Our Bonds

Chapter 13 - 12

"Admiral, flagship Yuubari reporting. We have reached the designated location. What should we do now? (Yuubari)

"Did you radar pick up anything in the immediate area?"

I could see all of them shake their heads. So the coast is clear for now.

"All sh.i.p.s, slow to a stop. Shouhou, you have a Saiun with you right?"

"Yes. Should I launch it?" (Shouhou)

"Yeah, launch it. Launch a Reppu as an escort, just to be safe."

"Roger. Launching planes." (Shouhou)

Shouhou fired off two arrows. Both transmuted into a Saiun and a Reppu respectively. The Saiun is a scout plane specialized in reconnaissance. With a faster speed and longer range than a fighter, it's our main means of finding Zuihou. The Reppu is a fighter plane, one of the stronger ones we have in our arsenal. Though it's has a shorter range and speed than the Saiun, it can still act as a escort plane as well as a backup scout.

"For starters, check the main island of Alfonsino. Agano, launch your seaplane as well. Check the other smaller islands starting from the furthest left. The Saiun will join you later."

"Roger!" (Agano)

"The rest of you, be on guard. The enemy could show up anything."

"Roger!" (all)

Agano lifted up her left leg and a Type-0 Reconnaissance plane launched from the attached flight deck.

"If you spot an Abyssal Fleet, eliminate without hesitation and move to a new location using the islands as cover. If it's the enemy from that day, retreat from the area. Their technology could be more advanced than ours, so be careful."

The Saiun flew around the main island. It made several rounds before returning to Shouhou along with the Reppu to be replenished. Nothing.

Agano's seaplane plane also detected nothing from the first 3 smaller islands.

As the planes carried out their second round of searching, I saw Mutsuki flinched and look towards the sky.

"This is Mutsuki! I'm picking up readings from my radar. They seem to be planes!" (Mutsuki)

"Stop all Recon activity! Prepare for anti-air combat!"

The planes started to return to their respective owners. All six of them were prepare to fight.

Sure enough, the faint whirling sound of a propeller can be heard. In the distance, twenty aircrafts can be seen approaching.

"Huh?" (Shouhou)

"Shouhou, what's wrong?"

Shouhou's eyes suddenly teared up and she clutched her mouth in both hands. However, those weren't tears of sadness. They were tears of relief.

"I found her! On the fourth island! She is engaged with a battleship!" (Shouhou)

Really?! Wait, what did she mean that Zuihou is engaged with a battleship? I can worry about that later. Right now, enemy planes are approaching. What to do?

"Is the enemy fleet nearby?"

"No. It doesn't seem like it." (Agano)

"Shouhou, launch all your fighters and intercept the enemy air fleet. The rest will engage in anti-air combat. All units, proceed to the fourth island at full-speed."

"Roger!" (all)

The whole fleet enter a diamond formation and head towards the fourth island whilst fighting off the air fleet. Soon, the coastal area came into view.

On the beach, four figures could be seen. Two of them seem to be trying to split the other two from each other. A internal scruffle? At this timing?

As they approached closer, we could see what was going on. Zuihou was grabbing onto the battleship girl! The battleship girl looks pissed and is trying to push her away. The other two, the white busty lady and another smaller girl, are trying to pull them apart.

The battleship girl lifted Zuihou and threw her to the ground. Her cannons are aiming at her!

<You brat! You asked for this!> (Colorado)

"Leave my little sister alone!" (Shouhou)

Shouhou jumped ashore and kicked her on the head. The battleship, stunned by the sudden attack, fell to her side, dazed. That was crazy, but I can't believed it work.

The other two girls were surprised, but they look ready for a fight.

"Zuihou, are you alright?" (Shouhou)

"Shouhou! You came!" (Zuihou)

The two sisters shared a hug. As touching as it is, now isn't the right time for that. Four other figures can be seen approaching them. It must be the others from before. Agano, Yuubari, Mutsuki and Kisaragi aimed their guns at the others. The enemy, now joined by the remainder of their fleet, were also prepared to fight. If a fight breaks out in such close proximity, I don't think both of us will get out unscathed. Is there a way to communicate with them?

<When did they appear?> (Enterprise)

<Apologies. Unicorn and I got distracted by Colorado and Zuihou. Seems they came to rescue her.> (Ill.u.s.trious)

English? Good thing I studied it before. We should be able to communicate.

"Yuubari, did you bring a spare communication device.

"Yeah I did. Why?" (Yuubari)

"I going to negotiate with them to let us go."

"Ehh? You can do that?" (Agano)

Agano looks surprised.

"They are speaking english. I studied it before. I can try talking to them."

"That's incredible." (Agano)

"Yuubari, give it to them."

Yuubari pass a earpiece to the archer lady. She took it from Yuubari's hand placed it to her ear.

<Greetings. I would like to speak with your flagship.>

<I'm the flagship of this fleet, Yorktown-class Aircraft Carrier Enterprise. Who am I speaking to?> (Enterprise)

Ugh... she sounds fierce. Yorktown-class. I'm pretty sure that's an American ship from the war 80 years ago.

<I'm the Admiral of the fleet you are engaged with. That's all I can say for now. I would like to request that you withdraw and let my girls go.>

Hope this works.

<I'm afraid that's a unreasonable request. Your girl just attacked one of ours. How do you expect us to just let you go like that?> (Enterprise)

<But you were the ones who attacked us first. Remember, two days ago? When you attacked us without any warning. Moreover you kidnapped one of my girls. I could have unleashed the entire strength of my fleet on you. However, I'm willing to let all these slide if you just let us leave.>

I heard a sigh on the other end.

<Fine, you got a point. We will let you leave. tell your girls to stand down. I will do the same to mine.> (Enterprise)

It worked! That's one hurdle passed.

<However, I would like to obtain some information.> (Enterprise)

That's a little unusual for a request. I guess I can be generous for now.

<If it's not about our military intelligence, I can provide it. A small service to you.>

<What's your goal?> (Enterprise)

<My goal or the organization's goal?>

<Your goal. You can tell you care of your shipgirls. if not, you wouldn't even try to negotiate.> (Enterprise)

<You flatter me. Hmm... I would say my goal is to eliminate the Abyssal fleet and give all shipgirls a chance to live a normal life.>

It's a little bit embarrassing to say this, but it's true.

<I see. That's all I want to know for now. I apologize for holding Zuihou captive. Rest assured, we did not hurt her physically or mentally.> (Enterprise)

<Whether she suffered from any form of trauma will be for me to decide. Oh and one final advice, please move to another area. If ordered, I am obligated to provide information about you. so please stay low for the time being. Don't worry, I won't give out information unless ordered to.>

<I appreciate your help.> (Enterprise)

<We be off then. Don't try to fire at us from behind. I have another fleet on standby in the area. The last thing we both want is a battle.>

<Don't worry. We won't do anything.> (Enterprise)

<Good bye.>

Enterprise returned the device to Yuubari, who took it from her cautiously.

"Admiral, what are your orders?" (Yuubari)

I'm worried about Zuihou's mobility. Better ask Akashi to restore some of it if needed.

"Mission accomplished. Good work, everyone. Return back to base. Akashi, what's Zuihou's condition?"

"Moderately damaged. She should still be able to get up to half-speed at max. Her equipment is missing but that's not a issue. Other than that, nothing too serious." (Akashi)

Good thing she can move, though slower. Maybe they can tow her.

"Shouhou, can you do a tow?"

"Yes. I can." (Shouhou)

"Ehh? Wait, I don't need a tow! I'm fine! Ow!" (Zuihou)

Zuihou winced as she held her side.

"No you are not! Shouhou, do a tow."

"Yes!" (Shouhou)

Shouhou gave Zuihou a piggy back. I guess that can be considered a tow as well. Zuihou is small, so that's one way to do it.

The girls made they way back home, leaving Enterprise and her fleet on the island. I could see the smaller, white dress girl had a look of disappointment on her face. Perhaps Zuihou made a friend during her stay?

Whatever the case, we managed to retrieve Zuihou.

"I'll be going to the port. Let's welcome her back."

"I'm sure the everyone else feels the same." (Ooyodo)

Ooyodo smiled as she looked out the window. At the port, a large group of shipgirls gathered, holding up a banner with the words 'WELCOME HOME!!!'

"Aren't they a little too excited?"

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