Our Bonds

Chapter 102 - 91

"And that concludes my report." (Yahagi)

"Good work. You're dismissed."

On the way back from an expedition, Yahagi's fleet came across several rock formations along the expedition route. It might just be a natural occurrence but this sort of things don't happen overnight. It might a Siren construct for all we know. Furthermore, we pissed them off the previous time. Who knows what revenge plan they have in mind.

"Haa~ Should I draft out another route? Then again, it will take ages for the new route to be approved."

I heard a knock on the door.

"Admiral, It's Ooyodo." (Ooyodo)

"Come in."

Ooyod was carrying a single piece of paper, which is rare, since she usually brings a few folders of doc.u.ments for me to look through and settle.

"HQ just sent us a map and a weird order." (Ooyodo)

She said, while piece me the piece of paper.

"They want us to investigate this area near Ri Lanka. They believe that there is something abnormal going on over there." (Ooyodo)

"Any other information?"

"No.They just sent a message ordering us to sent a small investigation fleet and this map. They even want them to bring some food." (Ooyodo)

That's ignoring the usual protocol. Usually a formal order is sent along with whatever information they have. Sending me a map and a verbal message is rather irresponsible. I can't just sent my girls on a mission with unclear objectives. And why does the investigation fleets need to bring meat? That's the weirdest part.

"Give HQ a reply. Tell them I need more information before I can put together a fleet. And why do we need to bring food?"

"Roger. I will reply them immediately." (Ooyodo)

It was barely even half an hour before Ooyodo returned with a folder.

"Admiral, this is really weird. Firstly, HQ said that the message was sent by a new officer and apologized. They have already warned that officer.

Okay, that explains the weird format.

"However, the order still stands. During an scouting mission, Akagi-san's planes spotted some small animals stranded on an island. The officer then ordered a rescue mission for those animals. That's why we needed to bring some food."

Ooyodo was right. This is really weird.

"So the officer is an animal-lover?"

"I think so. But this is the weird part." (Ooyodo)

There's more?

"The officer who sent that message was from the JSDF. Apparently, she is now assigned here!" (Ooyodo)


A JSDF officer?! Assigned to a naval district?! Wait, hold up. What the hell is going on?

"Did they mention why?"

"This is her profile. 2nd lieutenant Hashimoto Rei. Female. Age, 21 years old." (Ooyodo)

I flipped through the file Ooyodo passed to me. Hashimoto Rei. A medical officer in JSDF. She is younger than me. From the picture attached, she is rather pretty, with emerald eyes and brown hair. According to her profile, she was supposed to be let go but got transferred at the request of IJN. Speaking of which, Hashimoto... Where have I heard that name before?

...Grand Admiral Hashimoto Akihito?! Are they related?

Now it makes some sense. There is no way IJN would request to transfer some JSDF officer over to our side, especially whenwe are clearly at odds with them. If it's family-related, that would be understandable. Why was she let go though?

"Alright. Let's just get the order done and over with. Fubuki, Mutsuki, Yuudachi, Noshiro and Taigei will be sortied. Tell Taigei to fill her basket with some meat and vegetables. No need to cook them, since we will be feeding wild animals."

"Are you sure? I can request a cancellation if you want."

"That's alright. Since they already ordered us to do, we might as well complete it. Anyway, did they mention what's the completion reward?"

"Erm... A furniture fairy."

A furniture fairy just for feeding a bunch of wild animals. Now that's a steal.

"That's great! We feed some animals and get ourselves a rare fairy."

"Got it. I go assemble the fleet."

Now we just need to wait.


"So... What the hell is this?"

The investigation fleet came back... with kittens climbing all over them! 8 to exact.

"They wouldn't let us go." (Noshiro)

"So we had no choice but to bring them back nya." (Mutsuki)

"We used my basket to transport them here." (Taigei)

"I told you to feed them. I didn't mention anything about bringing kittens back."

So the small animals Akagi saw were kittens.

"But they look so pitiful. When we got there, they were all gathered around some bones. We can only assume that was their mother." (Noshiro)

She said with tears in her eyes.

"Oh fine. But we can't keep all of them. Maybe one or two but that's all. We will send the rest to a shelter."

"Eh? But we haven't said anything about keeping them yet poi." (Yuudachi)

"I already know what you girls are going to ask. Besides, look at Mutsuki. Her eyes says it all."

Mutsuki was clearly excited. Her eyes were shining and she is bouncing up and down. It was clear that day what her intentions were.

"Only two of them, alright. We can't afford to take care of all 8."

"Nyaa~~ Thank you, Admiral!" (Mutsuki)

Mutsuki dragged Taigei away to decide which kittens to keep.

Now that's one issue dealt with. The other one...

"Admiral, she is here." (Ooyodo)

That's fast!

I went over to the main gate. There was already a small group of curious destroyers and light cruisers gathering there to meet this strange newcomer.

"Oh my. There are so many of you." (???)

"Eh? Someone new?" (Satsuki)

"That is not a Naval uniform." (Yuubari)

"Oh no. Don't tell me, Admiral is being replaced?!" (Etorafu)

"Ehh?! No way!" (Shiratsuyu)

"Noo! I don't want Admiral to go away!" (Matsuwa)

"W-wait.Dont just cry all of a sudden." (???)

"I'm not going anywhere!"

"Oh, Admiral." (Yuubari )

"You girls speculate too much."

"Admiral!" (Matsu)

Matsuwa, with tears in her eyes, latch onto my leg as I pet her head.

"You are the Admiral of Maizuru Naval District, right?" (???)

Standing in front of us was the young woman which I saw in the picture in a standard army uniform and beret. Her brown hair was tied up into a ponytail. I can't really judge her body shape, since the uniform looks a little baggy for her, but I can see a bulge at her chest area. She is definitely taller than Zuihou, maybe by a full head. That much I can tell. She stood at attention and did a salute.

"2nd Lieutenant Hashimoto Rei! Nice to meet you!" (Rei)

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