Our Bonds

Chapter 198 - 182

I watched the room spin around me as I fall on my back. Being tossed should have hurt, but it felt like simple bump on my back. Kashima is holding back for my sake.

"Are you alright, Admiral?" (Kashima)

Kashima gave me a concerned look. Rather than painful, I feel disorientated instead.

"I'm fine. That was a great throw."

"Really? Ehehe." (Kashima)

I took Kashima's hand as she helped me up.

After the encounter with the Beast Abyssals, I realized one thing. Most of my girls, especially the destroyers, do not have any close combat training or self-defense techniques. They mainly rely on their guns to fight from a far. If they are fast enough, they can dodge close-range attacks, but then what? It's all for naught if the enemy turns around and attacks them from behind. I did an experiment by pitting the girls against one another in a sparring excercise. No weapons, just normal hand-to-hand combat. The Fusou sisters, Agano sisters, Kashima, Shouhou, and Suzuya, although she only knows how to block, are the only ones capable of CQC. They know how to react when their opponent gets too close, especially Kashima, who threw Yamashiro to the ground and exhibited basic knowledge in the martial arts. The others were either panicking when their opponent got too close or dodged the first attack but got hit by a second one.

After the match, I asked Kashima where and when did she learn martial arts. Apparently, when she went to Yokosuka to visit her sister Katori, Kashima was given a book titled 'Special Self-defense Shipgirl Akido'. True to her class, Kashima memorised and learned everything stated in the book in a short time. She was holding back during the excercise. Although Akido is a type of non-violent martial art, mainly used to subdue their opponents, the shipgirl variant is designed to kill. By using the opponent's momentum and weight against them, a simple toss or slam can damage the Abyssal or render it immobile for a few seconds, creating an opportunity for a kill. Knowing which pressure of the Abyssal to target can also paralyze the Abyssal and deliver the killing blow but that is one of the more advanced techniques.

Today, a day before New Year Eve, I'm reviewing with Kashima at a makeshift Dojo on what to teach during her new combat classes. The dojo is just a large empty room with windows for air circulation. I plan to turn this into an actual dojo once I sent in a building form. During the review, Kashima held back on account that the techniques will most likely shatter my fragile human bones if she went all-out. If it's done to another shipgirls, the would probably suffer an broken arm, if they land on the wrong side.

"That's all I'm planning to teach for now." (Kashima)

"I agree. It's best if they start off with simple throws and strikes. In fact, I think that's more than enough to fight the normal Abyssals. For the beast one, we just need them to stop moving for a bit."

Although the Siren construct that created the Beast Abyssals was destroyed, there are still quite a lot of them roaming the seas. There have been reports of Abyssals ignoring our fleets and focusing on fighting Beast Abyssals, so the current situation works in our favor for now. At least until the Sirens try something again. This whole mess was caused by a Siren experiment. We are unsure of their goal, but judging by Azur Lane's report, I think their goal was to find a way to control the Abyssals. Needless to say, the Beast Abyssals were the part of the results. Hopefully this new training regiment will give my girls an edge over the new threat.

"Admiral? Admiral?" (Kashima)

"Oh. Sorry, Kashima. I kind of got lost in thought for a sec."

"Are you okay? Do you need Commander Rei to check on you?" (Kashima)

"I'm fine. I'm not sick or anything. Anyway, what is it?"

"Are you sure it's okay for you to be here? Shouldn't you be helpi-" (Kashima)

Suddenly, the sound of angry footsteps can be heard outside. It's her!

"Sorry, Kashima. I need to leave now."

"Wait, Admiral!" (Kashima)

Thankfully, the fairies have yet to install panels on the windows, making my escape extremely easy. Just need to jump up, grab the ledge, and pull myself through. It's not that high off the ground, so landing safely is not much of a problem.

Behind the wall I can hear the door slamming open, followed by a cute but angry voice,

"Kashima-san! Is Admiral here?!" (Zuihou)

"Er..." (Kashima)

"Oh come on! He ran away again!" (Zuihou)

This is no time to loiter around. I have to keep moving.

As we move on to the New Year, it was time for our annual tradition of cleaning up the entire district. Aside from last year, this is also the day I spend trying to escape from this activity. If there is one thing I dislike, it's definitely cleaning. It's such a chore, and dust is going to just pile up again sooner or later.

No, I'm not being lazy. I just hate cleaning.

"Ah. Admiral-san is close poi." (Yuudachi)

Gh! This is bad. I only halfway to the main office building and there's already a problem. Yuudachi is just right on the other side of the tree I'm hiding behind of.

Seriously, is she really a dog? How can she know I'm nearby just by picking up my scent?

"How are you sure?" (Shigure-chan)

"I can smell him. A rather sweaty smell." (Yuudachi)

I just came out from practicing with Kashima after all. And don't describe my smell. You are making me feel conscious about it.

"I don't smell anything." (Shigure-chan)

"When you get your Kai ni, you will be able to." (Yuudachi)

Better keep moving...

"Ah! Admiral-san spotted!" (Yuudachi)

Oh no.

Needless to say, I got pounced on by Yuudachi. Zuihou came shortly after and dragged me away to clean the corridor outside the office.


----------31st Dec 20XX----------

"Puaah~ This is the best!" (Pamiat Merkuva)

"Comrade, pass me that bottle over there." (Gangut)

"I want to drink Vodka too." (Grozny)

"Erm... Maybe if we dilute it a bit." (Avrora)

"Woah. Stop. I know you all for equality within the community but you can't give kids alcohol!"

Grozny puffed out her cheeks as I deny her alcohol. How could I let a small child like her drink alcohol?

"Relax, Comrade Admiral. Now is the time for celebration. No need to be so strict on the rules." (Gangut)

"It's not a rule. It's just bad to give children alcohol."

"Too late. She is tipsy now." (Pamiat Merkuva)


When I turned around, Grozny was chugging down a bottle of vodka. Her face was extremely red by the time she let go of the bottle and started swaying left and right.

"Oi! Minsk!"

"Don't worry, Comrade Admiral. This is kids vodka. It's very low in alcoholic content." (Minsk)

Doesn't seem very low to me if she is like this.

"Haa~ Bring her to Akashi if she starts feeling sick."

"Rest assured. We North Union girls have strong livers." (Sovetskaya Rossiya)

I guess I can overlook some things for today. It's a celebration after all.

In a few hours times, the New Years bell is going to ring, marking the start of the year 2021. The entire district is in a festive mood. Shops have been set up around the courtyard and along the beach. The girls are playing around, drinking and eating. Some of them are up to weird antics, like a drunk Kumano doing a dolphin impression. She is an expert at being one, even without trying. I'm just going around, making sure they don't injure themselves while having too much fun. We already had one incident just now, where Samidare tripped and crashed into store selling grilled corn. Her clumsiness never fails to surprise me. She wasn't hurt, but the fairy manning the store was super pissed off.

The atmosphere was getting a bit too much for my liking so I'm returning to my office for now. I doubt they would do anything crazy once I'm gone. I already ordered them to return to their dorms by 0200hrs.

I opened my office door, half-expecting Shigure or Yuudachi to come running towards me,

"I'm bac- Huh?"

Even my office wasn't safe from the party atmosphere. Sitting under the kotatsu was the two Zuihous, two Shigures, Yuudachi, and Rei. The six girls were merrily drinking. Actually, make that four. The two younger girls, Zuihou-chan and Shigure-chan are out cold on the floor.

"Poi poi~" (Yuudachi)

"Ah! Admiral~ Welcom... *hic* back~" (Zuihou)

"Admiral-san poi!" (Yuudachi)

"I see you girls started without me. How much did you all drink?"

"Only a few cans~" (Rei)

That doesn't seem like a few. Cans and bottles are scattered on the kotatsu and around the floor. I sat between Shigure and Zuihou. The moment I got under the Kotatsu, the two girls immediately snuggled against me.

"Admiral~" (Zuihou)

"Unnyaa~" (Shigure)

"How nice~ You are being loved." (Rei)

Woah. For a split second, my heart felt heavy. Why?

"Ahaha. They are always like this."

"I want to hug Admira- Ugh..." (Yuudachi)

"Ahh! Hold it in. Don't puke here!"

I quickly brought Yuudachi to the toilet. After emptying everything out, she passed out on the office floor. I brought out some Futons and tuck the three unconscious girls into each. I settled back into the Kotatsu and opened myself a cold one.

"Ehe~ Hehehe~" (Zuihou)

"Hau~" (Shigure)

These two are done for. And... There they go. Shigure and Zuihou laid down, falling asleep under the Kotatsu. It's just me and Rei now.

"It's already the year end... Time flies..." (Rei)

"Yeah. This year was more eventful than the last."

"I came to this base. The Abyssal Phoenix subjugation. Getting my own fleet." (Rei)

The return of the two girls I lost years ago, my anniversary with Zuihou, Shigure's injury and her inclusion as my lover... This year was really eventful from start to finish.

As I finished my can of beer, I felt something soft enveloping my head. When did Rei get behind me?


"Ho~ So this is what it feels like..." (Rei)

"What are you doing? Come on, get off me."

Or else something is going rise...

"Hey... Why do you always focus on your girls? Pay attention to me too! I'm your second-in-command." (Rei)

"Rei, you are drunk. Go to sleep."

"No~ Pay attention to me too!" (Rei)

"Hey! Don't shake me!"

"Blergh~" (Rei)

You know, in manga and in anime, the girls are always shown puking rainbows or a censored mess of black and purplish goo. In reality, it's always the latter, but uncensored. It's always warm, has a strong stench, and ultimately, gross!

"Oi! Gross! Don't puke on me!"

I managed to carry her to the toilet, but not before getting myself covered in vomit. I am definitely not letting this go that easily.

Ugh! Gross! What a way to end the year.

The faint sound of fireworks and a ringing bell can be heard as I wash myself.

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