers are all gambling masters trained by themselves."

"If there is an accident and a customer wins money, they will also invite you to have tea, and then force you to make friends regardless of whether you are willing or not."

"Anyway, if you want to make money from the gambling house, this thing is more unreliable than Taobao."

"The gambling house offers Pixiu, which only goes in and never goes out."

After hearing this, Princess Ankang immediately pulled a long face in displeasure.

"Ah, why is that?"

"It's really not easy to make a little money."

Princess Ankang rested her chin on the dining table, looking listless.

Yu'er smiled and comforted him, "Your Highness, don't be too anxious. It's only the first day. You will come up with a good idea."

"Well, I hope so."

After eating and drinking, the few people went to antique shops to identify the treasures they found in the morning.

But after visiting several shops, the results of the identification were all worthless, all five items were like this.

At first, Li Xuan was a little skeptical, but the antique shops recommended by Xiao Cui all said the same thing.

"Ah Xuan, it doesn't seem to work?"

Princess Ankang glanced at Li Xuan with her eyes, which made Li Xuan angry. He swept his tail towards her palm and put all the five things he picked into the Emperor Hong bone ring.

"There are fluctuations of heaven and earth elemental forces of various attributes on it, it is definitely not an ordinary object."

"These antique shop owners don't even have this kind of vision, and they dare to open their doors to do business!"

Seeing that Li Xuan was angry, Princess Ankang nodded repeatedly:

"That's right, they are all blind."

Then, Princess Ankang instructed Li Xuan:

"Ah Xuan, you should keep these treasures well for now, but don't lose them. We will find someone who will appreciate them in the future and sell them at a high price."

"This is our first time doing business, we must not lose money!"

"We will take it first, as long as we sell it at a price not lower than the purchase price, then we will not lose money."

Princess Ankang obviously has a lot of insights into business.

Li Xuan also echoed and nodded repeatedly.

Yu'er and Xiao Cui looked at each other, silently pursed their lips, and secretly held back their laughter.

Xiao Cui was originally worried that Princess Ankang would be angry.

After all, this unreliable Taobao idea was proposed by her grandfather.

But seeing how Princess Ankang and Li Xuan were studying business now, Xiao Cui felt that she was worrying too much.

Princess Ankang's stable mood made Xiao Cui more determined to follow her.

"Who wouldn't want such a stable master?"

But at this moment, Yu'er suddenly pointed forward:

"Your Highness, look."

Everyone looked in the direction Yu'er pointed, and saw a familiar figure.

"Hey, isn't that the fourth prince?"

Not far away, the fourth prince walked into a store with two attendants, and it seemed that he was also here to do business.

Princess Ankang's eyes lit up immediately.

She knew that the fourth prince was a smart man, and they were just worrying about what business to do right now, so why not take a look?

Princess Ankang looked silently at Li Xuan in her arms, and Li Xuan just looked up at her.

The man and the cat looked at each other, and smiled at the same time, obviously thinking of the same thing.


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