Our Bonds

Chapter 119 - 106

"Hot..." (Zuihou)

Zuihou plucked at her top.

"It's only May and it's already this hot." (Zuihou)

"Yeah. How about you change into your B form? Wouldn't it be cooler than your current form?"

"But it will take up resources to upgrade my equipment and rigging again." (Zuihou)

"It's not like it will take up that much. Besides, you were the one that changed yourself in the first place."

"I thought I could at least blend in with the surroundings and watch those battlesh.i.p.s from a distance." (Zuihou)

So that's way you were hiding behind the building back then. And no, your camoflage doesn't work that way.

It's almost been a week since construction on the North Union Dorm started. Some of the destroyers and cruisers have joined in after they deemed the Eagle Union battlesh.i.p.s as 'harmless'. Although most of the destroyers were brought by the candy they received. They are also hard at work on their giant robot project. I'm thinking of easing the number of shifts for defending our base since the Siren attacks are starting to die down a little. Usually we see an average of four Siren fleets everyday, but now we have days where there aren't any attacks. About time they gave up.

"Ahhhh! I had it! I'm going to convert back!" (Zuihou)

Zuihou went out of the office. She should be going to the factory, since Akashi is the only one that can fine-tune their equipment and do their fittings.

Seriously though, today's really hot. I wonder how the construction group is doing. Maybe I should check on them.

Yeah... They are not doing too well.

I went to the site to see how they were doing. As I expected, most of them, even the Eagle Union battlesh.i.p.s are feeling lethargic from the heat. Some of them are doing the job sluggish while a few are taking a break from the heat. You know it's hot when the North Union girls have taken off their coats.

"Alright. That's enough! Good job everyone!"

"Hmm? Oh, Admiral-san. When did you arrive?" (Alabama)

"Only just. Anyway, let's stop for the day."

"Eh? But..." (Mustsuki)

"This weather is unbearable. So why don't all of you take a break for the day? And I don't think everyone is in the mood to work."

I glanced at a group of North Union girls, who are sprawled around under the shade of a nearby tree. They look so lifeless.

"With that, I'm treaating everyone here to Mamiya's dessert. Just tell her to put it on my tab."

"Really? Yay!" (Mutsuki)

'Aha~ Yes!" (Agano)

"Mamiya? Oh, that dessert shop." (Arizona)

"I always wanted to try the ice cream there." (Avrora)

As soon as I mentioned about desserts, the North Union girlls perked up.

"Come on, get going. I want to get out of this heat too."

I need to do the same to the ones at the robot site.


It's been a while since Zuihou went to get changed. It's almost evening and she hasn't returned yet. I can only think of one reason for her being this late. Akashi must have got her to test some weird contraption of hers. Either that or she decided to stop by at Mamiya's shop for a snack.

Still, it's a little unusual that she hasn't return by now. Should I check on her? I feel like I have been walking around a little more than usual today.

As I walked to the factory, I felt a tap on my shoulder.

"Здравствуйте! Admiral." (Avrora)

It was Avrora. She looks better now, compared to before when she was under the heat.

"Oh, Avrora. What's up?"

"I just want to thank you for treating to us to such cold and delicious ice cream. Спасибо. <Thank you.>" (Avrora)

"It's no big deal. You girls are part of the district now. Of course I would take of you like my own."

Her face flushed and she squirmed a little. I know that behavior. Zuihou does the same when I tell her that I love her or call her cute. Eh? Did I just trigger a weird flag?

"I-I see. Then, er... What do they usually say? Ah. I will be... in your care from now on..." (Avrora)

Avrora's face become super red after saying that.

"прощание! <Bye>" (Avrora)

And off she ran. I think I really did trigger a weird flag.

I continued walking to the factory. Upon reaching, I called out to Akashi. Although, my target was already in sight.

"Akashi! Are you- Oh..."

"Wahhh~ Cute~" (Zuihou)

Originally, I wanted to ask Akashi about Zuihou. There is no need for that anymore. There she is, on the floor, staring at the aviation fairies doing maintenance on some planes.

"She has been like that after noticing them when I was changing her fittings." (Akashi)

Akashi came up to me, with a wrench in her hand.

"I was wrong to even worry for a second."

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