Our Bonds

Chapter 103 - 92

"Welcome to Maizuru Naval District. I'm the Admiral of this base."

I felt a chill down my spine as soon as I finished. What is this murderous aura I'm feeling?

I just noticed that black car has been idling outside the gate for a while now. The car windows suddenly opened and I realized where that murderous aura came from.

Sitting in the car, staring at me was Grand Admiral Akihito! He was doing the 'I have my eyes on you' gesture at me.

"Is something wrong, Admiral?" (Rei)

Rei turned around and noticed Grand Admiral Akihito.

"Pa- Father, why are you still here?! Just leave already!" (Rei)

He is her father after all.

"Geez! Sorry, my father does this all the time." (Rei)

"It's okay."

I want to quickly get out of his sight.

"For starters, let's continue this in my office."

Rei followed me back to my office. The other shipgirls wanted to follow but they went to search for Mutsuki after I told them she was deciding on which kittens to keep.

"Those kittens you mentioned, were they the ones from the island?" (Rei)

"Yeah. I take it that you were the one that sent that order?"

"Ahaha. Sorry about that. When I heard Akagi...-san saying that there are some small animals on the island, I couldn't bear to leave them alone." (Rei)

"And you send that order to us?"

"I just pick a random district and send that order. Because of the format, I got scolded by father." (Rei)


This woman doesn't seem like the military type at all. Her mannerism, her way of speaking, she is like high school girl.

"Correct me if I'm wrong. Grand Admiral Akihito appointed you to this district, am I right?"

"Yup. The JSDF wasn't happy with what I did so they came up with two choices, either throw me into the jail or kick me out. It was father who convinced them to transfer me over to IJN instead. He probably gave my Commanding Officer quite a scare to pull this off." (Rei)

I can imagine Akihito just staring down at her CO and threatening to beat the living out of him.

"What did you do to make them want to kick you out? As far as I know, only when you commit serious offense like murder or breeching your contract, you get hurled into detention."

"Well... I'm a medic, right?"

Rei proudly flashed her medic band.

"I spend most of my time in the infirmary, treating whoever comes in. Most of the time, my patients are the new recruits, hoping to get a day off or two. If I'm lucky, I got to treat a hot guy with a sprained ankle or flu. Hey! Don't look at me like that! I'm still a maiden!"

Don't expect me to believe that when you're drooling.

"Anyway, seeing all those man got me all hot and fuzzy. So I caught a young Sergent who came for a sprained ankle. If only I had locked the door. I got caught by a major who came for some hangover medicine. And I was just about to get to the good part." (Rei)

I see. A pervert. This woman is a pervert.

"Wait. You joined the military to..."

"To get a boyfriend, of course. What? Why did you think I join JSDF for? Now, where was I? Oh right. After I was caught, my Commanding Officer wanted to get me sack, saying I was a moral threat to the men there. Can't you believe it? Calling me a moral threat. So rude. Father was the one that convinced him to transfer me over to IJN. After discussing with another young Grand Admiral, I got posted to Maizuru Naval District as a medical officer." (Rei)

That young grand admiral she mentioned is probably Rondo. So he had a part in this as well...

"Did they tell you the reason for choosing this place?"

"The young grand admiral said this was the only district with a sole male. Aren't you a lady killer? Surrounded by so many beauties. And now you have another with you." (Rei)

Rei smirked. Ugh. Why do I have to take care of this nutcase? I tried to keep a straight face.

"Okay. That's enough for self-introductions. Now there's the issue of your room and uniform. Did you bring your belongings?"

"I left it all in my barracks. This was a sudden decision after all. Father said he will bring it for me tomorrow." (Rei)

Well, aren't you a daddy's girl.

"I'll get Ooyodo to give you a tour around the district. I will assign a room for you later. As for you uniform..."

"Now that I look properly, you are kinda cute." (Rei)


While I was busy thinking, Rei was already standing beside me behind the table. When did she-?

"Say, what about me? I may not be experienced but I know the human body more than you think."

"Rei-san? What are you-?"

Rei's uniform top was unbuttoned, revealing a black tank top underneath and... Damn they are huge! They are almost the same size as Atago's.


Rei pushed herself against me. Since I was sitting down, my face got buried in between her enormous chest. I feel my face and other places starting to burn up.

Wow! So soft...

No! Now isn't the time to bask in this. I already have a girl. But... this is somehow comfortable...

"Admiral, look! I finished building my blue Shinden!" (Zuihou)

Zuihou came into the office, proudly showing off the blue Shinden model we bought last week. Oh no. This is the worst situation. I'm still buried in Rei's chest!

"Admiral, who is this woman? What are you doing?" (Zuihou)

She said in a monotonous tone. She is pissed!

I pushed Rei away from me.

"Zuihou, I can explain!"


"Aww... I can't believe you already have a girlfriend." (Rei)

Zuihou took her place on my lap, clinging onto me and staring at Rei. If I hadn't pushed Rei away from me, who knows how she would act.

"That's right! Admiral is mine!" (Zuihou)

I felt a little fuzzy when she said that.

"Hmm... You are pretty childish. You don't even have a chest. I still have an advantage." (Rei)

"Wha-!?" (Zuihou)

"Look at this." (Rei)

Rei did a small jump. Her large tankers bounced up and down a few times before stopping.

"Can you do that?" (Rei)

"nnghh...." (Zuihou)

Rei is obviously trying to provoke Zuihou. If this goes on any longer, there is going to be trouble here.

"Rei-san, I'm Ooyodo. I'll be your guide for today. Please follow me." (Ooyodo)

Ooyodo stood at the door. Nice timing!

"Okay~ You better be on guard. If not, I gonna take him away. See you later, Admiral~" (Rei)

"Just go already!"

Gosh. That woman is an JSDF medic? She is more of a highschool girl. I can't tell if she was serious or just playing around when she said all that.

"But... those were soft."

"..." (Zuihou)

Zuihou was staring at me angrily. Shoot! Did I say that out loud?

"Sorry. Zuihou's are bett-"

"In the end, it all comes down to size. Forget it!" (Zuihou)

Ahhhh. I pissed her off.

Zuihou got off my lap and walked towards the door.

"Zuihou, wait!"

"Admiral, you dummy!" (Zuihou)

She slammed the door behind her. I've done it now. How am I going to fix this?

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