Our Bonds

Chapter 135 - 122

The battle dragged on into the night. All of the abyssals escorts were sank, leaving the target of the mission, a damaged Abyssal Kuriles Princess, to fend for herself.

"Take this!" (Suzukaze)

Suzukaze launched a torpedo and managed to land a clean hit on the princess. The resulting explosion was enough to finally sink her.

"I sleep again in this cold sea, huh… No more... I've tried so hard! But why..?" (Abyssal Kuriles Princess)

The second phase of the mission was successful. The target, Abyssal Kuriles Princess, began to sunk. There were tears in her eyes as the ocean began to envelope her entire being. I can feel a tinge of sadness and frustration in her words as she sunk. Suddenly, her eyes brightened up, as if she found something hopeful.

"Eh? Are you sure? Admiral, I am... I am..! Thank you…! Take my hand." (Abyssals Kuriles Princess)

I'm not sure what she saw, but it has to be something good. Before she disappeared under the surface, her voice sounded more like a normal girl and she was reaching out for something. That means...

"Admiral, we found a shipgirl!" (Noshiro)

I knew it. A girl floated up to the surface. She wore the signature white and blue sailor uniform used by the Fubuki-class destroyers. Her greyish hair was tied in a ponytail with a red ribbon.

"Check on her. See if she alright."

Shipgirls turn into Abyssals when they sink, and Abyssals turn into shipgirls when the something happens to them. That's common knowledge in IJN. This phenomenon is more common during large-scale operations, especially after eliminating the main Abyssal fleet of the area. When their voice starts to resemble that of a normal girl rather than the the usual raspy voice, that's when a new shipgirl will appear.

"Admiral, it's a new shipgirl!" (Noshiro)

"This girl... Usugumo-nee-san?!" (Akebono)

An Ayanami-class destroyer? That can't be right.

"Bring her back first. Great job on the mission. Remain vigilant. It may not be over yet."

"Roger!" (All)

Kamikaze helped to carry Usugumo onto Noshiro's back while Shiratsuyu and Suzukaze took point.

I need to report this the HQ and Sasebo. Since this was a joint operation, we need to discuss which district to assign Usugumo to.

"Ooyodo, I'll leave their return journey to you. Call me immediately if anything happens."

"Roger." (Ooyodo)

Operation Ki-504th Convoy was a success. On top of that, we managed to recover a new shipgirl! I will need to check on her physical and mental condition first. I also need to find out her identity and history. Then compile everything and send it to HQ.

This is going to take all night...


It was already late at night. Noshiro's fleet had returned, gave their report and returned to their rooms to rest for the night. Kamikaze was the only one who got damaged, so she is spending some time in the docks. I'm almost done compiling the reports for this mission. What is left is Usugumo's data. Although this was supposed to be a joint operation with Sasebo, I'm the one leading this operation. So all the work falls on me. At least I get to keep whatever resources I can find.

Usugumo... By her uniform, she is clearly from the Fubuki-class but Akebono and Ushio recognized her as an older sister. I didn't ask them about it since it's already so late and everyone is exhausted from the battle. I would have asked Fubuki for any memories regarding Usugumo but she is already fast asleep. And the girl in question hasn't woken up yet. She is in the infirmary.

Hmm? Is that footsteps I hear? There shouldn't be anyone wondering around at this timing. It could have been a lonely shipgirl who wants to sneak into my bed but from the sound of it, I don't think thats the case. They just passed by my office door.

I went over and peeked out of the door. A girl in a white and blue sailor uniform was walking along the wall. As she was about to turn the corner, she slowly peeked out, as if to check if the coast is clear. Totally suspicious.

"Who are you?"

"Eek!!" (???)

When I called out to her, she got so startled that she fell to the ground. She looked at me with fear in her eyes. This girl...


"Eh? Erm... Yes. I'm Usugumo." (Usugumo)

What a weird timing to be awake. I offered her my hand.

"For the time being, can you stand?"

"Yes. Thank you so much." (Usugumo)

I helped her up. The fear in her eyes are gone. Now, she looks confused and maybe tired.

"I'm the Admiral of this Naval district. Welcome to Maizuru Naval District."

"I knew it. This is Maizuru base. No wonder everything felt nostalgic. Oh. Sorry. I'm the 7th ship of the Special Type I destroyers, Usugumo. I was born in a shipyard in Tokyo Bay and I served in the northern seas during that war. Admiral, please remember my service." (Usugumo)

Oh good! That's all the data I need for the report! I just needed to know where she came from and her class. Afterwards, HQ will handle the necessary admin matters.

And my suspicions were correct. Usugumo is from the Fubuki-class.

"Thank you. It's a already very late, why don't you rest for the night?"

"It's okay. I just woke up after all." (Usugumo)

"Yeah, but you are still tired right? Come on, follow me."

I scooped her off her feet and carried her into my bedroom.

"Eh?! Wait! Admiral! What are you doing?" (Usugumo)

I tucked the flabbergasted and embarrassed Usugumo into my bed.

"I know you may not be used to the infirmary beds so sleep here for the night. And don't worry. I'm not going to lay a hand on you while you sleep. I still have some work to do."

"Admiral, I can't do this. How can someone new like me... spend... the... night..." (Usugumo)

She is out like a light. I'm probably going to get questioned excessively for this but I think I can handle it.

Alright. Back to work. Let's get that report done and over with.

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