Our Bonds

Chapter 197 - 181

It has been two weeks since Shigure became my second girlfriend. So far, nothing much has happened. Shigure has gotten closer with Rei. From what I heard, Rei was the one that gave her a pep talk. Shigure has become more confident and slightly more clingy than before. In front of others, she acts as per normal, before the whole 'eye incident' took place. When we are alone, she will snuggle against me and refuse to leave my side. The headpats and pampering still stand, just that she wants them more often now.

Three days after Shigure's confession, Yahagi's Arson fleet returned. Operation Thorn Heart was deemed a success, with the Siren construct being neutralized. The surrounding water was altered by an Siren explosion though. The fleets were engaged with an high-class siren and nearly got wiped out. Thankfully their backup arrived and saved them from impending doom.

Upon their return, Shigure-chan congratulated her larger counterpart. It was as if she knew what happened despite being in another country. Zuihou-chan confessed again and and took her in as my third girlfriend. She was so elated that she went for a kiss immediately, surprising both Shigure and Shigure-chan. Shigure-chan told me she isn't ready for a relationship yet, but would like if I continue to treat her well. So our relationship is still the same as always.

For the past two weeks, I have been monitoring the operation through the reports collated and sent by the HQ. The operation is going smoothly. My girls are being taken well care of by the respective Admiral's and outpost leaders. The only concern I have was that Zuihou was reported to be unfocused and in a daze during the fourth and last mission. She suffered heavy damages after going too close to the enemy fleet, despite being a light aircraft carrier. She is supposed to remain out of the enemy's range. She did the same thing three times in a row and was put on the bench for the rest of the mission. I'm going to question her about it later.

With Christmas coming, the next day in fact, I have been busy buying wrapping presents during the night. Some of the girls have already gotten into the Christmas mood and start dressing up for the festive season. The base has also been decorated with christmas lights and a christmas tree has been planted in the main hall. Of course, I haven't forgotten my promise with Zuihou about giving her something special. I have already commissioned Akashi to make me a special item. So special that she was bewildered by it. I can't blame her, this item can be considered a little risque.

And finally, after three weeks of me calling and messaging him, Grand Admiral Hasake answered me. He is here today to examine Shigure.

"You are really irritating. Constantly calling me and sending me messages about this problem." (Grand Admiral Hasake)

Well, you didn't answer me! Not like I can say that,

"My apologies. I was desperate."

"Well, it's good that you care for your shipgirls." (Grand Admiral Hasake)

I led him to my office, where Shigure was waiting for me.

Before I even touched the door, Shigure, wearing a christmas hat, opened it and hugged me. How did she know I was outside?

"So this is my patient." (Grand Admiral Hasake)

"Ah. Grand Admiral." (Shigure)

Shigure was about to stand at attention and salute before he stopped her,

"At ease, girl. I can't be bothered with that level of formality anyone. It's too stiff for me at this age." (Grand Admiral Hasake)

Aren't you the one that is most strict about this kind of things? Only the younger generation like us are more lax about things like formalities.

"Now, let's go in. It's too cold out here." (Grand Admiral Hasake)

Grand Admiral Hasake told Shigure to sit on the sofa and take off her eyepatch.

"Eh? But..." (Shigure)

"Don't worry. I'm not going to do anything bad to you." (Grand Admiral Hasake)

I held Shigure's hand,

"Don't worry. Let him examine your wound. Grand Admiral, please don't look at me with such a disgusted face."

Shigure reluctantly took of her eyepatch and opened her right eye. Grand Admiral Hasake put on a pair of weird goggles. One of the lens looks like a mini telescope.

"I'm going to shine a light on it. Huh. Okay. I see. It's has been taken out rather cleanly. I can still see some of the muscles." (Grand Admiral Hasake)

"Admiral, what is the meaning of this? Why is the Grand Admiral doing this?" (Shigure)

"I will tell you later."

"This might hurt a little." (Grand Admiral Hasake)

"Eh? Ouch!" (Shigure)

Grand Admiral Hasake used a pair of tweezers and poked the inside of her eye socket. Shigure recoiled in pain and pressed her right eye.

"Ah! You okay? Grand Admiral, what are you doing?!"

"Calm down. I just touched her This is a good thing." (Grand Admiral Hasake)


"Little Girl, it hurts, right?" (Grand Admiral Hasake)

Shigure looked at Grand Admiral Hasake and gave a nod,

"That means the nerves in the muscles are still intact. I can make this work." (Grand Admiral Hasake)

"Does that mean you can fix her eye?"

"Eh? Admiral?" (Shigure)

"Yeah. Thanks to your pestering, I had to research and learn to create an artificial eye. I guess that's a good thing as well. Anyway, since her nerves are still alive, I can implant an orbital implant and artificial lens, cornea and retina. Her self-repairing system can handle the regeneration of the optical nerves, muscles, radar systems and connection between the brain and the eye. It will take a while for her regain her sight in that eye." (Grand Admiral Hasake)

I'm curious how he managed to create those parts in three weeks, but if I asked, I'm going to be stuck here listening to his lecture for who knows how long.

"Wait... So... I can see in my right again. I will be able to fight again?" (Shigure)

"Not immediately. Maybe after a week or two, or maybe a month depending on how your body recovers. Once I have successful created the ocular implant, I will inform you and arrange the operation."

"Thank you. I will treat you to another drink next time."

"I will make sure to drain your wallet." (Grand Admiral Hasake)

"Spare me, Grand Admiral. This is great, Shigure. You can- Eh?"

Tears flowed from her eye,

"Oi. A man shouldn't make his woman cry." (Grand Admiral Hasake)

"How is that my fault?!"

"HAHAHA. Tis' is a good christmas present, aye?" (Grand Admiral Hasake)

His speech pattern became that of an old-fashioned sailor. Shigure is still crying,

"Uhm... The best I ever received... Thank you... Grand Admiral..." (Shigure)

"Don't thank me. Thank your irritating and unfaithful Admiral. He wouldn't stop messaging me and calling me about it every single day. I had to conduct a training excercise for the engineering brats. Ain't got the time to respond to yer' till last week. At least, this makes for a interesting activity." (Grand Admiral Hasake)

"Thank you... Admiral..." (Shigure)

I wanted to see the Grand Admiral off, but he told me not to trouble myself. He wants to visit Mamiya's before leaving.

Shigure has calmed down a little. She is chilling under the Kotatsu.

"This feels like a dream... I never thought I have the chance to recover." (Shigure)

"Damn that old man. I mean, I do respect him but he could have told me he was busy. I didn't know he was conducting a training excercise."

"Ehehe~ I'm sure he has his reasons. By the way," (Shigure)

"They are taking a long time." (Shigure)

"Yeah. I'm getting a bit worried. They should have been back this morning."

Everyone else except for Zuihou's fleet has returned. Agano's fleet came home this morning, and they were involved in the last mision. So Zuihou's fleet should have been the same, or at least slightly after. It's evening now.

"They are back!!!" (Mutsuki)

Ah. Speak of the devil...

Shigure and I went to the pier to greet them. Arriving at the pier is Yuudachi, Shiratsuyu, Akizuki, Yuubari, and Ryuujou supporting a damaged and tattered Zuihou.

"How did you- Never mind, I hear your report later. Welcome back, guys."

"Support fleet two has arrived back at base." (Yuubari)

"Admiral~~" (Zuihou)

Zuihou staggered towards me and hugged me tightly. I pet her head,

"How did you get damaged on the way back? Don't tell me, you guys met a beast Abyssal?!"

"No. We encountered a normal Abyssal Carrier fleet." (Shiratsuyu)

"Did they use some sort of new tactic against-"

"No. It was the usual 'Line Ahead' formation and typical attack patterns." (Akizuki)

"Then how did you get damaged like this?"

"Ugh..." (Zuihou)

Zuihou looked up at me. She looks like an though she is able to cry. Crap. This is turning me on.

"Zuihou has been acting weird for a while poi." (Yuudachi)

"There there."

I rubbed the light aircraft carrier's head,

"Head to the docks and rest up. Good work, everyone."

"Congratulations on the successful mission. Welcome home." (Shigure)

"Eh? Shigure is smiling." (Shiratsuyu)

"You are right poi! It's the usual Shigure poi. Poi!" (Yuudachi)

"I know, right? I was surprised when I got back." (Murasame)

"We should celebrate!" (Shiratsuyu)

"Eh? That's a bit too much." (Shigure)

"No. It's to celebrate your return poi." (Yuudachi)

"Return from where?" (Shigure)

I placed a hand on her head,

"Go and celebrate with them. They are happy for you."

"Mmm... Alright." (Shigure)

"Yay! I will go get the rest poi." (Yuudachi)

"I will go book a place at Mamiya-san's!" (Shiratsuyu)

"Yuudachi, go and get Yamashiro and Mogami too!" (Murasame)

"..." (Zuihou)

"Hmm? Zuihou, what's wrong?"

"Nothing." (Zuihou)

"How long are you going to hold on to me? Go get yourself repaired already."


It's already past midnight. As per tradition, I went to every room to deliver their presents. I'm glad I made it in time. I managed to wrap the last gifts for the Agano sisters by midnight. I then spent the next two or so hours going around the dorms and leaving presents in the girl's rooms. Shigure and Zuihou-chan had already fell asleep on my bed, so I left the presents by their side. Now the only one left is the girl stuck in the bath.

Maybe this is a good time to give it to her. I already collected it just now. And I spent a while going around so I'm due for a hot bath. And it's been two weeks so...

I went back to my room, took my pajamas and made my way to the docks. I made sure to be careful not to wake the two girls up while I move around my room.

Damn. The night is really freezing...

I put my laundry in the washing room, covered myself with a towel, and proudly announced my arrival,

"I'm here, Zuihou!"

"EH?!?! What are you doing here, Admiral?!" (Zuihou)

Although I'm still pretty far from where she is, Zuihou quickly covered herself with her hands. It's useless, really. I've already memorized every part of her body.

"Why are you coming closer?!" (Zuihou)

"Come on. Scoot over."

Despite her protest, she still let me join her in the medicinal bath.

"So... I heard you had a little screw-up during the operation."

"Look. A rabbit." (Zuihou)

Zuihou showed me a towel rabbit, she folded rather quickly. Thats quite cute and impressive, but not the answer I'm looking for,

"That's cute. So, what happened then?"

"It's almost time for Christmas. I wonder what am I- Hyahaha! Wait! That tickles!" (Zuihou)

"You better fess up then."

"Okay. I get it. Hiii~ Hiii~" (Zuihou)

Apparently, half way through the mission, she ran out of 'Admiral-lium'. I have no idea what she meant by that but basically she missed me so much that she couldn't focus. Even on the way back, she did the same thing and get whacked by a Flying Fish Bomber. The whole thing is cute and all, but that was dangerous.

Before I can begin my punishment, Zuihou turned away and snuggled against me,

"I miss you, Admiral." (Zuihou)

Okay, fine. I can postpone it to later.

"I miss you too."

"By the way, how far are you with Shigure?" (Zuihou)

"Oh. You already heard it from Shigure-chan."

"Not really. I kind of guess it when I saw her smiling. I had a feeling something happened after we were gone. So I have to share with Shigure and Zuihou-chan. I guess I can accept that..." (Zuihou)

She looks a little sad,

"Oh yeah. I have something to give you."

And I forgot to bring it in with me,

"Wait for a bit."

I left the bath and went to the locker where I put my belongings. At least this place has a heater. I don't have to rush to grab the gift. I returned to the bath, with gift in hand.

"Here. This is for you."

"What is this?" (Zuihou)

"It's one of your Christmas presents, and the proof I promised you. You like it?"

"It's cute... but why a collar?" (Zuihou)

It's a choker!"

The gift I got Akashi to make was choker with a heart-shaped locket. The tightness can be adjusted with small gear hidden behind the padlock.

"Er... What is this supposed to symbolize?" (Zuihou)

She gave me a confused look. I actually though of what this symbolizes, but it's embarrassing to say it out loud.

"Admiral, is there any meaning to this?" (ZUihou)

Eh... I don't want to say it. But...

"There is one..."

"So there is one after all. So, what is the meaning?" (Zuihou)

"It means... Ugh... Can I not say it?"

"No! Tell me!" (Zuihou)

I don't have much of a choice...

'It means..."

"It means?" (Zuihou)

"You are mine."


I knew it! Saying such a cheesy line out loud is embarrassing!

"Never mind. I go make another one for you."

"Can you... help me put it on? (Zuihou)


Zuihou brushed a hair to one side, exposing the nape of her neck,

"No. This one is a front-hook type."

"Ah." (Zuihou)

I helped Zuihou put on the choker and adjust it,

"Is it tight?"

"Nope. It's perfect. Ehehe~ I belong to Admiral." (Zuihou)

She is happy again.

It's getting colder, so I rejoined her inside the pool.

"Ehe ehehe~" (Zuihou)

Thank goodness. She likes it.

I spot something at the corner of my eye. Something is falling outside, at the outdoor spring.


Eh? Where? Wah~ Snow is falling." (Zuihou)

We both looked at the falling snow. It scenary outside must be beatiful. Zuihou can't get out of the bath, she still has ten hours left until her full recovery.

"As usual, this is another great Christmas." (Zuihou)

Zuihou pressed her body against me,

"Nh~ It's been a while. Want to do it?" (Zuihou)

"Are you sure? Is you body okay?"

"It aches a little, but I'm okay." (Zuihou)

"Then, I'm going to be rough a bit."

I attacked her with my fingers,

"You perk up real fast! Wai- Ahn! Hey! I'm... Mh! ...too sensitive there!" (Zuihou)

"I know. We got to make sure you're all nice and wet first. Take this."

"Ah! Geez! You are so mean!" (Zuihou)

"But I guess I love that part of you too. I love you, Admiral~" (Zuihou)

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