Our Bonds

Chapter 156 - 142

I'm finally back...

I thought that would never end... At least it went better than expected.

Instead of a court martial which I expected and getting thrown into the brig for a few years or a dishonorable discharge if I'm lucky, I was interrogated and lectured by each of them on the importance of life and the role of an Admiral. That was the first time I heard Rondo speaking for that long. I even had to explain the events that happened inside the boundary and further elaborate on things which I had written in my report. Just read the report! Did you really think I'm hiding something?! In the first place, there was nothing for me to hide! Even after I answered all their questions, I still had to go through a medical checkup to see if my time spent in the boundary had any effect on my body. That part wasn't so bad, but it's a little bit too late for a check. It has been over two weeks since and nothing has happened.

Oh well... I should be thankful that I got off easy with a two month pay cut and some scolding. I have some savings to spare so it's not much of a problem. I can still treat some girls

I unlocked the gate and entered by base. Everyone else must be asleep by now. Apart from the floodlights illuminating the pier and parts of the district, and the dim lights in the corridors and walkways, everywhere is dark.

For some reason, I turned around and looked into the guard post that no one uses. Originally, this guard post was for military personnel to... well stand guard of the gate. But I have never heard of HQ assigning anyone to be a guard of any Naval District. Come to think of it, I never asked for the reason, have I?

Anyway, as I looked into the guard post, I was surprised.

Barely illuminated by the floodlights, I can see a small girl, curled up and clutching a blanket. I recognize that hairpin. Why is Shigure-chan sleep here? Was she waiting for me? Even Shigure and Yuudachi won't do this. They know it's better to wait for me in the office.

I should bring her back to my room. It's cold out here.

I made my way back to my office, carrying Shigure-chan on my back. Huh? The door is unlocked. Did Zuihou forget to lock it? If it's unlocked, she must be in my bed.

I opened the door to my office and noticed a dim light coming from my quarters. How nice of her to leave some lights on. Though she didn't have to do it. But she forgot to shut this door too.


What am I looking at?

On my bed laid two Zuihous, holding hands as they slept. This is weird. They used to hate each other. Just yesterday they were still at each others throats. Something must have happened for them be like this.

Aww~ I feel like I just missed some important development. At least I got to see this wholesome scene. Two of my shipgirls, sleeping while holding hands. They are so cute.

"mnn~" (Shigure-chan)

Oops. I best be careful and put her on the bed. Don't want to wake anyone up.

I slowly laid Shigure-chan beside Zuihou-chan and pulled the blanket over her. I went to the bathroom and took of the black military garb which I was wearing. I spent a whole day in this thick military garb, so my while body is sticky with sweat. I need a bath. Filling up the bathtub would take too long and make a lot of noise. Washing my body will suffice. After that, time to sleep.

It's a little bit of a squeeze but I should be able to fit at the corner. Yep. I managed to fit in the corner, with some space to spare too.

Alright, time to sleep. It has been a long day.


The bright light shining at my eyes through the curtain gaps woke me up. This is worst way to wake up. It usually isn't this bad. It's almost as if it's late... in the morning already...

What time is it now?


I have been sleeping for that long?! Why didn't anyone wake me up?

I hurriedly put on my uniform, did a bit of grooming and came out of my room.

"Ah. Good morning, Admiral. Did you sleep well?" (Zuihou)

Zuihou greeted me with a smile. She was doing some of the paperwork. Helping her was Zuihou-chan. As I thought, something must have happened yesterday.

"Good morning, Admiral♪" (Zuihou-chan)

"Good morning. You could have just woke me earlier in the morning, you know?"

"How could we wake you up-" (Zuihou)

"When Admiral is sleeping so soundly?" (Zuihou-chan)

They smiled at each other. They are in sync now...

"By the way, where is Shigure-chan?"

"She went for her morning classes. Admiral, where did you find her? She was missing yesterday." (Zuihou)

"In the guard post. The one at the gate. She was missing?"

"Apparently, Shigure-chan didn't attend her classes yesterday. Yahagi and Kashima-san weren't able to find her. They knew she was still in the base since her equipment wasn't drawn out and the gate was still locked. So we thought of spending the day searching for her. Never thought she would be hiding there." (Zuihou)

I didn't expect that kind of behavior from her.

"Oh. I need to go for practice now." (Zuihou-chan)

"Take care." (Zuihou)

"I'll be off. Admiral. Onee-chan." (Zuihou)

"Onee-chan?!" (Zuihou)

Even Zuihou herself doesn't call Shouhou 'Onee-chan'.

Zuihou has her head over the clouds. Being called 'Onee-chan' is a first for her. I'm really curious.

"So, what happened while I was gone?"

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