Our Bonds

Chapter 10 - 9

The whole naval base was in chaos this morning. All the girls were talking about the bright light which appeared last night. Rumours of how it was a new abyssal or that a new enemy has entered our area have been scaring them. Not surprising that they would think that. Anyone would speculate about the situation. I spent the whole time thinking about the light that I couldn't sleep.

Even HQ was in chaos. Other Naval bases are sending in reports and questions regarding the light. Argh... I got a feeling that there is going to be more work.

The light appeared closer to Yokosuka Naval District, our HQ. So they are sending in a Combined Task Force to investigate. A little overkill, I would say, but better to be save than sorry. HQ also issued an order to sortie an investigation team to check the every area. I have been assigned to the Northern Area. The investigation will take place from morning 1000 hours to 1900 hours, a whole day. Taking into account of a possible encounter, Zuihou, Souryuu, Haruna, Shigure, Murasame and Yahagi will be deployed. Houshou, Akagi, Fusou, Yamashiro, Shimakaze and Maya will be on deployed as an escort fleet and assist in any retreats.

During the briefing, all of them were anxious. Can't blame them, since they are confused as well. Normally I would relay orders through Ooyodo. This time, I will personally direct orders to them.

"Investigation fleet 1 has been deployed! Investigation Fleet 2 beginning deployment!" (Ooyodo)

"Fleet 2, keep a distance from fleet 1 and maintain speed. That means you Shimakaze. Don't speed off on your own now! Make sure not to clash with fleet 1.

"How mean!" (Shimakaze)

"Flagship Yahagi of fleet 1 reporting. No enemies in sight en route to our operation area." (Yahagi)

"How about planes?"

"No abnormalities at the moment." (Souryuu)

"Lets hope it continues like this. Carriers, rotate your planes and keep an bird's-eye view of the area. Avoid any abyssal planes at all cost."

"Roger!" (All)

With the the new display monitor, microphone and speaker, I was able to observe communicate with the fleet. Unlike previous communication arrays, where you can only observe and make short and simple order like retreat or advance, this gives me a larger degree of freedom over the field.

"Flagship Houshou of fleet 2 reporting! We have spotted an small Abyssal fleet west of our location. 2 Destroyer Ro-class and 1 Light Cruiser He-class. Should we engage?" (Houshou)

A small abyssal patrol. Regardless, the main plan is avoid any abyssal fleet if possible until we reach the Northern Area.

"Have they spotted you?"

"No. Our planes spotted them first." (Houshou)

"Do not engage. Stay as far away as possible."

"Roger!" (Houshou)

"Flagship Yahagi of fleet 1 reporting! We have entered the operation area. What are your orders?" (Yahagi)

"First, investigate the Moray Seas, then Kiss Island, followed by Alfonsino. Lastly, comb the waters in this area. Fleet 2, follow the exact same route. Note for anything out of the ordinary including abyssal behavior. Most importantly, do not engage the any enemies. If you get spotted, don't give them a chance to react. Eliminate them immediately. If that's not possible, retreat. Our main goal is just investigation. Let's make this quick so we can go home."

"Yes!" (All)

I watched as both fleets follow the investigation route. So far nothing really worth of noting. Though there is one thing that concern me- the lack of Abyssal fleet in the area. Normally at least one Abyssal fleet would attack us once we enter the area. This time, there are none. Either they went into hiding or something, or someone, took them all out prior to our start. Hopefully it's the former. The girls seem to notice this too, since they are starting to widen their aerial detection area.

"This is really weird. Not a single Abyssal in sight." (Murasame)

"Don't let your guard down. the enemy might still be around. Kiss Island is cleared. Proceeding to Alfonsino." (Yahagi)

"That's weird." (Souryuu)

"Souryuu-senpai, what's wrong?"

"There seems to be some interference with my planes." (Souryuu

"Interference? Can the Abyssals do that?" (Murasame)

"No that's impossible. They're not capable of doing that. Their planes can only-" (Zuihou)

Before Zuihou could finish, Souryuu eyes widened and pointed towards the sky.

"Enemy planes discovered! Incoming from port" (Souryuu)

Shit! The enemy was here!

"Fleet 1, prepare for Anti-air Battle. Find an opening and get the hell out of there! Fleet 2, secure an escape route!"

"Houshou of Fleet 2 reporting! Roger!" (Houshou)

On screen, I could see enemy planes. Unlike Abyssal planes, those look like our Zero Fighters. The enemy air fleet looks like it consists of fighters and bombers.

"Enemy fleet spotted!" (Shigure)

The worse situation which I didn't want to happen, actually happened.

Behind the enemy air fleet, six silhouettes in a double-lime formation can be seen. As they approached closer, their appearance can be figured out. All six of them look like shipgirls.

Starting from the back, one of them have four large cannons. She wore a short white dress that nearly exposed her sensitive parts. Her white long hair which covered her left eye reminds me of an Abyssal Princess, I can't remember which one.

The next one wore a white top, which resembles a naval uniform, black skirt, black overcoat and a sailor cap. She had a large, long object which resembles a flight deck attached to her waist and wields a large black bow. An eagle can be seen circling around her.

The one on her right was a busty lady clad in a white dress and wore a white sun hat. All she has was a large, black flight deck attached to her top of her skirt. I'm assuming the ones with the flight deck are carriers while the other one is a batteship

The ones in front were not any less peculiar. The middle one was dressed as a European maid. Attached on her back were four platforms branching towards the front. Each platform had a main gun secured onto it.

On her right was a small girl with purple hair. She wore a white blouse with purple striped skirt. One torpedo launcher and one main gun branched out from her back and faced in front. She even wields a spear.

The last one, on the left of the maid, was a girl whose hair had been tied into twintails with rabbit ear attachments. A small smoke stack attach on her back and she carried a searchlight in her hands.

They look unlike anything we encountered. Furthermore, they firepower and technology seems more advanced than ours.

All of the carriers launched their planes. All of their torpedo bombers, dive bombers and fighters were launched, in an effort to intercept the enemy air fleet and damage them. Instead, most of our planes got shot down, with the surviving one barely hitting their target.

"What?! We can't fight like this!" (Haruna)

"Kyaa!!" (Murasame)

Murasame let out a scream after a shell hit her directly. Her clothes were torn and a small fire can be seen on her smoke stack.

"I'm truly put out... Geez.... " (Murasame)

"Murasame, are you all right?" (Shigure)

"It hurts but I can still fight!" (Murasame)

Yahagi, Shigure and and an injured Murasame launched their torpedos. In response, the enemy carried out their own torpedo salvo.

"Girls, look out!"

I screamed into the microphone. Not knowing what our opponents are capable of scares me. I can't shake the fear of my girls sinking because of this. This was supposed to be an investigation, not an one-sided fight.

The torpedos hit. Screams can be heard as smoke feels the air. I couldn't even see what was happening.

"Everyone, status report!"

"Yahagi, light damage." (Yahagi)

"Shigure, medium damage." (Shigure)

"Murasame, heavy damage. Ugh..." (Murasame)

"Haruna, light damage." (Haruna)

"Souryuu, heavy damage." (Souryuu)

"Zuihou, medi- HYAAH!!" (Zuihou)

"Zuihou, what's wrong!? Zuihou come in!"

No response. No way. She couldn't have sunk! There's no way they would have happen.


No. Not now. Calm down. Check the situation first. Zuihou's name hasn't blackened yet. That means she hasn't sunk. Retreat and regroup first. The others are injured. As the smoke cleared, I could see the six enemy shipgirls retreating. Why are retreating? They could have easily won over us. Whatever. Better use this time to escape.

"Fleet 1, retreat now! Fleet 2 carriers, cover their escape by air. Make sure there are no enemy planes following us."

"But Admiral, Zuihou is-" (Haruna)

"I know! But now the enemy is withdrawing. We need to use this time retreat and regroup. She is still alive. I promise I will bring her home."

"...Roger. Fleet 1, retreating as ordered." (Yahagi)

With both fleets on the way back, I got up from the command post. Negative thoughts filled my head. I can't bear to lose another shipgirl. Especially Zuihou. I already lost her once. I don't want the same thing to happen again.

But now, I know she is still alive. The enemy must have captured her or something in the midst of that chaos.


"Yes?" (Ooyodo)

"Assemble a search and rescue fleet. All sh.i.p.s must be fast. I'm going to send her search request to HQ. We are getting our girl back!"

"Yes!" (Ooyodo)

Ooyodo had a determined look on her face. I guess our feelings are mutual.

I promise, no matter what, I will rescue you.

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