Our Bonds

Chapter 121 - 108

It has been almost been two weeks since construction on the new North Union dormitory started and now, it is almost finished. By tomorrow, we can start on the furnishing and interior renovations. Some of my girls are starting to warm up to Eagle Union battlesh.i.p.s, although the carriers and fusou sisters are still wary of them, especially Zuihou. Both she and South Dakota will always get into heated argument over the smallest things, sometimes even unprovoked. Just yesterday, Zuihou almost wanted to lunged at South Dakota while she was walking along the corridor to the docks. Luckily Shouhou was there to control the situation. Or so I heard. I understand the beef between them, but I was hoping they would get along. Then again, the scars of war can't be healed that easily. At least, not for them.

War... That might be worth a shot. It may backfire though, but the probability is still there. I take a gamble on it.

I grabbed the phone and called Azur Lane. I don't think he is asleep. Even if he is, one of the maids should be able to take my message.

"Hello?" (???)

I never heard this voice before. Must be a new maid.

"Hello. This is the Admiral of Maizuru Naval District. Sorry for calling at this timing but I need to speak to your Commander."

"Umm... Master is... Uhh..." (???)

"Its fine if he can't talk at the mo-"

"Master is currently having a night battle with the flagship!!!" (???)

I didn't need to hear that! What the heck?!

"Sheffield, what's the matter?" (Belfast)

I can hear a familar voice in the background.

"Belfast, what should I do? The Admiral of Maizuru is on the line!" (Sheffield)

At least cover up the mouthpiece. I can hear everything!

"Let me handle it. Good evening, Admiral-san. I am the Head Maid Belfast. What can I do for you?"

Ah. Now this is the type of service I expect.

"I need to inform your commander about something. Please pass this message to him as soon as possible."


"A practice match?" (Zuihou)

"Between battlesh.i.p.s and Aircraft Carriers?" (South Dakota)

I called Zuihou and South Dakota to my office to inform them about what I had in mind. They were staring daggers at each other when they entered. Good thing they didn't start fighting.

This practice match is to give both parties a chance to prove themselves to each other. That's my plan to ensure that we end off on a good note. There is a risk that they might end up being worse than before but this is also the only way they can understand each other.

"Yeah. Since the dormitory is almost finished, I thought why not end things off with a friendly match between the two of you."

"Pardon me. Somehow I can't take you seriously when you are doing that." (South Dakota)


"Ehehehe~~" (Shigure)

"Why is Shigure getting all the attention?" (Zuihou)

Shigure was on my lap, enjoying herself as I squished her cheeks.

"It's her birthday today. I promised to spend time with her today."

I moved from her cheeks to petting her head. She looks extremely happy. In the meantime, Zuihou looked on with envy in her eyes. I'll give her some attention later.

"I plan to conduct this tomorrow. The dormitory is almost finished, right?"

"Yes. We are just left with the roof. We should be able to finish up by evening." (South Dakota)

"Good. Then we can hold it tomorrow. Like before, the Commander is coming to watch."

"I see. Commander is coming to see us." (South Dakota)

South Dakota's expression softened as soon as I mentioned the Azur Lane Commander.

"But I thought we are not allowed to conduct any kind of activities involving going out to the ocean." (Zuihou)

"I got permission to hold this practice match from HQ. As long as we don't stray too far out, we are fine."

Thanks to Lieutenant Commander Rei, we managed to get permission to do this. It was to get her to choose a reward that doesn't involve a date or a kiss. In the end, I got her to settle for a pay raise and a octopus plushy.

"I will give you the details later. That's all."

"Understood. I will take my leave."

They both of them glared at each other before South Dakota left the office.

"Why do I have to fight her?!" (Zuihou)

"It's just you. All the carriers will be in a team. That means Hiryuu and Souryuu too."

"Are you scared?" (Shigure)

"That's not it! It's just that-" (Zuihou)

"Besides, this is a chance to really do some damage to South Dakota. You can make sure your bombers stop her this time."

Sorry, South Dakota. This is the only way to entice her to accept this.

"Umm... That... sounds like a good idea. I can finally beat her." (Zuihou)

Looks like she raring to go into battle. Good. That's all the push I need to give her. Now the both of them have a reason to fight. South Dakota's reason is to show her beloved commander what she is made off... I think. I mean, she had a reaction when I mentioned that the commander is coming. So maybe that's the case. I sort of know that she is in love with the commander. She sort of confessed when I had that talk with her that night.

"Anyway, isn't it time for your shift?"

"Oops. I better get going. I'm off." (Zuihou)

"Have a safe trip."

Zuihou left. She is on the morning shift for the defense fleet today.

"Is this a good idea?" (Shigure)

"To be honest, I'm afraid it may backfire. We might have another situation similar to Zuihou's case last year. But this the only way to get them to acknowledge each other. Especially those two."

"If Admiral says so, then I will support your decision and help as much as I can." (Shigure)

"Heh. Good girl, Shigure. Then, I'm counting on you if anything happens tomorrow."

I stroked the underside of her chin. Shigure lifted her head in response and made a soft sigh. She really enjoys simple things like this.

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