Our Bonds

Chapter 190 - 174: An Azur Lane Side Story Part 3

The situation has changed. The operation is being pushed forward.

"Strike fleet 2, what's your status?"

"Still en route to Tawi Tawi Anchorage. That's a cute name for a naval base. Erm... ETA... maybe another hour?" (Elegant Kizuna Ai)

"We need to rendezvous with the girls from Strike Fleet 1 and Brunei Anchorage, right?" (Marie Rose)

"Commander, are you sure it's alright for us to join in? We only recently arrived." (Kasumi DOA)

The two new girls, Kasumi and Marie Rose, had only just arrived from Vacation Island last week. Although their shipgirl prowess and aim can use some improvements, they are unrivaled when it comes to martial arts, something we need if we encounter a Beast Abyssal.

"Yeah. You two will be essential against the Beast Abyssals."

"Enemies spotted! Two Beast Abyssals!" (Ookami Mio)

Speak of the devil,


"What's the hooded one with a tail called?" (Ookami Mio)

"Re-class?" (Super Gamer Kizuna Ai)

"Yeah yeah. That one. Two of them." (Ookami Mio)

"Nya! Isn't that bad?!" (Shirakami Fubuki)

Yeah. That is bad. But we have a plan to win.

"Just as we practiced, Marie and Kasumi will restrain them and hand them to Gamer AI-chan and Mio-san. Gamer Ai-chan will destroy one with a point-blank cannon blast. Mio-san will use that weird 'Stand' thing to smash the other."

"His name is Hatotaurus!" (Ookami Mio)

"The others will distract them and provide cover fire."

"Our names got shortened..." (Super Gamer Kizuna Ai)

I can't help it. Both of their names are a mouthful. And there are four of them.

As one of the Re-classes charged towards Kasumi, she countered it with a over-shoulder toss, slamming the Abyssal onto the water surface. While Kasumi deals with one, Marie... got ignored by the other. The second Re-class leaped over Marie.

"Wait! Why are you ignoring me?!" (Marie Rose)

"Ah. Wait wait wait! Why is it coming after me?!" (Shirakami Fubuki)

It went after Fubuki instead...

Marie quickly rushed in front of the Re-class and made an attempt to punch it. The Re-class dodged and leaped over the loli fighter again. Why is it... Oh, I forgot, the Beast Re-class is said to ignore anything shorter than it. Marie definitely fits that condition.

"Fubuki-senpai, please stop running! I can't hit it like this!" (Marie Rose)

"If I don't run, that thing is going to kill me! Nya!" (Shirakami Fubuki)

Fubuki narrowly escaped a ground slam by the Abyssal.

"Marie-chan! Shoot it! Shoot it!" (Shirakami Fubuki)

"I can't! It's too fast!" (Marie Rose)

Looks like we have to tweak the plan a bit,

"Fubuki, calm down. Lead it to Mio. You are good at escaping from monsters in horror games. This should be simple for you."

"This and that are totally different! Eeek!" (Fubuki)

"Fubuki, lead it over here. I got it." (Ookami Mio)

"Nya Nya Nya!" (Shirakami Fubuki)

"Hatotaurus, unleash you inner strength!" (Ookami Mio)

A giant, semi-translucent creature appeared behind Mio. It had a beefy body, equally beefy arms and maybe an extremely intimidating aura, if it didn't have the head of a pigeon. It's head was a pigeon, with horns. It still looks strong but I can't get over the fact that it has a pigeon for a head. That thing is supposedly Mio's pet, Hatotaurus. A combination of a Minotaur and a pigeon. Why? I know that fox-cat-girl created it as part of a skit they did but I didn't expect it to be utilized this way.

"Mio, hurry up! It's going to get me! Wah!" (Shirakami Fubuki)

She narrowly dodged another swipe from the bestial Re-class. Damn, she's fast. Probably as fast, if not, faster than Shimakaze.

"Come to me! Marie-chan, if I miss, help me restrain it again." (Ookami Mio)

"Don't worry, Mio-senpai. You won't miss. Even if you did, I will have my turn to shine." (Marie Rose)

Marie and Fubuki rushed to Mio's position, with the Bestial Re-class hot on the latter's tail. Hatotaurus raised it's left arm,

"Coo!" (Hatotaurus)

And slammed it towards the Bestial Re-class. As expected, it dodged, but was instantly grabbed by Hatotaurus's right hand. The captured Abyssal screeched and clawed at the bull-pigeon hybrid as it tries to escape. Hatotaurus just tightened it's grip. The disturbing sound of bones cracking can be heard as the Abyssal continued to scream in pain, before it became motionless. Hatotaurus slammed it onto the water surface. It pounded the motionless Abyssal a few more times before it sunk into the ocean and turned imto dust. That was gruesome.

On the other side, Kasumi and both of the self-proclaimed super AIs managed to take down the other Bestial Re-class. Kasumi was distracting the Bestial Re-class by engaging it in close-combat while Elegant Kizuna Ai unleashed a salvo onto its back. It couldn't react in time and took serious damage. Super Gamer Kizuna Ai then took the stage by firing an AP shell through it. Right after Kasumi got out of her line of fire of course. The Re-class was damaged by both Kasumi's relentless assault and Elegant AI's salvo that it couldn't move properly, let alone dodge a battleship caliber AP shell. In contrast to the other group, they had an easier time.

"Uugh~ That was scary~" (Shirakami Fubuki)

Mio pat Fubuki's head,

"There there. It's gone already."

"Coo~" (Hatotaurus)

"Ah. Hatotaurus, thank you for your help. You can return now." (Ookami Mio)

Her pet disappeared into thin air. I'm somewhat relieved that it's finally gone. That thing freaks me out a little. Marie looks dejected.

"It's okay. You turn will come soon."

"Uugh..." (Marie Rose)

"That's right I'm counting on you to restrain the next Beast Abyssal, Marie-chan." (Ookami Mio)

"Mio-senpai..." (Marie Rose)

Mio rubbed Marie's head as the two super AIs looked on,

"There it is. The rumoured Mio-mama." (Super Gamer Kizuna Ai)

"So that's why she has that nickname. It really fits her." (Elegant Kizuna Ai)

"Hmm... She certainly gives off that kind of aura sometimes." (Kasumi)

"All right. All right. Get a move on. Let's not waste anymore time."

I watched from the monitor as Strike Fleet 2 continued their approach to Tawi Tawi Anchorage. For now, the coast seems clear. They are to meet up with Strike Fleet 1 and Brunei Anchorage's Fifth Fleet. Strike Fleet 1 consist of Saint Louis, Suzuya, Nekone, Good, Ryuuhou and Intrepid. Saint Louis, Suzuya, and Nekone are needed for their fire attacks. Their attacks can help burn down the maze walls, making it easier to advance. Ryuuhou, Intrepid and Hood are for in charge of simply destroying the enemy. So one fleet to take care of Sirens and destroying the maze, another fleet for taking down Beast Abyssals. The fifth fleet will combine with Strike Fleet 1, making it a combined fleet.

Just as Elegant Kizuna Ai predicted, the fleet reached Tawi Tawi Anchorage within the next hour. They were greeted by small, floating girls in uniform. The fairies belonging to IJN have come out to greet them.

"Wow. What are these? They are so cute." (Marie Rose)

"They are called Fairies. They maintain and manage our equipment and other stuff." (???)

A tall lady in navy blue uniform approached my girls. She has brown hair and gives off a rather calm and ladylike aura. a few strands of hair was sticking out of something that resembles a smoke stack on her head. The fairies surrounding my girls immediately gathered around her.

"You are..." (Kasumi DOA)

"Ah. Sorry for the late introduction. My name is Saratoga. Please call me Sara. I'm the flagship of the fifth fleet. Though, for now, I have transferred flagship command to Saint Louis-san. Pleased to meet you." (Saratoga)

"Another Saratoga-chan. Or Saratoga-san?" (Shirakami Fubuki)

"A totally different person." (Marie Rose)

As expected, the girls are surprised. Except for the twins. They are already used to seeing another version of their senpais. During their visit to Yokosuka Naval District, they were surprised to see the other versions of the girls they usually knew.

After a brief exchange, Saratoga led them to the briefing room. I better switch channels and enter the room online as well. Since Azur Lane is in charged of this operation, I better brief everyone properly. Admiral Taka is busy with his own operation, so I better make sure both of our girls succeed and make it back home. I should be there physically but there is still an ongoing Beast Abyssal threat over here. I have to do this remotely.

The next day, Operation Thorn Heart will commence. Today, everyone will rest up and prepare for tomorrow.

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