Our Bonds

Chapter 15 - 14

"First, can you introduce yourself?"

"Number two of Shiratsuyu-class destroyer, Shigure. I'm protected by the goddess of luck! I first belonged to... " (Shigure?)

"Stop right there."

"Hmm?" (Shigure?)

"Next question, why did you come here?"

"I don't know. I was separated from my fleet when a squall showed up. Before I know it, I drifted here." (Shigure?)

A lost child?

"Your name is Shigure as well?" (Yamashiro)

"Yep! I'm Shigure! Nee-chan, have we... met...?" (Yamashiro)

Are those tears coming from her eyes?

"Eh? Yamashiro-nee-san?" (Shigure?)

"Ehh?" (Yamashiro)

Shigure suddenly hugged Yamashiro.

"Ehm, Shigure-san?" (Yamashiro)

"Why? You're not the Yamashiro-nee-san I know but why do I feel...?" (Shigure?)

Is this the same effect as Zuihou meeting an American ship? Fusou, Yamashiro and Shigure were all in the same fleet once. So is this Shigure affected by memories of the past? What are the triggers?

"Ehm... Sorry to ruin your moment but, where are you from Shigure?"

Shigure wiped the tears from her eyes.

"I'm from the Sakura Empire. I got separated from my fleet during a squall and somehow drifted here." (Shigure?)

Ahh. I was afraid that was the case. So our girls and the girls from the different faction somehow have the ability to trigger past memories within each other. If that's the case, why did Zuihou break down and avoided Enterprise? Or was she just afraid of American sh.i.p.s in general?

"Admiral, the fleet has....re... turned... What's going on?" (Yahagi)

Possibly the worst timing ever! Yahagi's fleet returned from their patrol.

"What's wrong?" (Shigure)

Shigure popped out from behind Yahagi.

"Shigure, calm down and listen to me."

"Mhm." (Shigure)

"Yes?" (Shigure?)

Both Shigures responded at the same time. Sigh... looks like I'm going to need to do some explaining.

I'm explained the situation. Everything from where this Shigure came from to her interaction with Yamashiro. Yes, I know it's not much but hey, at least it's something.

"Sakura Empire? Ahh! So you were the guys that are fighting the Royal Navy and the Eagle Union!" (Murasame)

"How did you know?" (Shigure?)

"Because they mistakened our Zuihou as part of you guys and kidnapped her!" (Suzuya)

"That's mean! Those barbarians don't deserve any mercy. We should just destroy all of them!" (Shigure?)

Wow! Her behavior really is different than our Shigure. Is this how Shigure would be like if she was more violent and animal-like?

"Admiral, I don't need to ask to know what you're thinking." (Shigure)

"Ahh. My bad. I can't help it. Hmm, for now I guess we have to keep her somewhere."

"I can take care of her for the time being. It's only me and Nee-sama in that room anyway." (Yamashiro)

"Then I leave it to you. Since it's confusing to call the both of you Shigure, the Sakura Empire Shigure will be called Sakura Shigure. Shigure will remain the same. It's that okay?"

"mhm. No problem here." (Shigure)

"I got it. Then can I call you Commander?" (Sakura Shigure)

"It's that what you call your admiral?"

Sakura Shigure nodded.

"Fine, you can address me as such. You will stay with us and follow our patrols until you can find your way home. Got it?"

"Yes~~" (Sakura Shigure)

Yamashiro brought Sakura Shigure to settle in her room. Since a squall brought her here, I need to check the weather log to see where and when it happened. Now for the next task....

"Sorry for the wait, Yahagi."

"No its alright." (Yahagi)

"Your report?"

"Oh yes. We met four Abyssal fleets in the area. Three of them were small escort fleets, with the usual composition of light cruisers and destroyers. The last one was a battleship fleet. Only Zuihou and Mutsuki received light damages from that encounter. Right now everyone else is at the docks." (Yahagi)

"Got it. What about the other task I gave you?"

"Nothing noteworthy to mention. She was pretty normal." (Yahagi)

So my worries are for naught. Thank goodness.

"Thank you Yahagi. You are dismissed."

"Roger!" (Yahagi)

I continued my reports as soon as Yahagi left. Should I include the appearance of Sakura Shigure into my report? Then again, it could make my live harder. What if HQ gives an order to search for their base and we end up in their war? Our hands are already tied with the Abyssal fleets. If we enter the war between these two groups, we may lose. Yep, best to keep this info to myself.

I should go get some lunch. I'm starving. I wonder what are they serving today?

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