Our Bonds

Chapter 114 - 102

"What are you two doing?"

I was about to go have my lunch in the canteen when I noticed Yuudachi and Shiratsuyu rolling a barrel around. It was the type we use for transport missions and expeditions.

"I'm bored! There's nothing to do." (Shiratsuyu)

"Poi poi!" (Yuudachi)

It has been a week since HQ ordered every district to stop all operations. Although the main reason was to investigate the sudden reappearance of Sirens in Abyssal areas, there hasn't been any updates at all.

"What about going to town?"

"We already did that yesterday poi." (Yuudachi)

"The games in the entertainment room?"

"Playing video games everyday is a little..." (Shiratsuyu)

Ah. I understand. It can be a bit boring after a while.

"I know you girls are bored but how is rolling a barrel around going to change anything?"

"We can try to run on it." (Shiratsuyu)

"That's dangerous so I'm not going to allow it."

"How about digging for clams on the beach poi? (Yuudachi)

"That's more of a punishment than an activity."

"Geez! Then what should we do poi!" (Yuudachi)

They aren't the only one. The other girls are also starting to get restless. They are already starting to run out of things to do.

Then, why not just give them something to do?

"I got an idea. Want to try building something?"

"Building? Like what?" (Shiratsuyu)

"Erm... You know that giant white robot in Odaiba?"

"Oh. That G*ndam?" (Shiratsuyu)

"Poi?" (Yuudachi)

Seems like Yuudachi is a little confused.

"Yeah. How about we make a giant robot on our own?"

"Can we?! That sounds fun poi!" (Yuudachi)

Yuudachi's eyes suddenly beamed up. This should keep everyone busy for a while.

"Right? You can invite everyone to join and help out. Then we can make it a symbol of Maizuru Naval District."

"That sound interesting. I'm in!" (Shiratsuyu)

"Poi!" (Yuudachi)

"But where do we get the materials and tools?" (Shiratsuyu)

"I can ask Akashi to lend you guys the tools. As for materials, we should have a whole lot of old, damaged equipment in the store room."

"You didn't discard them?!" (Shiratsuyu)

"The paperwork is a pain to do."

I think the store room should have five years worth of decommissioned and unrepairable equipment. The paperwork to discard them is troublesome and unimportant anyway. I already check that part with Rondo. HQ won't bother with whatever happens to broken equipment since they are already useless. And besides, the truck that brings the decommissioned equipment to the smelter only come at the end of the year. So there's no point in filling up so many forms everytime I need to decommission a broken equipment. Anyway, Akashi is more than happy to keep them. More scrap metal means more stuff she can tinker around with.

"Anyway, go and tell the others about this. Draw out a blueprint so you all know what to do and show it to me when you are ready."

"Yes! Let's go, Yuudachi!" (Shiratsuyu)

"Poi!" (Yuudachi)

The two sisters ran off to invite others into this robot-making project. This should keep them busy for a while. I better let Akashi know about this in advance.


"Is that so? That sounds interesting♪" (Zuihou)

"You can join them if you want. I mean, isn't it boring to cook Tamagoyaki for me everyday."

Zuihou was in the kitchen, doing what she loves; cooking more Tamagoyaki. She has been doing this for the past week.

"It's fine. I'm doing this because I want to." (Zuihou)

She placed a plate of freshly cooked Tamagoyaki on my table. This time, she added cheese to it. As usual, it was delicious.

"Thank you for the food. It was delicious."

"Eheehee. That's great." (Zuihou)

Zuihou smiled as she sat across me, watching me eat.

"I tried mixing things up a little today. So I wasn't too confident with it." (Zuihou)

"No. It's perfect. Did you add some sort of sauce into it? How did you make it so delicious?"

When Zuihou first started cooking, her food was already amazing despite it being her first time in the kitchen. Right now, she is better than before.

"No. I didn't add any special ingredients. The trick to making delicious Tamagoyaki..." (Zuihou)

Zuihou stood up and walked towards my back. She placed her hands on my shoulders,

"...is to add in love. Admiral, did you know that?" (Zuihou)

She wrapped her hands around me as she said that with a sweet ring in her voice.


I wasn't sure how to respond to that. I was drawn in by her voice.

"Really?" (Zuihou)

Zuihou gave her a peck on my cheek.

"That means... I love you, Admiral. Always~" (Zuihou)

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