Ouchi Cat Controlling, starting with the Ten Tiger Forms!

Chapter 76 Just take a nap and it’ll be fine

Li Xuansheng sat helplessly on Princess Ankang's bed, sighing.

He successfully acquired the "Bronze Head and Iron Arm" technique. Although the progress started from scratch, the method of practice was already in his mind.

He was previously worried that he wouldn't be able to see the details and understand it smoothly, but he was overthinking it.

It's just that he is depressed now, mainly because he can't use the massage technique.

After all, Li Xuan is a cat, and his body structure is very different from that of humans.

The physiques of humans and cats cannot be generalized, and naturally those acupuncture points cannot be found on his body.

In other words, he has one less method than Deng Weixian to speed up the recovery of qi and blood in his body.

In this way, Deng Weixian can practice more times than Li Xuan.

Over time, the gap in efficiency will be very large.

After he returned to Jingyang Palace, he tried to practice this "bronze head and iron arm" technique once.

This technique not only has a simple name, but its effects are equally simple.

It is to increase the strength of the head and two arms, and practice it to a high and deep level, and even become invulnerable by relying solely on the strength of the physical body.

However, in the process of strengthening the physical body, the consumption of energy and blood is indeed very large.

Li Xuan persisted slightly longer than Deng Weixian, probably nearly a hundred breaths.

I don't know if it's because his energy and blood are stronger, or because his body is much smaller than that of humans.

Although his body is much smaller than Deng Weixian, Deng Weixian only needs to train two arms, while Li Xuan needs to train six limbs.

Because he accidentally discovered that in addition to his four claws, his tail could also be strengthened using the training method of copper head and iron arm.

As for Article 6...

Regarding the privacy of kittens, I won’t expand on it here.

After all, this is a wonderful thing that neither Deng Weixian nor his godfather can understand. Telling it will only make others sad.

Maybe this is why the physiques of humans and cats cannot be generalized.

Although Li Xuan was unable to use massage techniques to help him practice, he was surprisingly able to use this technique to strengthen more parts of his body.

From a certain perspective, it can be regarded as misfortune and blessing, and blessing as misfortune.

It's just that the progress of this practice has been slowed down a lot. Li Xuan practiced it once, but only improved by two points. Moreover, the power of energy and blood was consumed a lot. If he waited for it to fully recover on his own, it would probably take at least twelve hours.

In other words, he can practice the Bronze Head and Iron Arm technique at most once a day.

It takes more than a month to fully practice this skill.

"Well, Deng Weixian's godfather is right. It's hard to break through the physical strength realm."

Li Xuan worked hard for a long time and gradually felt tired. He hugged Princess Ankang's little head and fell asleep.

Princess Ankang, who was sleeping, suddenly felt a warmth in her head. She chirped twice and murmured something, and she fell asleep more and more deeply.

"Ah chirp——"

Princess Ankang sneezed heavily and looked listless.

Li Xuan, who was lying in her arms, was also startled.

Get up and see what's wrong with this girl.

After getting up today, she sneezed from time to time.

It's just that the weather is getting warmer, so you shouldn't be catching a cold, right?

But Princess Ankang was frail and sick, so Li Xuan didn't dare to be careless. He leaned close to her face, put a paw on her forehead, and felt the temperature.

"I don't have a fever, but I feel a little cooler than usual."

Li Xuan meowed at Princess Ankang with some concern.

"It's okay, A-Xuan."

"I didn't catch a cold, I just felt a little tired."

"Let's go to bed and lie down for a while."

Princess Ankang pushed the wheelchair by herself and wanted to go back to the house to rest. However, she was even more unwell today and could not even push the wheelchair.

Li Xuan saw that this was not possible, so he jumped down and pushed the wheelchair.


Princess Ankang didn't know what Li Xuan was going to do, but the next moment she felt the wheelchair under her butt move on its own.

"Sister Yu'er?"

She thought it was Yu'er who was coming, but when she looked back, she saw nothing.

"Hey, what's going on?"

The wheelchair was pushed faster and faster, and Princess Ankang couldn't help but hold on to the armrests.

She just didn't see below, where there was a little kitten pushing a wheelchair hard.

If such a touching scene were seen by anyone, I'm afraid the man and woman would burst into tears.

But Li Xuan had no intention of moving Daxing, he just wanted to push Princess Ankang back to the house to rest.

Princess Ankang would have symptoms like this from time to time. Her body would be cold, listless, she would have no appetite for food, and she would be even sicker than usual.

In the past, Li Xuan and Yu'er only thought it was because of her poor health.

But after absorbing the special chill in Princess Ankang's body last time, Li Xuan had different ideas.

"Perhaps Ankang's repeated discomfort is related to the chill in her Dantian?"

Li Xuan didn't care about anything else and pushed Princess Ankang to the bed in a hurry.

Princess Ankang couldn't help being surprised when she saw the fast-moving wheelchair stopping steadily beside the bed.

But the next moment, she saw Li Xuan jumping on the bed, patting the bed towards her, and meowing anxiously.

Princess Ankang understood immediately.

"Axuan, were you pushing the wheelchair just now?"

"You are so strong."

Seeing that Princess Ankang's face was pale and she was thinking nonsense, Li Xuan couldn't help but urge her more urgently.

"Oops, got it."

"Axuan, don't rush me."

Although Princess Ankang said this, her movements were still slow, like a little sloth.

She pressed her hands on the edge of the bed, then pushed hard and rolled onto the bed.


"Axuan, what do you think of my skills?"

Li Xuan rolled his eyes, gave her a meow punch to tell her to be more honest, and then took the quilt and covered her with it.

Princess Ankang was not honest even after being punched by Miao Miao. She huddled in the bed with only her head exposed, looking at Li Xuan and laughing non-stop.

"Axuan, I'm fine."

"Just get some sleep."

Princess Ankang has been so sick since she was sensible, so she can naturally sense other people's concerns about her.

Even at this point, she was more sensitive than anyone else.

Li Xuan saw that Princess Ankang was lying down and stopped meowing. He leaned over and rubbed her gently with his head, and also licked her hair.

"Axuan, please go out and play for a while."

"Later, when I wake up, I'll come find you again..."

Princess Ankang said in a daze, her eyelids gradually became heavy and she could no longer open them.

When she was feeling uncomfortable, only sleeping could make her feel better.

Over the years, this has become common sense to Princess Ankang.

"When you feel uncomfortable, just take a nap and it will feel better."

Princess Ankang remembered that Concubine Xiao often said this to herself when she was still alive.

It's just that she still doesn't quite understand why her mother always sheds tears silently when she says this.

She used to think that her mother was feeling sorry for her and she was feeling uncomfortable.

But now that I think about it, my mother seemed to have cried too sadly.


Princess Ankang fell asleep in a daze, mumbling to herself, which gradually became indistinguishable.

Thanks to the monthly votes of "Remnant Dreams and the Bloody Sun", "My Name is the King of the Mountain", "Wonderful Violet", "Book Friends 20180729215218375", and "Book Friends 20220901145932582".

The Princess Ankang you want is here.


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