
The godfather nodded, looked at the yard where Deng Weixian lives now, and then continued:

"You did a good job this time. Although there were some twists and turns, judging from the results, you still successfully completed the task I gave you."

This familiar deep voice made Li Xuan more and more certain about his guess.

It's just that he doesn't understand. What does this old man want?

In the palace, Zhao Feng was already inferior to one person and superior to ten thousand people.

If you go further...

Li Xuan shook his head, not daring to continue thinking about it.

"No way?"

"You're so old and you still love to mess around..."

But the next words immediately interrupted Li Xuan's random thoughts.

"You have been in the blood coagulation realm for quite some time now. Your aura has consolidated the realm."

"I will teach you how to break through to the next level."

Li Xuan immediately put up his little hands, changed to a comfortable position and lay down, and began to listen carefully.

Deng Weixian was the same, his eyes immediately lit up and he was very interested.

One person and one cat are both good children who love to learn. They are naturally very excited when they have new knowledge points to learn.

Deng Weixian's godfather pondered for a moment and then spoke: "The eighth level is also called the physical strength state."

"Just from the name, you can tell that it is a process of physical exertion."

"Strengthening the body requires using the power of Qi and blood in the body, supplemented by various exercises to strengthen one's physical body."

"You have to be mentally prepared in advance. This process will not be as easy as breaking through the blood coagulation realm."

"No matter how talented you are, you have to endure the hardships you deserve, and it is time-consuming and labor-intensive."

"So this physical strengthening state is also one of the most time-consuming states."

“It’s completely normal after so many years.”

When Deng Weixian's godfather said this, he paused for a moment to give Deng Weixian time to digest.

Deng Weixian's expression couldn't help but be a little solemn, but he didn't hesitate.

"Godfather, no matter how difficult or dangerous the road ahead is, I will always give it a try. No matter what the outcome is, I will never regret it."

"Good boy."

The godfather smiled and praised.

Li Xuan secretly nodded.

That's what Xiao Dengzi is good at. He never stretches his hips at critical moments.

"Next, I'll teach you a technique. If you practice it carefully, you can take a step towards strengthening your body."

"I taught you the Ten Tiger Forms and the Blood-Slaying Tiger Claws before."

"These two exercises actually correspond to two major categories in martial arts."

“One is mainly about strengthening the body and consolidating the foundation.”

"The other is mainly focused on attacking and killing the enemy, or defending against the enemy."

"Of course, there are also techniques that take care of both."

"Although the Ten Forms of the Tiger Form is a basic technique, it possesses both attributes."

Deng Weixian seemed to understand. After all, he had seen very little martial arts and could only understand it from the two techniques he had learned.

But Li Xuan understood it faster.

"Isn't it the difference between active skills and passive skills?"

"Active skills are released against enemies, and passive skills improve attributes."

After all, he had played many games before and quickly understood the difference.

As for what the godfather said about taking into account both attributes, it should be similar to a skill that not only increases basic attributes, but also can be used against the enemy as a rare skill.

"I didn't expect that Xiao Dengzi and I were learning high-end goods right from the start."

But after talking for a long time, Deng Weixian's godfather showed no intention of demonstrating in person, which made Li Xuan a little impatient.

What he did next made Li Xuan feel even more chilled.

Deng Weixian's godfather took out a secret book and handed it to Deng Weixian.

"Take this secret book of 'Bronze Head and Iron Arm' carefully and practice according to it. If you have anything you don't understand, you can ask me."


Li Xuan was confused, he didn't expect it to develop like this.

"Are you really not going to demonstrate it yourself and teach me step by step?"

He was still a little reluctant, but seeing that Deng Weixian had already read the secret book and Deng Weixian's godfather was waiting quietly, he could only accept his fate.

"Forget it, the worst thing is to watch Xiao Dengzi's practice and then imitate his movements."

"It's good enough to see if the difference in progress is caused by the difference in the person passing on the skills."

Of course Li Xuan himself wanted to learn the version of Deng Weixian's godfather, because he felt that perhaps the proficiency of the person teaching the technique was the main reason for the previous difference in progress.

You can make a lot of progress from the beginning, which is still very enjoyable.

In particular, Deng Weixian's godfather said that the process of strengthening his body was very slow and required a lot of hardship.

But now, Li Xuan doesn't have to be picky.

Deng Wei first looked at the secret book, and then began to try to practice.

He stood up, and then maintained a half-crouched posture in an ugly posture.

Then you saw his face turn rosy and his breathing began to slow down rhythmically.

"When breathing in and out, you should breathe deeply, extend the time as much as possible, and then slowly mobilize the qi and blood in the body."

"The breath of ice must also be mobilized together and gathered in the strengthened parts."

Deng Weixian's godfather would give a few words of advice from time to time.

Seeing this, Li Xuan realized that this technique was indeed difficult to demonstrate.

You can't see these details just by looking at them. On the contrary, giving guidance in practice is more efficient.

Li Xuan hid in the dark and carefully watched every detail, for fear of omissions.

He is now a little worried about whether he can learn this skill just by looking at it this way.

He couldn't figure out Deng Weixian's specific method of breathing and mobilizing the power of Qi and blood at this time.

Breathe in and out, and nourish the essence throughout the body.

Deng Weixian was doing such a thing at this time.

And as he followed his godfather's instructions and mobilized the power of qi and blood in his body, his forehead and arms began to tremble slightly, as if there were earthworms crawling underneath.

"If you can't learn it by just reading, you have to find a way to read the secret book."

Li Xuan was already prepared for the worst.

It is true that Deng Weixian made too little noise in practicing this skill. Who knows if his talent can be recognized.

Deng Weixian kept moving and closed his eyes to breathe.

Under his mobilization, the power of qi and blood continued to squirm between his forehead and arms.

In just a short while, he was covered in sweat and his whole body was steaming.

Deng Weixian's face gradually turned pale and his figure began to shake.

Suddenly his feet gave way and he was about to fall backwards.

Fortunately, Deng Weixian's godfather had anticipated this and reached out to support him.

"Mobilizing the power of Qi and blood to strengthen the body is not a simple matter. It is already remarkable that you can persist for so long for the first time."

Looking at the pale-faced Deng Weixian, his godfather couldn't help but encourage him.

Deng Weixian turned pale, partly because of excessive consumption, and partly because of too much shock.

Because he felt that his persistence was too short.

The total time before and after may not even be enough for sixty breaths.

Compared with his expectations, this was really far behind.

Deng Weixian's godfather could naturally see what he was thinking, otherwise he wouldn't have been so comforting before.

He could also understand Deng Weixian's thoughts.

He was constantly praised as a genius before, and it was easy to break through the ninth level.

Even though he had been vaccinated in advance, Deng Weixian still had high expectations for himself.

But as the reality is far different from his expectations, he will naturally feel very shocked.

"Sit down, we can't rush this matter."

Deng Weixian's godfather pointed to the stone bench beside him and said this.

He reached out and began to massage several acupuncture points on Deng Weixian's arms and head.

"Remember my current technique and massage like this after practicing in the future to reduce fatigue and promote the recovery of qi and blood."

"Using heavenly materials and earthly treasures in the body-strengthening realm will greatly reduce the effect of strengthening your body. You need to use your own energy and blood to strengthen your body."

"This process will also make your qi and blood stronger and stronger, and your control will become more skillful."

"This is why breaking through to the physical strength realm is the most time-consuming and laborious."

After the massage, Deng Weixian's face looked much better.

The godfather stood up slowly and reminded Deng Weixian again: "There is no Linhu essence and blood this time. Apart from your own efforts, only this massage technique can help you practice faster."

Deng Wei stood up first, exhaled a breath, and then saluted respectfully: "My child understands."

Deng Weixian's godfather nodded with satisfaction: "Practice hard and I'll come see you in a few days."

After saying that, he left here.

[Copper head and iron arm: 0%]

A message flashed in his mind, but Li Xuan couldn't be happy.

The massage techniques used by Deng Weixian's godfather just now seemed to be based on various acupuncture points on the human body.

He looked down at his cute little cat paws and the pink and tender flesh pads on them, and couldn't help but thought in annoyance:

"Oh, what are you doing~~~"

Thanks to "Xianyu ah Xianyu biu" for the reward support.

Thanks to "Thought 532" and "I Am Friends" for their monthly support.

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