Our Bonds

Chapter 125 - 112

Even though it's evening already, there are still so many girls frolicking about.

I sat at a table of one of the many food stalls set up at the beach, waiting for my food to arrive. Joining me is Rondo, Rei and Commander.

"That was a nice fight." (Rei)

"A little ridiculous though. The other Admirals were all perplexed by the tactics your girls used. Who would have expected a Carrier to equip Secondary guns and charge straight into battle?" (Rondo)

"Yeah. Father was ranting on how the tactics and protocols being used were all wrong." (Rei)

"Come on. I didn't know what they were planning. I just left them to their devices. Besides, this was just an excercise for fun."

"Oho, don't let Akihito hear that. He will definitely tear you a new one." (Rondo)

"Still, what was up with that verdict? That was the first time I heard about such a thing in a excercise." (Commander)

During the climax of the battle, Zuihou's Suisei bombers managed to land a direct hit on South Dakota, causing a 'magazine explosion' and dealing 'heavy damage' to the battleship. Likewise, Zuihou got hit by South Dakota's enhanced shells, resulting in a 'destroyed superstructure' and 'explosions' in her hanger and engine room. That was what the battle records said. Since the objective of both teams were to take out the flagship, the excercise ended with a tie, as both flagsh.i.p.s were knocked out of battle. Usually, the results would take into account the number of sh.i.p.s left on both sides before announcing the results. Nonetheless, Commander and I got the results we wanted.

Sitting at the table next to us, the carriers were chatting happily with the battlesh.i.p.s. It's as though they were friends all this time, even though they have been avoiding each other these past two weeks. However, there is one missing from the group.

"I'm back." (Zuihou)

Speak of the devil. Zuihou walked up to her companions. Instead of her usual ponytail, her hair was tied in a low ponytail.

"Welcome back. How was it?" (Suzuya)

"I'm fine. Just some ointment did the trick." (Zuihou)

One of the shells that hit Zuihou didn't explode like it should. Instead, it hit her square in the forehead. She was at Akashi's for an examination. I guess it wasn't anything serious if she returned and I haven't received any report.

"Ahaha. Sorry, shrimp. I never thought it could malfunction like that." (South Dakota)

"Geez. It hurts, you know." (Zuihou)

"Zuihou, what did Akashi say?"

"It's just a bump. Good thing it didn't fragment. Otherwise, it would have been worse. That's what Akashi-san said." (Zuihou)

Just to be safe, I will check with Akashi later. It's not like I don't trust her. This girl has the tendency to hide things about herself from me.

"By the way, what did you want to ask me? Before Suzuya came to drag you away."

"Oh yeah. That happened." (Suzuya)

"Ah... Erm... I wanted to... Can we go explore the stores a bit?" (Zuihou)

Oh? That was it?

"Me too! I wanna- mmph!"

"Yea' yea' It ain't your turn today." (Ryuujou)

Ryuujou went over to silence Rei. Thanks Ryuujou.

"Now, go on." (Shouhou)

Shouhou pushed me towards Zuihou with a little too much force.


"Hyaa!" (Zuihou)

Zuihou welped in surprise as she suddenly herself in my grasp.

"Shall we go?"

"Y-yes..." (Zuihou)

"Have fun you too." (Souryuu)

"Oh by the way," (Rondo)

Before we left, Rondo called out to us.

"There is a large-scale operation coming up. I will give you the details later." (Rondo)

"Really? When?" (Suzuya)

"Finally some action!" (Hiryuu)

"What is it? I heard we have an operation coming up." (Isuzu)

"Bismarck Nee-sama, did you hear that? An operation!" (Prinz Eugen)

"Oh boy. Maybe I shouldn't have said that out loud." (Rondo)

All the shipgirls nearby started to gather around Rondo, asking for details about the operation he mentioned. Everyone is bored from staying in base with nothing much to do. Once they heard that they will be going out to sea again, their eyes gleamed with excitement.

"Let's go."

"Yes!" (Zuihou)

Anyway, it's time to enjoy my mini-date.

The both of us went around the stores. It's the second time I'm going around the stores, but lets leave that part out.

As the sun sets, the mood became similar to that of a town's summer festival. A bonfire was set up in the middle of the field. There is an Ondo dance session happening nearby, with Maikaze and the Kongou Sisters at its centre. The shipgirls are becoming nosier and more active. It was way different from this afternoon. I passed by the other Admiral's and we have a short chat about the excercise before they get pulled along by their companion.

"Admiral, ahhh~" (Zuihou)

Not again...

Zuihou brought up a piping hot Takoyaki near my face. It's like that time with Avrora all over again.

"Hey. I can eat it myself."

"Hurry up. It's going to drop." (Zuihou)

These girls love to put me in the spot. I opened my mouth and took the Takoyaki. It was a mistake.

"Hwat! Hwat!"

I know she blew on it but the insides were still hot!

"Ah sorry! Are you alright?" (Zuihou)

I signalled to her that I'm fine while trying to blow on this little fireball in my mouth. I probably look ridiculous right now. Apart from it being too hot, it's quite delicious.

We continued walking around. As time passes, the crowd becomes thinner as the girls from the other districts begin to leave. The other Admirals came to inform me that they will be taking their leave and went to the port. I guess they came by sea. If they came in through the front gate, I would have have been notified earlier.

"It's gotten quiet." (Zuihou)

"Yeah. Even though this blew up way beyond what I expect."

"Heehee. It was fun in a way." (Zuihou)

As we continued walking among the closing shops, something caught my eye in a distance. Just beyond the North Union Dorm, two shadowy figures can be seen under a tree. Wow, the fairies really went all out in setting up. I didn't notice at first, but the rows of stores extend to the dormitory areas.

"Shhh~ Come here."


I whispered to Zuihou and went to get a closer look on our shadow figures. With a little help from the moonlight, I can barely make out who they were. Standing under the large tree was the silhoutte of a man and a woman. A rather tall woman, in fact.

"Is that...?" (Zuihou)

"Yeah. It's them."

It was South Dakota and Commander. Of all the spots to pick, they just have to do it there. What we are seeing now, is a confession.

"I choose how I live, was what you said... This time, I fight not for my duty, but for the sake of your smile, Commander." (South Dakota)

"South Dakota..." (Commander)

"When I'm by your side, I feel warm. Whenever you spoke to me, I feel happy. I always thought it was weird for a weapon like me to have these feelings, but now I understand. This is... proof. Proof that we are alive. That why... I..." (South Dakota)

Come on! You can do it!

"Commander, I love you. From now on, let me give you my heart." (South Dakota)

"Finally... I have been wating for you, South Dakota. Me too. I love you too." (Commander)

We watched as the both of them embraced each other. Wow. I never thought I would see such a confession in real-life. I always saw this kind of confession in drama series or in anime and manga, where both parties confess under a tree or along the pavement. Those kinds were the only ones I know of. That and my own personal experience with Zuihou.

Speaking of which, she has been rather quiet for a while now. I turned to look at Zuihou at my side. Her face was red and there is some tears in her eyes. She's crying?

Zuihou reached out and grabbed my sleeves. It wasn't for any purpose. She just held on to me, even after we snuck away. I wonder what is she feeling now.

"Zuihou, you have been acing strange for a while now. What's wrong?"

"Is that... how a real confession should be like?" (Zuihou)

Was she bothered by that?

"Hmm... I don't think a confession needs to follow a certain pattern. Two people can just meet up and declare their love for one another. It's not like they need to do on under a tree."

"Really? Our confession... Was it weird?" (Zuihou)

Yeah. She is definitely bothered by it.

"To be honest, it was unusual. Under those circ.u.mstances, who would have thought of confessing?"

"I knew it..." (Zuihou)

"But it's unique. Our very own, special kind of experience. I don't think anyone has done it that way before. So, you don't need to be worried about such a thing."

Her expression seems to have brightened up a bit. After watching South Dakota's confession, she must have been thinking about that day we became lovers. She confessed her love for me after pushing me on to the floor when I teased her. In a way, it was weird, but these girls don't have such experiences. So to them, it might be the normal way. Seeing things done differently may have confused them.

Even though Zuihou is smiling, there seems to be something on her mind.

"Erm... Admiral?" ((Zuihou)


"Tonight... It's been a while... Uuhhh..." (Zuihou)

Zuihu squirmed as she tried to say something. Actually, I kind of know what she wants now. I know that I haven't been paying much attention to her lately. The construction and workload I have been getting keeps me from spending time with her. Even earlier today, she dragged away to formulate a strategy for their excercise.

"Got it. Go get you stuff and wait for me in my room."

"Yeah... I'll be waiting..." (Zuihou)

She gave me a peck on the cheek before making her way to the carrier dormitory. Maybe I was wrong about her hiding things from me. She obviously doesn't hide her love from me. I should get ready too.

"Ah. There you are." (Commander)

I heard the Commander calling out from behind. He and South Dakota walked up to me, with their fingers interlocked.

"What's up?"

"I just want to let you know, we will be taking our leave now." (Commander)

"I see. Thank you for help these two weeks."

"It's been a pleasure. Thank you for your hospitality and your help. We might visit again someday." (South Dakota)

"I'm looking forward to it."

"Oh, by the way, tommorrow I sending the two remaining members of the North Union. They will help in the furnishing." (Commander)

So that's why there were eight rooms.

"Got it. I will do the transfer work on my end."

"Bye now." (Commander)

"Till we meet again. And send that shrimp my regards." (South Dakota)

I watched as those two disappeared into the night.

I should probably go back now. It's going to be a long and fun night.

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