Our Bonds

Chapter 126 - 113

In the practice area, the distinct sounds of cannon fire can heard as the Northern Union girls face off against one another.

"Waaahhh!" (Minsk)

Minsk fall over after getting hit by a practice.

"Oww~" (Minsk)

"Comrade, you have gotten slower! You should have been able to dodge that!" (???)

I watched them from the side. The one that caused Minsk to go down was a tall woman in a white coat. Her rigging resembles a pair of frozen Abyssal Ro-Class Destroyers fitted with Triple 305mm Main guns. This woman is a drednought Battleship from the North Union. Gangut-class battleship, Gangut.

"Is that all you can do? Stand up! We are not done yet!" (Gangut)

"Y-yes!" (Minsk)

"Next up, Comrade Tashkent!" (Gangut)

"Eep!" (Tashkent)

"Hit me with all you got!" (Gangut)

It has been five days since that practice match. The following day, I was suprised to see two large battleship girls show up at port. They were the two remaining North Union girls that will be under my command. They look scary at first, but Avrora and the others seem to have a huge respect for the both of them. Fusou and Yamashiro look like they want to be friends with the both of them. Probably since they are fellow battlesh.i.p.s. Since there is going to be a large-scale operation coming up, training sessions, expeditions and sorties have resumed. Today, it was the North Union's turn to use the practice area.

While Gangut trains the Destroyers, the light cruisers receive their own from the other Battleship girl.

"You need to be solid as a rock! Don't forget your pletorian values!" (???)

Training the light crusiers is Sovetsky Soyuz-class battleship, Sovetskaya Rossiya. Like the rest of the North Union, her outfit consist of a white coat and white hat. Her riggings are similar to Gangut's, with four frozen Abyssal Ro-Class Destroyers fitted with battleship main guns.

With two more battlesh.i.p.s added to my fleet, I have to admit I am extremly happy about it. More firepower and sh.i.p.s means more fleet compositions. I can create a fleet which mainly focuses on shelling or one that provides both air superiority and superior fire power at the same time. Sorties and operations are going to be easier from now on!

Anyway, I think it's time to return to office. Ooyodo is going to nag at me again if I don't hand up those reports.

I got up and dust myself. Summer is almost here. I can almost see it. Once this rainy season passes, it's time for swimsuit season again. Speaking of the rainy season, the dark clouds are coming back.

"You guys better finish soon! It's going to rain again!"

I tried shouting at them. I think Sovetskaya heard me. She raised her hand up while blocking a shot from Avrora. Even if she didn't get my message, they would understand it soon enough.


The calming sound of raindrops pattering against my window is something I enjoy during this wet season. There is just something serene about this noise.

It has been raining ever since I returned to the office. Zuihou was waiting for me, ready to help out with the paperwork. I half-expected Shigure to come in after a while, but since there isn't any thunder, she is probably just idling in her room. She is extremely scared of thunder, but loves the rain. Her name does have the word 'rain' in it after all. That actually applies to most of the Shiratsuyu class.

"So many rainy days. It's the rainy season. It's nice how the rain makes the Naval Base peaceful. Ufufu♪" (Zuihou)

"Yeah. I like the sound it makes."

"Anyway, you want to observe the North Union training session, right? How was it?" (Zuihou)

"Erm... It is different from how we do our training. Instead of the usual obstacle course, they treat it like an excercise."

"So, they..." (Zuihou)

"Yep. They fire practice rounds at each other."

"Heeh~ That sounds rough." (Zuihou)

"Mew~" (Kou)

"See, even Kou-kun agrees." (Zuihou)


"Kou-kun? When did you appear?"

Kou-kun, one of our resident kittens, was getting comfortable on the coffee table.

"Kou-kun has been here for a while. You didn't see him?" (Zuihou)

I didn't even notice him.

Kou-kun hopped of the coffee table, walked towards me, and jumped onto my lap. Cute... He let out a soft purr as I gently pet his head.

Just like that, my legs have became a pillow for this kitten. I let him rest there until my legs started to feel numb. This might be a problem...


"Yes?" (Zuihou)

"How do you move a sleeping cat without waking it up?"

"What kind of question is that?" (Zuihou)

It was only after I rubbed his back for a while, then Kou-kun decided that he has had enough and leaped off. By then, the rain has became a drizzle and the Shiratsuyu sisters are already outside frolicking in the rain.

Zuihou was looking at me with a mischevious smile...

"Zuihou... Don't you dare. No. No! Ow! Stop it!"

Taking the chance, Zuihou decided to have some fun and started poking at my numb legs. I can feel a jolt of electricity run through my legs everytime she poked me. Look at that smug face of hers. I'll get back at her for this.

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