Our Bonds

Chapter 124 - 111

Like Commander said, the group of Suisei bombers went straight at the battlesh.i.p.s. Anticipating such an attack, all of them were shot down by the battlesh.i.p.s AA guns.

"Wasn't that attack a little too small?" (South Dakota)

"Yeah. I thought so too." (North Carolina)

"Either they are running out of planes or they are up to something." (Arizona)

"We best be on guard. I have seen last year's match. They definitely have a few tricks up their sleeves. Especially the white one." (Massachusetts)

"The shrimp? She doesn't look that tough." (South Dakota)

"Ahaha. Right. The both of you can't get along." (North Carolina)

"Hey. She was the one that started it." (South Dakota)

As the battlesh.i.p.s were casually chatting, they continued advancing forward. Their guns are positioned at all angles to cover all bases, with the exception of South Dakota and Alabama, whose guns are positioned at the front. On the other hand, the carriers have stopped their advance as they prepare another wave of attacks. This attack might very well give away their position. They know that.

"Take care of the anti-air guard, too!" (Souryuu)

Souryuu and Shouhou drew their bows and launched a group of bombers. Eh? I thought after launching their planes, they would continue moving towards the east. Instead, they have started advancing towards the battlesh.i.p.s while launching their planes simultenously?! What are they doing?

"Oi oi! What's the meaning of this?"

"This is unexpected. Maizuru carriers are starting to give up the advantage of a long-range attack. What is going on?" (Naka)

"Naka-chan, we don't need that comment. Everyone can see that..."

"I knew it. Those Maizuru carriers all idi- Eeek!!! I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I won't say anything! Commander, save me!" (San Diego)

"Admiral, don't make that face. You are scaring the poor girls." (Commander)

Was it that scary? All I just did was glared at her. She was about to insult my girls again. How can you not expect me to react?

But, really, what are they doing? Like Naka said, they will be losing their long-range advantage if they enter into a direct confrontation. The battlesh.i.p.s may be slow, but they are superior in terms of firepower and armour. A single shell from their 41cm Twin Gun Mount can easily tear through a carrier's armour like paper. Even though the carriers have launched their planes, instead of carrying out air strikes from a distance, the planes seem to be circling around them. As the carrier group was moving at full speed, it didn't take long for the battlesh.i.p.s to notice their advancement. Only then, did they slow down.

"Enemy fleet spotted! Multiple aircrafts detected. They are approaching from 10 o,clock!" (Arizona)

"Why are they coming into range?" (South Dakota)

"No matter. It just makes things easier for us." (North Carolina)

"More turkeys to shoot down." (Alabama)

From where I'm seated, I can see Zuikaku gritting her teeth as Shoukaku tries to calm her down. Kind of keeps me distracted from the what my carriers are actually planning to do.

While direct confrontation is a neccessity in naval warfare, it is absolutely not recommended for a fleet consisting of only cariiers and light carriers, for obvious reasons. If the fleet has a destroyer or crusier, then a direct confrontation is a better idea if the opening air stikes fails to achieve any result. I have no idea what is their strategy and the reason for the unsual plane behaviour.

"Give your all and attack!" (South Dakota)

On South Dakota's command, every gun on each of the battlesh.i.p.s bellowed with a ear-splitting roar as a searing plume of fire burst forward, leaving behind black smoke which quickly dissipated. It was so loud that I heard it twice, one directly from the monitor and another which came moments later.

"This is it! 2ndCarDiv, attack squadron, launch!" (Souryuu)

Souryuu shot her hand out, and the planes that were circling around them went in for an attack. All of those were Souryuu's planes. She launched every one of them?

As soon as Souryuu's planes left, I caught a glimpse of another set emerging and following the same circling pattern. I can't tell who launched them. The camera switched it's focus to the planes that were moving towards the battleship group.

"North Carolina!" (South Dakota)

"Let's do it." (North Carolina)

As the planes begin to drop their load, a blue, translucent round canopy appeared over the battlesh.i.p.s. At the same time, South Dakota slammed her shields on the water surface.

There it is, the various skills every girl in Azur Lane possess.

As the bombers launched their attacks, a blue wire can be seen tethering South Dakota to the other girls. Even as they were hit by the firebombs and torpedos, they don't seem to be receiving much damage. Rather South Dakota seems to be pain.

"That's her skill. The Strongest Shield. Every thirty seconds, She can absorb half the damage the fleet suffers and healing herself a portion of the damage. Paired with North Carolina's skill to reduce aviation damage, it makes for a good combo. I must admit though, seeing South Dakota taking most of the damage pain me." (Commander)

"Hooh~ Commander, you have feelings for Sout- Ouch! Uughh..." (San Diego)

Commander flicked San Diego's forehead before she can finish her sentence. She was about to say something embarrassing in front of everyone.

"Sister, are you alright?" (Massachusetts)

"Yeah. Don't worry about me. Take care of them first." (South Dakota)

A gentle blue light can be seen being absorbed into the main guns of Massachusetts.

"Is the thickness of the belt armour sufficent?" (Massachusetts)

Massachusetts launched a salvo of shots at the carriers.

"Evade!" (Zuihou)

The carriers quickly moved to avoid the incoming shots as pillars of water begin to form all around them. One of them was unlucky to get hit by a shell.

"Ahhhh!" (Shouhou)

"Shouhou!" (Zuihou)

"Ah... I'm done for... I can't fight like this." (Shouhou)

"Shouhou, engine room explosions. Fire in hanger. Heavy damage." (Unknown)

She really can't fight in the condition she is in. That was a direct hit and she went straight into heavy damage. Not only that, her sarashi, which is the only thing protecting her chest from being in full view to the world, was torn apart and started to fall off. She clutch onto the remaining cloth on her chest as she flushed with shame.

"Are we really sisters...?"(Zuihou)

Zuihou muttered under her breath.

"This kinda' treatment...this is plain unjust, innit? Even tho' we all light carriers..." (Ryuujou)

Ryuujou clapped together her own chest.

"Oi! Focus!" (Suzuya)

Suzuya spun towards the two flat-chested carriers as they lament about their shortcomings

"Don't sway those things around!" (Zuihou and Ryuujou)

Even in battle, they still can have these kind of light-hearted moments...

"What the? How did that happen?!" (North Carolina)

North Carolina was shocked to see the state Shouhou was in. The others were visibly surprised, but not as surprised as the former. Meanwhile, the submarines came to bring Shouhou back to port.

"What is it?" (Hiryuu)

"That's what happens when you get damaged?" (North Carolina)

"Yeah." (Souryuu)

Souryuu responded melancholically as retrieved her surviving planes.

"Th-th-this is outrageous... I have been to many places…I have seen a lot of sceneries, and witnessed many partings. But this..." (North Carolina)

"An opening!" (Hiryuu)

"Ahhh!" (North carolina)

The planes circling around made a beeline towards North Carolina and bombarded her. Oh, so those belong to Hiryuu this time. It seems that some of the attacks managed to hit Arizona at the back as well. However, it wasn't enough to take them down due to South Dakota absorbing some of the blows again.

"Gh! You asked for it!" (North Carolina)

The battlesh.i.p.s continued their salvo while the carriers evade and begin to retreat back to a safe distance.

"Yep. I can never get tired of that." (Commander)

"What? You love seeing my girls get hurt?"

"No no no. Not that. The fact that their clothes get ripped off is a sight to behold. It's bad that the get hurt in the process though." (Commander)

"Commander is a pervert..." (San Diego)

'Uwah. Gross..." (Naka)

"Ehh?!" (Commander)

"Naka-chan belongs to everyone. She can't just show her body to anybody!" (Naka)

"Alright, now lets see whats going on right now."

Ignoring the three of them, I bring my my focus back to the fight.

As the carriers retreat, Ryuujou paused for a moment to summon her planes.

"All you carrier aircraft! Get to work! Get to work!" (Ryuujou)

Souryuu and Hiryuu prepared themselves to launch a second attack wave with their remaining aircraft.

"Not this time!" (North Carolina)

North Carolina and Alabama fired another salvo at the two carriers, but not before they both could launched their remaining bombers.

Tower of water emerged and blocked the camera. Even without visual, we already know the outcome judging by the screams that accompanied the explosion.

"Gyaah!" (Hiryuu)

"Waah! Why is it the flight deck again?! It hurts!" (Souryuu)

"Souryuu, flight deck destroyed. Heavy damage." (Unknown)

Darkened spots can be on Souryuu's flight deck, simulating fires and her green dougi is torn at the shoulders. The submarines came to bring her away.

On the other hand, even though Hiryuu got caught in the blast, only the sleeves of her orange Dougi were torn.

"Oww~" (Hiryuu)

"Uuuu~ No more..." (Arizona)

At the same time, Arizona got pelted with the torpedos and firebombs dropped the bombers. She just fell to her knees, crying.

"Erm... Arizona... Oh this is a bad one... Arizona, magazine explosion." (Commander)

As soon Commander rolled the dice and announced her outcome, Arizona cried even harder. Looks like he triggered a weird switch. Ro-chan and Goya who came to take her away are unsure on how to bring the crying battleship back to port.

"Sorry. Just push her along. I will handle her later." (Commander)


"You are the worst." (San Diego)

"It's not my fault. I'm just following the book." (Commander)

Now it's down to a 4v4. With only three light carriers and one damaged carrier, things aren't looking good for my girls. The opposing team still has 4 battlesh.i.p.s which are mostly unscathed, save for South Dakota, who absorbed most of the damaged dealt by the bombers despite being the flagship. However, she seems fine, as if she had recovered from most of the damage In the first place, it is weird for the flagship to play the role of vanguard.

"Even I don't know the reason why South Dakota is the flagship for this match. She is better off as a 'tank'. And with their healer out of the game, they are at a disadvantage." (Commander)

"Healer? What is this, a RPG game?"

"I mean, if you look at it that way, South Dakota is the tank, Arizona is the healer, Georgia and Alabama are the main damage dealers, North Carolina and Massachusetts play the role of Ranger. It's an almost perfect set-up." (Commander)

"Yep! Naka doesn't understnad any of that." (Naka)

"I don't even know how to retort..."

A loud explosion resonated through the air along with a gust of wind.

"Hiryuu, engine room flood. Heavy Damage." (Unknown)

Smoke emitted form South Dakota's main guns. A light blue glow can be seen surrounding the gun barrel. Did she activate another skill?

"Now the 'Tank' has become the damage-dealer." (Commander)

Yeah, tings aren't looking good for my carriers now. We are down to 3 Light Aircraft Carriers.

"It's a little early..." (Suzuya)

"Gh... Let's do it! Suzuya! Ryuujou-chan!"

"This will not go like the Solomon Sea!" (Ryuujou)

"Assault squad, lau~nch!" (Suzuya)

All three light carriers launched their planes. Suddenly, after launching hers, Suzuya charged forward! Why?! She is a Light Aircraft Carrier, not a Heavy cruiser or Aviation Cruiser anymore. What is she thin- Oh...

I totally forgot an important aspect of hers. Suzuya isn't just a Light Aircraft Carrier, she is a Fast Light Attack Carrier. Out of all the Light Aircraft Carriers, she has the highest firepower.

I watched as she charged at the battlesh.i.p.s, rotating her anti-air guns towards the front and started firing. Those are normal AA guns, I don't see how are they going to be effective in dealing damage to the heavily armoured Battlesh.i.p.s. Wait, now that we have clearer view, those are not AA guns, they are 15.2cm Single Gun Mounts. Even so, how can they be helpful in this situation?

"Thank you for coming into range!" (North Carolina)

"Why is a Light Carrier charging towards us?" (Alabama)

The battlesh.i.p.s initailly surprised by Suzuya's attack, quickly recovered and started firing at Suzuya, who successfully evaded the incoming shells, while concentrating her fire. Although, it clearly isn't doing much. All of the shots she fired went straight into South Dakota's shields.

A loud explosion accompanied by a tower of water appeared at North Carolina's feet. She staggered forward, receiving a decent amount of damage. A torpedo had hit her from behind.

"Now I see. So that was their plan this whole time."

"Another crazy idea. Just how creative can your girls get?" (Commander)

"This is crazy!" (Naka)

Even the people in the audience begin to understand what they were up to. The Admirals were rather impressed and shocked by this outrageous tactic. While not viable in actual combat, it is still a good, albeit ridiculous, tactic in an excercise.

The tactic is simple. While Suzuya distracts them with her secondary guns, Ryuujou and Zuihou launch wave after wave of planes to bombard them. Seriously, Suzuya must be the one who came up with this idea. She just loves to pull out surprising stunts. Like the time when she used her aviation deck as a shield or when she sacrificed herself to create a smokescreen for Zuihou to ambush Nagato. Not our Nagato, the smaller Azur Lane Nagato.

The battlesh.i.p.s also realised what the carriers were up to, and charged towards the two light carriers at the back.

"Oh no you don't!" (Suzuya)

Suzuya fired another volley of shots at the battlesh.i.p.s, hitting North Carolina and Massachusetts. At the same time, she retrieved her planes and proceeded to launch the next air group.

"Tch! Don't mind us. We will this girl off." (North Carolina)

"Go, sister." (Masschusetts)

"I'm counting on you." (South Dakota)

"This might be problem." (Suzuya)

As Massachusetts and North Carolina gang up on Suzuya, Alabama and South Dakota head straight for Ryuujou and Zuihou. A shot can be heard as South Dakota raised her shield to block an incoming shell, while the others fell to their sides.

"Wah!" (Zuihou)

That shot came from Zuihou as smoke emitted from her sides while she staggered backwards. The smoke is coming from the two 15.2 Single Gun Mounts below her quiver. Even Zuihou has replaced her AA guns with Secondary guns!

"This feels weird..." (Zuihou)

Looks like she isn't used to firing those yet. Was the 'it' Suzuya was refferring to the Secondary Guns? So they planned for a shootout from the get-go.

'Go! I will hold them off." (Ryuujou)

"What are planning to do?" (Zuihou)

"I don't know. Maybe block 'em or somethin'. Anyway, take some of my planes with ya." (Ryuujou)

Ryuujou attempted to buy some time for Zuihou to reposition herself. She did succeed a little, I suppose.

Alabama suddenly stopped in front of Ryuujou, looking dowwn at her. She appears somewhat confused.

"Wh-what?" (Ryuujou)

"I didn't know the Japanese have a Destroyer that can launch planes." (Alabama)

She said as she lowered herself to examine the small light aircraft carrier.

"HUH?! Listen 'ere, you! I'm a full-fledged carrier, I tell ya! Who are ya callin' a Destroyer, eh?!" (Ryuujou)

At least, she stopped one of them. In the meantime, South Dakota chased after Zuihou while being bombarded by the surrounding aircraft.

"Oh for the love of- Let's end this, shrimp!" (South Dakota)

Zuihou turned around and fired her Secondary guns, which were obviously blocked by South Dakota's shields.

"That won't work. You'll need to try harder than that." (South Dakota)

"Even with reduced numbers, we're the best!" (Zuihou)

Unbeknownst to South Dakota, a group of bombers were approaching her from behind. No, she probably detected them but is focusing on the enemy flagship in front of her. South Dakota's main guns started to glow blue.

"Looks like this is the end." (Commander)

"This shall be your end." (South Dakota)

As her guns bellowed, the bombers dropped their load on their target.

Towers of water and smoke appeared at both sh.i.p.s. It's hard to see who got hit first.

"Excersice, finished." (Unknown)

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