Our Bonds

Chapter 134 - 120

That was easy. I watched on the monitor as Shiratsuyu and Suzukaze fit the remaining resources into their barrels

"Finally we're done. Let's take out that Abyssal Submarine and finish this part." (Noshiro)

This operation, known as Ki-504th Convoy, is a two-part operation. The first part is a transport operation. Maizuru Naval District and Sasebo are in charge of this part. The transport fleet consists of Akebono and Ushio from Sasebo, and Suzukaze, Shiratsuyu and Noshiro from Maizuru. The next phase is the harder part. The eliminataion of the main Abyssal fleet in the area. Grandm- I mean, Destroyer Kamikaze from Sasebo will joining in for this one.

"So this is how an operation works." (Avrora)

"Yeah. Each district is assigned roles for different phases. There are certain rules for each phase and area. For this one, carriers and battlesh.i.p.s are not allowed in the area. There is something in the water that affects their buoyancy and causing their equipment to rust at a accelerated rate."

Avrora and Sovetskaya were observing how we handle a large-scale operation. I want to send them out once they understood how things are being done.

"Heeh~ At Azur Lane, we don't have such limits on the fleet. Though, the Sirens we fought were tough enough." (Sovetskaya)

"The first phase will end once they return. We shall commence the next phase tomorrow. I'll be back at my office. Ooyodo, tell Noshiro's fleet to report to me. Send whoever is damaged to the docks. There shouldn't be any seeing as how simple this phase is."

"Roger." (Ooyodo)

I made my way back to the office.SInce Kamikaze will rendevouz with the fleet somewhere outside the mission area tomorrow, I don't need to worried about her well-being for now. Akebono and Ushio will be spending their night from today onwards. At least till this mission is over. I'm a little worried that they might feel uncomfortable in an unfamiliar environment. Physicallly, the districts are almost the same. But the atmosphere may be largely different.

"Ah! Comm- No. Admiral-san, hello." (???)

"Admiral-san, hello." (???)

"H-hello..." (???)

A group of small children wearing yellow hats greeted me as I walked past them.



I turned around to see the group of children walking along the corridor. Those yellow elementary hats and blue smocks, I recognize them anywhere.

"What are you doing here?!"

The four Azur Lane Mutsuki-class destroyers turned around. Leading the group at the front was Mutsuki, followed by Kisaragi, Nagatsuki and Uzuki. For some reason, they are here. Previously, Javelin brought a bunch of destroyers over, since their commander was busy and the nursery for the younger and smaller destroyers actually blew up. Now, these four destroyers are roaming around unsupervised!

"Uuuu! We are going to get scolded!" (Kisaragi)

"Don't bully Kisaragi-chan!" (Mutsuki)

"No. No. That's not my intention. I just want to know why are you here?"

"We want to eat delicious sweets, like the ones back when we came here. We are looking for the store." (Nagatsuki)

Mamiya's, huh.

"I will tell you where is it. Did you girls come here by yourselves?"

The four of them nodded their heads.

"Does the commander know?"

They shook their heads simultenously. This is going to be a problem.

"Does anyone else know about this?"

They shook their heads again. Yep. Big problem. For them, I mean.

"So we snuck out of your base to come here. You girls are in for some trouble."

"Eh? Why?" (Nagatsuki)

"We are just here for some snacks." (Mutsuki)

"Yeah. But nobody from Azur Lane knows you are here. And you are not authorized to be here."

"Aw-ter-rice?" (Nagatsuki)

"That means we are not allowed to be here! I knew it! This is bad!" (Uzuki)

"But back then Admiral-san al-" (Mutsuki)

"That was because there was a good reason to let you girls in. A lot of people knew where you girls were and Javelin was taking care of all of you. This time, you just came here without telling anyone and without permission. By military law, I can have you arrested and put into the brigg."

"No way!" (Mustsuki)

"Nooo! Uwwaaah!" (Kisragi)

"Please! Have mercy!" (Uzuki)

Great. Now they are crying. Everyone else is preparing for the operation. None of them will have time to take care of these four.

"Haah~ This is the last time I'm doing this. Mamiya's store is outside, near the docks. Eat your sweets, send the bill to your commander, and hurry up and go home. I will pretend I didn't see you four. Next time, at least send me a message."

But your commander will know. I'll let him decide your punishment.

"Thank you!" (Mustuki, Nagatuski, Kisaragi, Uzuki)

I watched as they made their way to Mamiya's. They must have thought that they managed to escape punishment this time. Sorry, but you girls are still getting punished. I'm not paying for your food.

As soon as I reached my office, Noshiro's fleet came back and reported to me.

"The first phase was a success. The fleet has returned safe and sound with no casualties." (Noshiro)

"Good work. You can have the rest of the day to yourselves. The second phase will commence tomorrow. Kamikaze-san will meet you at the mission area."

"Roger!" (All)

"You may leave now. Akebono-chan, Usgio-chan, please stay for a while."

The three girls left, leaving the two destroyers behind.

"Eh? Did we do something wrong?" (Ushio)

"Why are we being singled out?" (Akebono)

"I just want to chat. Is everything fine so far?"

"Ye-yes. Everyone has been kind. It feels...like home." (Ushio)

"At least that shirty admiral isn't around." (Akebono)

"Akebono-chan!" (Ushio)

There it is. The tsundere behavior Sasebo warned me about. So basically I have to assume the opposite of whatever she says.

"Ahaha. Anyway, if there is anything wrong or you are feeling uncomfortable, don't hesitate to talk to me. Understand?"

"Yes." (Ushio)

"Hmph! You don't need to worry about that." (Akebono)

"Akebono-chan! We are in another base!" (Ushio)

That reminds me...

"Your Admiral actually gave me something to pass to you two."

"What is it?" (Ushio)

"It can't be anything significant." (Akebono)

Both of their eyes light up a little.

I reached into my pocket and pulled out two strips of stickers. One of them was a white bunny sticker and the other was a purple cat. The bunny is for Ushio, the cat is for Akebono.

"That's-!" (Ushio)

"Of all things, why did he have to give that?" (Akebono)

Ushio rushed towards me.

"Please. That sticker-!" (Ushio)

"Oh. Here."

"Wah! Thank you!" (Ushio)

I gave her the bunny sticker. Ushio eyes were beaming as she jumped for joy. That sticker must mean a lot to her. I gave the cat one to Akebono. She just took it with hesitation.

"I guess I should thank you for giving these to us. That shirty Admiral could have given us something better..." (Akebono)

Despite what she said, Akebono was grinning from ear to ear.

"I'm counting on you for tomorrow."

"Yes!" (Ushio)

"Can't be help." (Akebono)

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