Our Bonds

Chapter 155 - 141

The IJN is incredibly efficient. Not even a week after the operation is completed, I got called in, or rather, escorted in for a court martial. There are four Grand Admirals attending and the Marshal Admiral is the judge.

"Do have any idea what would have happened if you had failed? There would be a hole in the chain of command. Even worse, the entire naval district would have been destroyed and everyone would either be sunk or killed! If anything happened to my daughter, I will -!" (Grand Admiral Akihito)

"That was an extremely foolish and risky thing to do. I can understand the past still haunts you, but that doesn't mean you need to go and literally face it. There must have been better options." (Grand Admiral Hide)

True... But I wasn't really thinking straight that time...

"I am your best friend, that's why I'm going to say this. I really screwed up. The Marshal Admiral told you to take responsibility, not rush in and risk yours and everyone's lives." (Grand Admiral Rondo)

"That being said, you did provide some interesting Intel. I would love to see the gun you used to deal the killing blow." (Grand Admiral Hasake)

"This is not the time to do research, Hasake!" (Grand Admiral Akihito)

"Oh calm your beard. I wondered what did Takao see in an angry man like you."

"Leave my wife out of this!" (Grand Admiral Akihito)

Now that's new. I didn't know his wife was Takao. Does that mean Rei's is the daughter of a shipgirl? So Shipgirls can give birth...

"Oh for the love of-! We are going off-topic. Both of you, clam it!" (Grand Admiral Hide)

The two Grand Admirals stared at each other for a bit, before glaring at me.

Haah... This is not going to end well...


-Maizuru Naval District- Zuihou POV

It has been a half a day since Admiral got dragged off by the military police to Yokosuka Naval District. We know it's because of the Abyssal Phoenix Princess incident. I hope he won't get into too much trouble. I'm so worried...

Before I got out to complete my sortie for the day, I went and arranged his desk, sorted out some doc.u.ments, and passed the confidential ones to Commander Rei OK the morning. Since the Admiral isn't here, the next in command is in charge of his duties. By the time we came back, it was already dinnertime.

I sat with the rest of my fleet, having our dinner in the canteen.

"Come on. Don't look so glum. The new girls will get worried." (Suzuya)

"That's right poi. It's worrying but we can't do anything poi. We can only wait." (Yuudachi)

"I can understand how you are feeling. Even I get worried if onee-sama is gone for this long." (Yamashiro)

"Shigure, is there something wrong? You don't look too good." (Agano)

"Eh? Oh, it's just that- I haven't seen Shigure-chan for the whole day. I heard she wasn't in class too." (Shigure)

"That's weird. She isn't the type to skip classes." (Suzuya)

"Ah Zuihou." (Souryuu)

Souryuu-senpai approached our table, calling out to me,

"Senpai, what's is it?"

"Do you know how Zuihou-chan is? She didn't show up for practice today." (Souryuu)

Even the smaller me?

Where could they have gone? Shigure-chan wasn't in her room. Neither was my smaller self. They couldn't have left since the gates are still locked, and their equipment and riggings are still in the arsenal.

As I passed by Admiral's office, I can hear a weird sound coming from inside. Is there someone crying? There shouldn't be anyone in the office. Apart from Admiral, only Commander Rei and I have the key. Maybe Commander Rei is inside, but then again, why is she crying?

I put my hand on the doorknob and turned it. Unsurprisingly, it was unlocked.

I took a peek inside. The is no one in the office area, as far as I can see. I enter the office and checked around, trying to remain as quiet as possible. The crying is definitely coming from Admiral's private quarters. As I walked closer to his door, the sound of crying gets even louder.

I slowly turned the doorknob and peeked inside.

On the bed, there was a small lump. It moves along with the crying noises. Who is that?

Suddenly, I felt sad and guilty. Thoughts about how it was fault that Admiral being sent to Yokosuka for a court martial entered my head. This feeling... it's the same as last time...


"!!!" (Zuihoi-chan)

They crying stopped. No, its more like she is trying to suppress it.

I sat on the bed beside her.

"You weren't at practice today. Were you here the whole time?"

"..." (Zuihou-chan)

"Come on. You can talk to me if you want."

"Shut up..." (Zuihou-chan)

This brat... I was trying to be nice.

"You feel bad, don't you?"

"What do you know?" (Zuihou-chan)

"I know because you broadcasted that into my head."

"Huh? What you talking about?" (Zuihou-chan)

My smaller self poked her head from under the blanket and stred at me as if I am some crazy person. Her eyes were puffy, proof she had been crying for a while. She quickly ducked back under the covers soon after.

"You think it's your fault because you were the Abyssal Phoenix Princess and the one that started all this."

"..." (Zuihou-chan)

"Yeah. If you didn't show up, Admiral wouldn't have risked his life. He wouldn't have to be court martialed. And we would still be enjoying our time together by now."

"..." (Zuihou-chan)

"But, did you know he was still thinking of you all these years? Even though we are lovers, you held a special place in his heart. It's because of you, we are able to share a bond. If it weren't for your arrival, Admiral wouldn't have been able to forgive himself. All these years he regretted causing that incident. Not being able to apologize to you. Your arrival gave him the chance he had been waiting for."

It's hard to admit, it's because of this girl that Admiral is like this now. His drive to treat us well and not let any one of us sink all stems from this girl. His turned his regret into a strength, but constantly reminded himself of his failure. I learned that way too late.

"Come on out."

I tugged on the blanket she was using.

"You are in my spot. And you are going to dirty his bed with your snot and tears."

"Shut up! Leave me alone." (Zuihou-chan)

"Geez. You asked for it."

I slipped my hands through a gap under the blanket and felt around. I'm making wild guesses, but it should be right here.

"Take that, and that, and that."

"Wai- Hahaha! Stop i- Hyahahahah!" (Zuihou-chan)

I tickled her for a while, until she started to cry again.

"Geez. *sniff* What's wrong with you? *hic* You are throwing me off." (Zuihou-chan)

"I told you, you are in my spot so move over."

"Geez. *hic* What a weird person..." (Zuihou-chan)

"You are the same as me."

"I'm *sniff* scared... What if *hic* Admiral gets into trouble because me? What if he *sniff* doesn't come back? Just when... I finally got to see him again..." (Zuihou-chan)

I hugged the snivelling mess as she laid on her back, hands trying to hide her tear-soaked face.

"Don't worry. Admiral will definitely return. He said it himself, 'I'll be back.' Let's believe in him, okay?"

"Al- *sniff* Alright..." (Zuihou-chan)

I laid beside Zuihou-chan, holding her small hand until she stopped crying and fell asleep. Initially, I thought this girl was a thieving cat, coming into our lives just to steal Admiral from me. I hated her.

Now, I realize she just like us. She wanted to make up of all those lost years. She wanted to feel the warmth she had always yearned for. In the end, she is just a child, fragile, full of worry, and looking for love.

Now, I have the desire to protect her. Is this how it is to have a little sister? Ehehe. Finally I'm a big sister.

"Good night, Zuihou-chan."

I kissed her forehead.

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