Our Bonds

Chapter 120 - 107

"Admiral, we are now approaching the signal source." (Zuihou)

"Alright, I have confirmation on the source. It's coming from a JMSDF frigate. You know the drill. Form a defensive perimeter with escort planes while the destroyers search and secure any survivors. After which, wait for the rescue boat."

"Roger!" (All)

Just when we were about to end all activities for the day, Ooyodo picked up a distress signal coming from nearby. Since it was still bright out, I sortied Zuihou, Ryuujou, Suzuya, Yamakaze, Murasame and Suzukaze to check it out. Zuihou's type 2 reconnaissance aircraft gave me a picture of the source, a badly damaged JMSDF frigate. The frigate was badly burned, the stern looks like it could break off any time and was already listing towards starboard at 19 degrees. There are signs of it being pierced by something. It had holes on various parts of the ship and they all looked as though something burnt through them.

I watched as the three light aircraft carriers launched their planes while the destroyers find a way to board the ship and check for survivors. Though, I'm not expecting any.

"This is awful. What did all this?" (Yamakaze)

"This wasn't hit by normal shells, right? Oww! It's still hot." (Murasame)

Murasame recoiled her hand back when she touched a part of the ship. Whatever hit it must have been powerful enough to leave behind such heat. I think I might have an idea on who were the culprits.

"Onee-chan, are you alright?" (Yamakaze)

Yamakaze approached Murasame with a worried look.

"I'm fine. This is nothing." (Murasame)

"Oi~ Anyone home? Oi~" (Suzukaze)

Suzukaze shouted through one of the holes.

"Can you find a way in?"

"S-sorry. Not yet." (Yamakaze)

"No. I don't think we can get in. There is a large hole where the stern is supposed to be, but a lot of debris is blocking the way. And the ship is close to sinking."

"Yeah. If we mess with anything, it might sink it faster. We are not trained in this kind of situation. There's nothing we can do here."

"That can't be. There must be something we can do." (Yamakaze)

"Sorry, but I can't the ship sinking while you girls are searching for survivors in it. I will call for the Coast Guard to send a rescue boat. In the meantime, secure the perimeter and try to stop, or maybe slow, the boat from sinking. Use anything you can find."

"Erm... I don't think we can do that." (Suzuya)

"Why? What's wrong?"

"We got company. Siren Scavengers!" (Ryuujou)

On the radar, six red markers appeared and are approaching at a fast speed. I knew it. This was the work of a Siren fleet.

"Change of plans. All sh.i.p.s, prepare for combat. Prioritise the safety of the vessel and the elimination of the enemy fleet. Don't let them damage it. If you are damaged, fall back."

"Roger!" (All)

"Don't get stuck again, Zuihou." (Suzuya)

"Geez. There won't be a second time." (Zuihou)

The carriers launched their bombers while the destroyers provide secondary fire support. As it was just a small Siren fleet, we won pretty easily.

"All enemies eliminated." (Zuihou)

"Good job. Resume the rescue operation. I'll call the coast guard."

"This is weird." (Rei)

Rei looked at the monitor showing the damaged vessel.

"What is?"

"That was A JMSDF Frigate. It should have weapons similar to what our girls are using. But it got taken out so horribly." (Rei)

"Maybe they attacked it from afar? There are no signs of a fight in the area. Obviously those holes were caused by siren weaponary. Either it was a recent attack, or the attack was so powerful that the ship was still hot."

"I guess, we can't expect any survivors from this." (Rei)

She is right. The damage is so severe, even if the occupants survived the initial onslaught, they would have probably died from the secondary explosions and the surrounding heat.

A little while later, a rescue team from the Coast Guards arrived, so I got my girls to return home. It was already dark out so I told them to be careful. They are not equipped for night battle so it would be dangerous if they got caught by an enemy fleet while I'm the dark. I later received a telegram by the rescue team, informing me that they managed to retrieve the young sailor the twintailed girl told them about from the wreckage. He is suffering from third-degree burns, lost his left lower arm and was showing signs of heat exhaustion. If it weren't for the water being splashed on him, he could have died. The water helped cool the surrounding area and his body down.

Apparently, Murasame told them there was a survivor in there and did some form of treatment? That can't be right. I saw her circling the vessel. It couldn't be the carriers since they were concentratimg on guarding the area. That leaves Suzukaze and Yamakaze. Suzukaze would definitely declare loudly that she found a survivor. That means...

As I was about to figure out who did it, a knock on my door interrupted my train of thought.

"Come in."

The door slowly swung open and Yamakaze walked in.

"Oh, Yamakaze. What's wrong?"

"Erm... Papa... I got a question." (Yamakaze)

"What is it?"

"Has there been any information about that boy?" (Yamakaze)

I knew it. Yamakaze was the one that found him. I guess she was too scared to inform the rescuers so Murasame relayed her message to them.

"So it was you. Well, for now, they managed to retrieve him. He is in a bad condition though."

Yamakaze had a worried expression on her face.

"Don't worry. He is alive. You saved him."

"That's great..." (Yamakaze)

Yamakaze breathed a sigh of relief, before looking confused.

"Eh? M-me?" (Yamakaze)

"Yeah. You splashed water on him, didn't you? That actually helped him survive. You did a good job."

I went over to pet her head.

"I-it was nothing. I just found him, that's all." (Yamakaze)

She is wearing this mellow expression now. This is the first time I have seen her show so much different expressions in such a short time. I want to ask her how she found that sailor but too many questions might scare her away.

"Since you did so well, I will give you a reward. Do you want anything?"

"I-it's fine. I don't... need anything." (Yamakaze)

"Really? Then, I will make sure to pick one when I go to town."

A stuffed toy might be the perfect gift for her.

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