Our Bonds

Chapter 14 - 13

We waited by the port, eyes focusing towards the sea. Everyone was waiting for our heroes and friends to return home. Soon, six figures slowly come into view.

Cheers and claps erupted from everyone present. Kawakaze and Umikaze held up the banner. All of us were all overwhelmed by wave of relief and happiness.


All the shipgirl's cried out in unison. The shipgirl in question was stunned.

"Everyone..." (Zuihou)

"Geez, you're late!" (Shimakaze)

"Thank goodness you're all right." (Souryuu)

"Yuudachi missed you poi!" (Yuudachi)

Zuihou fell to her knees, probably exhausted from the events.

"Come on! Don't crowd around her! Give her some space!"

I stepped in between all of them. Everyone was far too concerned and excited. Not that I blame them. Even I'm holding myself back. But this time is fine, right?

I brought myself down to her current height.

"Admiral?" (Zuihou)

My arms wrapped around her shoulders as I pulled her close,

"Welcome home, Zuihou."

"I'm back." (Zuihou)

And so ended our ordeal with the English fleet on the Eastern seas. I have a lot of questions to ask, and I'm certain HQ would want details as well, but for now, my girl needs to rest.

I gave Zuihou a one week break and as a small moral booster, everyone else gets three days off. They were free to do whatever they want with those three days. Go shopping, resting in their room, anything they see fit. So long they don't get into trouble.

Now, I have a different kind of problem.

"Hmm? Zuihou, why are you here? Shouldn't you be resting?

"But I feel a little bad for resting so long." (Zuihou)

"Nonsense. You were captured. Who knows what they did to you."

"They didn't do anything to me. Well, nothing severe at least." (Zuihou)

"Still, you need to rest."

"Then... can I rest by your side?" (Zuihou)


"To tell the truth, I was so scared when I was kept there. For some reason, bad memories kept flowing into my head. Even now, I still get nightmares because of it. Memories of that battle." (Zuihou)

I can see her small body trembling as she spoke. This reaction is similar to Shigure. Now that I think about it, it was an American air fleet which sunk the Zuihou back then. Enterprise is an American Aircraft Carrier, so I guess her presence triggered some memories in Zuihou.

"I got it. I will stay with you until you get better, alright?" (Zuihou)

Her eyes gleamed a little.

"It's already late. let's get some sleep."

"Mmh!" (Zuihou)

Zuihou excitedly went into my quarters. Her mood took a 180 degree turn from just now. I think that was her plan all along. Oh well, as long as it makes her feel better. Though, I may lose some sleep over this.

"Ehehe. Good night, Admiral!" (Zuihou)

I lay down beside her, with one hand on her head.

"Good night."

"It's really warm..." (Zuihou)


For the next four days, Zuihou came to sleep with me every night. During this time, I questioned her about the time when she was held captive and did a medical checkup on her. From what she understood, there were four factions, the Royal Navy, the Eagle Union, the Sakura Empire and Sirens. The Royal Navy and the Eagle Union are fighting against both the Sakura Empire and the Sirens. The Sakura Empire consist of shipgirls whom share the same name as ours, whilst the Sirens are similar to the Abyssals but maintain the form of warsh.i.p.s. That explains why we were attacked. We had been mistaken for being with the Sakura Empire. Zuihou sounds like she is okay with the girls from the Royal Navy faction, but stays away from those in the Eagle Union faction.

There were no signs of any physical wounds so I guess they didn't torture her physically. I don't think they used psychological torture as well since she didn't exhibit any symptoms of depression, social withdrawal, PTSD or any of the effects which can be obtained with torture. Save for the fact that she got frightened to the point of crying when she first saw the American ship. So Enterprise really was telling the truth. However, she may just be hiding these symptoms and her feelings. It's best to keep an eye on her for a while.

"How are you feeling?"

"I'm fine! I can go on a sortie anytime!" (Zuihou)

"Being enthusiastic is good, but don't push yourself."

"Geez! I said I'm fine!" (Zuihou)

Zuihou said as she leaned closer. Too close.

"Okay okay I get it! I will assign you a patrol task. Let's take it nice and slow for now. You, Zuikaku, Yahagi, Mutsuki, Shigure and Shimakaze will go patrol the Okinoshima Sea. Yahagi will be the flagship. Eliminate abyssals in the area if needed. I have already sent the order to Ooyodo. Once you are ready, go to the port."

"Roger!" (Zuihou)

She left the with a spring in a her steps. Is she really that excited to return to the frontlines? Just a precaution...

"Yahagi, can you hear me?"

"Admiral? What's wrong?" (Yahagi)

I got a favour to ask you. Look out for Zuihou for me. I'm afraid she isn't ready to fight."

"You worry too much, Admiral. Don't worry. I will take care of her." (Yahagi)

"Thank you. Do your best and come home safely."

If Yahagi is there, I don't need to worry too much. For now, let's get back to work.

With the 'Mysterious Enemy' saga being partially solved, I got a ton of reports to write up. I will also need to invite Grand Admiral Rondo for a drink, as thanks for helping me. Argh.... What a drag...

I heard the office door knock.

"Come in!"

Entering the room was a small girl with silky black hair. She wears a short-sleeved white shirt, arm warmers, skirt with suspenders and black thigh highs. This girl is the first ship of the Asashio-class destroyers, Arashio.

"Destroyer Asashio, reporting in!" (Asashio)

"As serious as ever huh. Oh well. So what are you here to see me for?"

"Uhm..." (Asashio)

Asashio paused, as if think about how to phrase her words. It's rare to see Asashio thinking like this. Usually she will just go straight to the point.

"What's wrong?"

"Uhm... just to check. Shigure-nee-san is on a sortie now right?" (Asashio)

"Yes. She just left."

"I'm not sure how to explain this. I think it's best if you see for yourself." (Asashio)

Somehow I got a bad feeling about this. I followed Asashio to the port. We saw a small group of Shipgirls gathering around at one spot. Even Fusou and Kaga were there.

"What's going on?"

"Ah Admiral. Who is this girl? She just showed up." (Fusou)

A girl? I pushed through the crowd to get a closer look.

Kneeling on the ground, confused, was a small girl whose black hair is tied into a ponytail with cat ear shaped attachments. Her outfit is similar to Shimakaze's but black in colour. Is that a real tail sticking out from behind?

I couldn't believe what I'm looking at. Who is this girl? Is she human? Why does she have a tail? Her rigging looks like a destroyers, with a main gun and torpedo launchers on each side.

"Who are you?"

"Number 2 of Shiratsuyu-class destroyer, Shigure. I don't mean to boast but the goddess of luck protects me~ Hehe, it's time you admit that luck is a part of one's strength♪"

Ugh... Looks like something troublesome showed up.

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