Our Bonds

Chapter 118 - 106

This is great. With the help of the battlesh.i.p.s, the foundation and skeleton of the dormitory has already been laid out. At this rate, we might finish the entire outer structure within a week. Afterwards, all that's left are the interior installations. In fact, the whole process might get faster. Some of the girls, mainly destroyers, coastal defense sh.i.p.s and cruisers, who are not scared of the battlesh.i.p.s have volunteered to help with the construction. Since it was getting late, I told them they can start tomorrow. Avrora decided to give South Dakota and the others a tour around the base after dinner. Hopefully they don't scare anyone along the way.

The North Union Dormitory is a rather simple design. A two-story apartment with eight rooms on the second floor, a bathroom, kitchen and miscellaneous room on the first. The dormitory was a small one. It only took up half the plot of land originally assigned to them. Therefore, they wanted to use the remaining plot of land to create a Kolkhoz, which is basically a farm.

There is one thing I'm baffled by. Why do they need eight rooms when there is only six of them?

Anyway, it's been a tiring day. I just want to have a bath and go to sleep. I still need to hand over my daily report though. How troublesome...

"So, mind explaining what got you so riled up this morning?"

Zuihou looked away sheepishly. It was surprising when Zuihou tried to pick a fight with South Dakota just now. Rei informed me that she was staring daggers at South Dakota the entire day too.

"I could totally beat her..." (Zuihou)

"They are not here to fight. So please behave yourself while they are here. In the first place, battlesh.i.p.s don't sink that easily."

"I know that! But the fact that she didn't even flinch and kept moving hurts my pride as an Aircraft Carrier!" (Zuihou)

In one of the battles during the great war, Zuihou's Suisei managed to drop a bomb and blast a hole on South Dakota's main deck. However, she was still able to keep moving forward. Subsequent attacks later didn't even faze her. Thats why South Dakota was nicknamed 'The Strongest Shield'. I only learned this after digging out some old records when i returned from the construction site. Zuihou is pretty bitter about South Dakota. It will be bad if this bitterness turns into a physical confrontation.

"I know you're mad, but please behave yourself."

"Muuu..." (Zuihou)

"For the time being, help with this report. I want to get this done before bedtime."

"Okay~" (Zuihou)


mmmhhh... I have a sudden craving for something sweet.

It's in the middle of the night. Why now? Mamiya will kill me if I attempt to take things from her kitchen again. Maybe the cafeteria has something.

I got out of bed and made my way to the destination.

As I walked along the path to the cafeteria, I can see the battlesh.i.p.s parked in the distance, illuminated by the faint glow of the full moon. Wait, is that a person? On one of the parked battlesh.i.p.s, I can see the silhouette of someone sitting at its bow. I better go check it out. It will be dangerous if it was a curious destroyer messing about. Although, I don't think any of my girls will be that reckless. Never mind, I can already think one or two who might do something crazy.

I reached the port and looked up towards the battleship with person I saw before. There they are, still sitting on the bow of the ship, staring towards the sea.

"Hey! What are you doing there?"

"Hmm?" (???)

Shouting may not have been the best move. The person turned her head and looked towards my direction. I can barely make out who it was.

It was South Dakota.

"Admiral-san? What are you doing here?" (South Dakota)

"I could say the same to you. Can't sleep?"

South Dakota jumped off her ship and landed next to me. Wow. That was almost like a superhero landing.

"Just looking at ocean..." (South Dakota)

South Dakota once again looked towards the sea. She had this solemn expression on her face as she did so.

"Missing home?"

"Mmmm... A little bit, I guess. Laughable, isn't it? A soldier like me holding such feelings... Even though I sworn to be Commander's shield..." (South Dakota)

"It's normal to feel that way."

"Huh?" (South Dakota)

"You guys feel like you were born to fight. That you are weapons. That may be true, but why would a weapon be given feelings? When I was first appointed here, I was shocked to see so many little girls fighting the Abyssals. My first thought was 'These are humanity's last line of defense?' I initially thought I could steel my heart and order them to fight to the death. But I quickly realized, these girls are alive. They like different things, they laugh and cry, they spend each they living life to the fullest. In the end, I couldn't bear to do such a thing. That human form and human-like mindset are so unfair. So I sworn to protect them in my own way. Even if it means lying to my superiors."

"I see. I... don't know what to say..." (South Dakota)

"Anyway, that was all in the past. It's true HQ was ruthless back then, but the new council has decided to treat them as humans. So a happy ending, I guess."

Good thing those money-grabbing pigs are gone. They were the source of suffering in the IJN.

"My point is, it's okay to feel whatever emotion you are feeling now. You may be weapon, but you are also alive. Those emotions are proof."

She just stared at me with a stunned expression. Did I say something wrong? I thought that was the correct thing to say in this situation!

"You and Commander are same..." (South Dakota)


"When I first met commander, I swore to be his shield and fight for the sake of protecting him. Instead, he told me to live how I want. I didn't understood what he said back then, but overtime, I began to understand. I tried to convine myself that these feelings were unnecessary. That I was a weapon. That my sole purpose was to protect Commander even at the cost of my life. Looks like I was wrong. Thank you, Admiral-san. Your words just convinced me otherwise." (South Dakota)

She looks happier now. I think I know what's going on.

"By the way, you haven't answered me yet. What are you doing out here in the middle of the night?" (South Dakota)

"Eh? Umm... Just taking a late night walk."

Can't let her know that I wanted a late-night snack.

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