
"From now on, you will be my, Wang Suyue's."

"You need to stay safe inside and don't cause trouble outside."


Wang Suyue imitated her mother's behavior at home and gave her first lecture to the servants she selected.

She chooses people with good personalities and who usually treat her better.

Of course, except Liang Chuchu.


“The words of a talented person must be kept in mind.”

The attendants replied neatly.

Wang Suyue nodded with satisfaction, then walked to the palace maid at the end, raised her eyebrows and asked: "Liang Chuchu, what did you say? Why didn't I hear you clearly?"

After not seeing each other for a while, Liang Chuchu felt a lot more haggard.

But the delicate and savage energy in her bones can no longer be seen.

She lowered her eyebrows and showed no grievance in the face of Wang Suyue's deliberate difficulty.

She also answered just now, and her voice was no softer than the others.

But now she is a slave and Wang Suyue is the master.

She could no longer retort like before.

“The words of a talented person must be kept in mind.”

Liang Chuchu repeated loudly and knelt down to apologize directly.

"My slave is quiet, please forgive me."

Liang Chuchu's forehead was pressed against the dust on the ground, feeling humble to the extreme.

But during the whole process, her expression didn't waver at all.

She seems to have really adapted to being a humble palace maid.

The once high-ranking official lady may have died long ago.

Seeing that the enemy she had not dealt with since childhood was now humbly bowing her head in front of her, Wang Suyue felt sour in her heart and her eyes were slightly red.

She would rather Liang Chuchu talk back to her than see her like this.

But fate is such a trick, maybe Wang Suyue will never see Liang Chuchu in her memory again.

Maybe it’s a woman’s sensibility.

Or maybe she felt that Liang Chuchu's experience was not that far away from her.

The two came from equally prominent families, were of similar age, and entered the palace at the same time.

But one is lying on the ground humbly, and the other is standing proudly in front of him.

Even the two parties involved don't know why there is such a difference.

There are thousands of doors and households in the palace. Who can count the kindness of the king?

Wang Suyue thought of her mother who cried and admonished her endlessly the night before she entered the palace.

"As soon as you enter the palace gate, it is as deep as the sea..."

Wang Suyue sighed, feeling disappointed.

I thought I would be so proud after being favored.

But now it seems to be nothing more than that.

"Okay, let's get busy."

Wang Suyue waved her hand, dismissed them, and walked into the house.

She still has court etiquette to learn later and doesn't have much free time.

Li Xuan lay on the wall and witnessed all this, and couldn't help but sigh.

"I don't know how Liang Chuchu feels now?"

"Wang Suyue is also interesting. She actually chose her old enemy as her personal attendant."

In fact, being a valet is much easier than doing chores in Yanqu Palace.

After all, the servants only need to serve one master, while the other maids and eunuchs need to serve all the talented people, and even the powerful father-in-law.

As for the reason why Wang Suyue chose Liang Chuchu as her personal attendant, Li Xuan felt that there must be a lot of sympathy in it.

"Wang Suyue seems to have a carefree personality, but she has a good nature."

Li Xuan sighed casually and went to find Deng Weixian.

This villa is not small, so he also took the opportunity to recognize the way and see where Xiao Dengzi's new home was.

Now that the turmoil has gradually subsided, things have gone as Deng Weixian's godfather planned, and Deng Weixian has successfully become Wang Suyue's personal attendant.

I just don't know what his next step is.

This time Li Xuan watched the whole show, but only took action once in the fire scene, saving Xiao Dengzi's life.

Although he made key shots, he still fished too much throughout the game.

But it's no wonder that Li Xuan didn't really have many opportunities to perform.

Recently, he has been practicing Wang's Military Style Boxing that he learned from Wang Suyue every day. Although his progress is not slow, it is really boring.

Li Xuan urgently needs advanced skills, and the key lies in Deng Weixian.

There are many people in the Ouchi Imperial Palace who know martial arts, and even all of them are masters.

But Li Xuan didn't dare to peek at these people practicing martial arts.

Regardless of whether someone is as diligent as Deng Weixian, those masters have keen senses. If he encounters some psychopaths or people in a bad mood, he will have to risk his life.

Li Xuan is considered the fastest in the cat world, but he is still not good enough in front of the real masters.

If she encounters someone with some special quirks, Princess Ankang, the shit-sweeper, will be dismissed from office.

Li Xuan recently even tried to secretly learn Wei Chengji's whipping technique.

As a result, I gave up the idea within a day.

Wei Chengji is either busy with the affairs of Yanqu Palace every day, or the cat doesn't go out and doesn't know what he is doing inside.

I haven't seen him practicing all day long. Compared with Deng Weixian, this man is extremely lazy.

As for climbing through Wei Chengji's window, Li Xuan didn't dare yet, so he had to give up for now.

Now Deng Weixian is his best learning partner. Not only is he the same level as one person and one cat, but he also has his godfather as his best learning resource.

Therefore, even if Li Xuan doesn't care about Yu'er's face, he must protect little Dengzi.

"Little Dengzi performed well and successfully became Wang Suyue's personal attendant. I'm afraid my godfather will come to express my condolences soon."

With Li Xuan thinking like this, he kept a close eye on Deng Weixian, for fear that his godfather would come to teach him his skills while he was away.

Waiting until night, the godfather finally appeared in front of Deng Weixian's new home.

After Deng Weixian followed Wang Suyue this time, his treatment also increased accordingly.

He lived in a remote courtyard because he was the only eunuch and he was the only one here.

The new yard is smaller than the previous one, but there are no neighbors and there is less risk of being disturbed.

Thanks to Wei Chengji who gave Wang Suyue the largest annex in Yanqu Palace, otherwise Deng Weixian would not have had such treatment.

"The child has met his godfather!"

Having not said hello for a long time, Deng Weixian couldn't help but look a little excited.

Li Xuan, who was spying secretly, also looked at the figure under the dark cloak seriously.

"It looks like it. It's so similar."

He recalled the situation of the past few days, and the suspicion in his heart was gradually confirmed.

Li Xuan felt that he had guessed the true identity of Deng Weixian's godfather.

The first time I met this person was on the night when Deng Weixian came to see Yu'er.

At that time, Deng Weixian's godfather patted him on the shoulder, revealing his palm and one sleeve.

The sleeves that Li Xuan caught a glimpse of were seen again a few days ago.

And based on that person's status, I'm afraid no one else in the palace will ever wear such gorgeous floral clothes.

That’s right!

Li Xuan guessed that Deng Weixian's godfather was probably Zhao Feng, the top eunuch in the palace and the director of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

The sleeves of their colorful clothes are exactly the same, and coupled with Zhao Feng's attitude of helping Deng Weixian at that time, there should be no mistake.

Thinking that Deng Weixian had hugged such a thigh, Li Xuan almost smiled crookedly.

"Yu'er, your brother is going to have a big future!"

Thanks to "Black Sky Tribulation" for your reward support.

Thanks to "Looking for Scholars' Heart", "Cangshui Chair Lean Railing", and "Book Friends 20200412135008814" for their monthly support.

Bai Miao wishes everyone can hold "thick thighs" in the future!


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