Our Bonds

Chapter 122 - 109

I know I said that we will be having a practice match between our carriers and Azur Lane's battlesh.i.p.s, but that doesn't mean hosting another festival! The entire field and beach is lined with stores selling various food, toys and games. I surprised they could set up this fast. The fairies told me they want to set up some stores this morning. I assumed they would set up maybe less than ten stores, not turn the entire thing into a festival. Most of the stores are being manned by the fairies, with a few being managed by cruisers. Even Fusou and Yamashiro have a store of their own. This is basically a repeat of last year's match.

"Welcome nya! Come and take a gander! We have many exclusive goods!" (???)

I heard a familiar high pitched voice and spotted a green catgirl holding a rather tall sign. Even Akashi from Azur Lane is here!

"Ohh! Admiral-san! Here to buy something?" (Cat Akashi)

"When did you get here?"

"Hehe. As the old saying goes, a cat never misses a chance to do business nya." (Cat Akashi)

"YOu didn't answer my question. And there is no such saying!"

"Meww~" (Tina)

Tina-chan poked her head out from behind Akashi's legs.

"Tina-chan, you are here."

I gently scooped her up in my arms. Tina licked my hand as I cradled her.

"Where's your brother?"

"So that cat belongs to you nya. I don't know why but she keeps following me around." (Cat Akashi)

"Mew~" (Tina)

She probably sees Akashi as her kind. Tina jumped off my arms and ran into the shop.

"Hey! You might be small but that doesn't mean you can mess up my products nya. Nyaa! Don't play with that nya!" (Cat Akashi)

I will leave her to deal with our resident kitten. Now then, there is still some time before the match starts. Might as well take a walk around.

As I weave my way around the crowd of shipgirls n the beach, I noticed something unusual. I don't recognize some of the girls. For example, there is a young blonde girl in blue uniform and white pleated skirt. Parts of her hair is tied up to resemble Shigure's and Yuudachi's 'dogflaps'. Her chest size is rather big compared to her size. She is holding a net as well. Jervis and Gambier Bay are with her, so I guess she is an American ship? Maybe one of the Eagle Union. There is another taller girl whom caught my attention. Her hair was sort of brownish. Her uniform resembles that of Kitakami and Ooi in the Kai ni form, a beige top with green sailor scarf and a green skirt. A orange ribbon extends from her collar to her back, secured in the middle with a bell. And there is also this girl in white coat... Never mind. That's Pamiat Mekuria. I can see some of Azur Lanes girls. They are easily recognisable from a distance with their... unique clothes and the animal-like traits. There are girls from the other districts as well. Ushio, Sazanami, Akebono and Oboro were playing at the ring toss store. Tone and Chikuma were eating a corn dog.

Wait. There are girls from the other districts here too?

"Yo! Long time no see." (???)

I turned around to see who was calling me and got a suprise. It was the Admiral of Brunei Anchorage!

"What are you doing here?"

"Enjoying the festival, of course. I missed the first one." (Brunei)

"Ah! Admiral!" (???)

The blonde girl I saw before ran up to hug him. So she was one of us.

"Are you having fun?" (Brunei)

"Yes!" (???)

"Oh. I guess I should introduce you. This is my wife, Fletcher-chan." (Brunei)

"Nice to meet you. Nameship of the Fletcher-class destroyers, Fletcher, reporting for duty." (Fletcher)

Fletcher... Where have I heard that name before?

"Ohh. So she was the one who you wanted to spend some s.e.xy time in your room."

Fletcher blushed a little and stared at her Admiral.

"Eh? Did I say that?! Wait, I didn't say that!" (Brunei)

"Yeah. At last year's training excercise."

Minus the s.e.xy part...

"Sorry. I need to talk to me Admiral...in private." (Fletcher)

"Eh? Fletcher-chan? Oww! Oww!" (Brunei)

Fletcher dragged her Admiral away by the ear. That looks painful. Now I feel a little bad. Oh well. If he is here, that means the other Admiral's might be present as well. That explains the girls from the other districts. This has really turned into a festival.

"здороваться <Greetings>, Admiral-san." (Avrora)

Avrora walked up to me, with an ice cream cone in her hand.

"This is delicious! It's so cold and creamy!" (Avrora)

She is getting this excited over a normal vanilla soft serve. How cute.

"Admiral-san, want a taste?" (Avrora)

Avrora presented her dessert to me. The top is slightly flattened and a little wet. That's the part she ate, I guess.

"I'm fine. You can enj-"

Wah. She is looking at me with anticipation in her eyes. Does she seriously want me to have a taste? I'm still not used to being fed by others, but I can't say no to that face either.

"Alright. Just a taste."

I took a small bit of the side. It really is just a normal soft serve.

"How is it?" (Avrora)

"Yeah. Delicious."

"I told you." (Avrora)

Avrora continued to enjoy her soft serve. I feel like a fool for being embarrassed before. As I watched her enjoy herself, I felt something gripped my hand, and a small sense of dread.

"I see. It is delicious, isn't it?" (Zuihou)

"Zuihou! When did you show up?"

"Hmm? Ah! здороваться <Greetings>, Zuihou-san. Look! They are selling delicious ice cream over at that store." (Avrora)

"I know that..." (Zuihou)

Eh? Zuihou seems a little down. I thought she was angry a moment ago. Now she looks like a disappointed child.

"What's wrong?"

"Umm... After the match, can we-" (Zuihou)

"Ah! There she is! Oi, Zuihou!" (Suzuya)

Suzuya walked up to us.

"Oops. Am I interrupting something? Sorry, but Zuihou, we need to go now." (Suzuya)

"Eh? It's time already?" (Zuihou)

I took a look at my watch.

"There's still half an hour before the match starts."

"We are having a strategy meeting. Azur Lane got an upgrade last year, right? We need to come up with ways to win. We won last year, and we are definitely not losing to them this year. Come on, lets go." (Suzuya)

"Wai- Suzuya!" (Zuihou)

"Watch us, Admiral!" (Suzuya)

I looked as Suzuya pulled my girlfriend away. Now I feel lonely.

"And they're off." (Avrora)

"Can't be helped. They really want to keep their crown."

"Was it like this last year too?" (Avrora)

"Not really. Wait, how did you know we had a match last year?"

"Fubuki-san told us." (Avrora)

Oh, right.

"Last year was a surprise. The fairies turned the whole event into a festival. Well, at least it keeps the mood up."

"Sounds fun." (Avrora)

"Aren't you having fun now? Look, you got some cream on your cheek."

"Eh?! No way! Where?" (Avrora)

Avrora begin frantically rubbing her cheeks, trying to find and wipe off the bit of ice cream on her face.

"There is still time before the match starts. Want to walk around with me?"

Avrora had a surprised look on her face, before giving me a bright smile.

"Yes! Let's go!" (Avrora)

As we went around the stores, we attracted the attention of the other district girls. While they recognized me as the Admiral of Maizuru, obviously due to the uniform, they were extremely curious about Avrora. She is different from the Russian shipgirls we are used to. Akatsuki is particularly dazzled by her. Know her, she probably sees Avrora as the pinnacle of a lady.

As we were about to go to another store, I heard someone call out to me.

"Commander!" (Asashio)

Asashio ran up to me. She looks worried.

"The match is about to start! We need you there! Fast!" (Asashio)

It's that time already? Now that she mentioned it, I noticed that the crowd is starting to thin out. Everyone is making their way to the port.

"We better get going then."

"Sorry, Avrora-san. The Commander needs to follow me. It's important." (Asashio)

"Eh? What for?"

"That's okay. I will go find my comrades." (Avrora)

Avrora gave a smile, however it was a lonely one.

"Come on! Please hurry!" (Asashio)

We left Avrora as I got pulled along by the small destroyer. However, instead of going to the spectators stand or the command room, I find myself in what looks like a studio.

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