Our Bonds

Chapter 11 - 10

It's dark. My body hurts. I can't move my arms and legs. Did I sunk? Is this my end? Aww~ I wanted to live a little longer. There are so many things I wanted to do. So many things I wanted to do with Admiral.

Wait a minute. It feels like something is holding my arms and legs together. I tried to wiggle my arms and felt something rubbing against them.

I'm tied up!

So I didnt sink. Thank god! I'm so glad! But where am I? How long has it been since I'm here?

"<Looks like she is awake>"

"<She really is small and cute>"

<Why her though? The one in black would have been better.>

<You told me to go in and grab one. I chose her since she was about the same size as me.>

I can hear voices, but I can't understand them. English?

<She won't bite me right?>

<I don't think so. She doesn't have the animal ears those Sakura idiots have>

<They don't even bite in the first place>

Did I just hear them say Sakura?

I tried struggling from my restraints, but I can't get out.

<Calm down. Don't struggle too much. You don't want to get rope burn now, do you?>

What are they saying? I can't understand a single thing.

<I'm taking off the blindfold now. Hold still.>

I can feel a hand reach out to my face and behind my head. Light slowly enters my vision as I try to adjust my eyes. I knew it. My hands and feet are bound by ropes. My clothes are torn and I can't find my equipment anywhere. It looks like I'm in some kind of cave. In front of me were 4 girls. I recognize three of them. The one with the bow, the white lady with humongous jugs, how enviable, and the one who used the spear to attack me. They were part of the fleet which attacked us. I don't recognize the last one. Her hair was purple and, like the busty woman, wore a white dress. She is even clutching a unicorn plusher in her hands. What is a child doing here? The four them just stood there staring at me. An overwhelming wave of terror suddenly washed over me.

Why? Why are they scaring me so much? I want to go home! Admiral, save me!

I can feel something wet flow down my cheek. Before I knew it, more came flowing down.

<Ahh! Wait, why are you crying?! I haven't done anything yet!>

<Aww~ Look what you done. You scared her.>

<Shut up! You know I didn't even lay a finger on her!>

<Of course a little girl like her would be scared in this situation!>

The white lady, the spear girl and the archer lady seem to be quarrelling about something. I don't care! I want to get out but I can't move! All I can do is just sit here and tremble in fear.


<Come on, don't cry okay? We are harmless. See?"

I don't know what the archer lady is saying, but she is getting too close to me!!


<Eh?! Did it just got worst?>

<She can't understand you, idiot.>

<I can hear loud crying from outside. What's going on?>

Another one appeared!! This time it's the one in the maid outfit.

<Belfast, help us! Enterprise scared this girl. Now she won't stop crying.>

<I didn't do anything!>


<Stop shouting. you're making it worst. You three have no idea how to treat guests. Even Unicorn is confused.>

<Can we just untie her? I feel kinda bad.>

<Unicorn feels the same too.>

<Yeah. I think that's a good idea.>

<I'll go prepare some tea. Maybe that can calm her down.>

<Go on, Enterprise. Untie her.>

<Why me?>

<If I do it, she might suffocate.>

The archer lady approached me once again ,arms outstretched.

"No!! Stay away from me!!!"

I shut my eyes, bracing for whatever that was going to happen.


Hmm? I don't feel any pain. Instead, my hands are legs feel free. I slowly open my eyes. The ropes tying me hands and feet together have been removed. The white girl with the unicorn doll came and gave me a blanket. Eh? Am I free now? No. They must be up to something This must be a ploy to make me lead them back to the naval base. As much as I want to get out of here, I have to endure. For the sake of everyone else.

<Here's some tissue to wipe your face.>

The spear girl handed me a packet of tissues. I think she asking me to wipe my face. I took a few pieces and blew my nose.

<Did she understood me?>

She had a excited look on her face

<No. Anyone could have guess that was the intention from that.>


<Belfast should know a little Japanese. Maybe we can her to translate for us.>

<That may be good.>

<Unicorn will help too!>

All of them seem excited all of the sudden. What's going to happen?

The four of them led me outside the cave. After passing through some plants, we reached what looks like a hut. In front of it was a a large table and six chairs. They went ahead I took a seat. The girl with the unicorn doll looked at me and pat the seat beside her. I think she is asking me to sit next to her. Once we were all seated, the maid came out with a tea cart. She placed some cakes in the middle of the table, set up the cups and poured some sweet smelling liquid into the cups. It smells like the English tea Kongo used to make before she transfer to Sasebo.

<Careful. It's hot.>

The unicorn girl blew on the the cup before pretending to bring it up to her mouth.

The maid sat across the table, opposite me. She held a bunch of placards.

"Hello, my name is Belfast. What's yours?"

Suddenly the maid spoke in Japanese. So there is someone who I can communicate with.


"Alright Zuihou. I'm going to ask some questions, alright? Just try to answer them. Understood?" (Belfast)

"Where am I?"

"I'll answer your questions later. For now, just answer mine." (Belfast)

Looks like I don't have a choice.

The first picture she showed me was a some kind of logo. It looks like a Cherry Blossom.

"Do you know what is this?" (Belfast)

"A Cherry Blossom?"

"You're not wrong. This is the Sakura Empire emblem. Are you from the Sakura Empire?" (Belfast)

The Sakura Empire? What is that? Sounds like some kind of shady cult.

"No. I'm not."

"Ok. Next. Do you know is this?" (Belfast)

The next picture was some kind of black ship. It reminds me of those large cruise sh.i.p.s. I want to ride one someday.

"A ship?"

"Hmm... ok. Do you know who this lady is?" (Belfast)

The next picture was a lady with in red kimono dress. She has long brown hair and red eyes. The part that really caught my attention was the nine tails on her back. Is she a kitsune?

"A kitsune?"

"Kitsune?" (Belfast)

"Erm... A fox ghost."

I don't know how to explain what a kitsune is to her. Heck, I don't think she fully understands me. This will take a while.

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