Our Bonds

Chapter 201 - 185

A rather serious atmosphere filled the living room. At the center of the room laid a Kotatsu table, with all four sides occupied by four girls. They are all staring at each other, awaiting their next move.

"Take this, Zuihou-san!" (???)

A girl with long blonde hair tied into a ponytail and a well-endowed body placed a blue card on the table, forcing Zuihou to draw an additional four cards to her hand and skipping her turn.

"Guh! How dare you!" (Zuihou)

"Um... How about this?!" (Shigure)

Shigure placed a blue card with a arrows pointing in opposite directions.

"Eh?! What about my turn?!" (Zuihou-chan)

"Thank you, Shigure. Time for my revenge!" (Zuihou)

Zuihou placed a blue card of a circle with a slash in it.

"Oi!" (???)

"Finally, it's my turn." (Zuihou-chan)

Zuihou-chan placed a black card with a all four colours on it,

"Umm... Let's go with green." (Zuihou-chan)

"Ah. I don't have a green..." (Shigure)

"Remind me what are they doing again."

"A game of UNO with you as the prize." (Nen)

"And why is your girlfriend playing as well?"

"They needed a fourth player. Mom doesn't know how to play, and Rio wants to snuggle with your child, so she's competing with them." (Nen)

"For the last time, she is not my child. She is my girlfriend."

"That makes it worst, you lolicon!" (Nen)

The prick sitting beside me on the sofa is unfortunately, my younger brother, Tokomaki Nen. It's already evening and he just got back from work. To my surprise, he brought his girlfriend, Nijima Rio, over as well. It seems this is third time she has came over for a visit. She met my brother at his workplace, as colleagues. One thing led to another and now they are an item. I guess it just happened recently, since I didn't hear anything about it the last time I visit. He didn't want to answer me when I asked. As usual. Always choosing which questions to answer and giving the silent treatment because he can't be bothered to speak. That's my brother. But tonight, he is rather talkative.

Like Nen said, the four of them are in an intense game of UNO. After dinner, the girls are now deciding their sleeping arrangements. My room is pretty small compared to what I have back at base, with only one queen-sized bed. Minus Rio, the winner will get to sleep with me one the bed while the others sleep on the floor. I suggested that we can sleep on the floor together but they rejected it. If Rio wins, she gets to snuggle with Zuihou-chan for the rest of her stay. The latter is desperately trying to avoid that fate. Rio must really like cute things. For some reason, they decided to settle the outcome with a game of UNo.

"I'm surprised you managed to get a girlfriend with your troublesome personality."

"Piss off. At least I'm not a cheater like you." (Nen)

"It's not cheating if they accept one another."

"Only children can like you. As expected of a lolicon." (Nen)

"I'm not a child!" (Zuihou, Shigure & Zuihou-chan)

The two light aircraft carriers and destroyer lashed out at him.

"Ahaha. They got mad." (Rio)

"Anyway, how is things at your end?" (Nen)

"Is there going to be a blood moon tonight? My little brother asking me how is my work?"

"Just answer me." (Nen)

"Oh I see. You don't want to look bad in front of your girlfriend. I get it. Well, apart from managing resources, taking care of my shipgirls, dealing with creatures who love to destroy sh.i.p.s and aliens hellbent on causing problems, what else can I say? It's the same as usual. Creature and Alien cause trouble. We investigate. My girls destroy whatever the threat is. And they all come home. Then rinse and repeat."

I obviously left out some details but no matter. Not like this brat will other to listen anyway.

"It's a miracle your base hasn't blown up yet. It always suck at managing things." (Nen)

"It's amazing that your restaurant hasn't closed down because of your lousy personality."

Don't mind us. It's just the usual sibling banter we have whenever we meet.

"I wonder why the police hasn't arrested a filthy lolicon like you yet. Law and order must be pretty slack on your end." (Nen)

I want to punch him so badly...

"Like you ever cared about law and order."

"YAY! I won!" (Zuihou-chan)

They are finally done. Zuihou-chan is the champion of this match. As promised, she will get to sleep with me on the bed. The other two look dejected.

"Come on. It's not much different from back at our place. Cheer up."

"..." (Zuihou and Shigure)

Looks like I have to pamper them a lot more once we return to Maizuru.

Zuihou-chan skipped around the living room. Isn't she overreacting a little bit?

"Cute..." (Rio)

Rio is eyeing Zuihou-chan with a dangerous expression! Zuihou-chan also noticed her stare and quickly hopped onto my lap. Nen just let out an exasperated sigh,

"Rio... Oh forget it. Anyway, it's almost time for you go home. Come on, I will walk you to the station." (Nen)

Nen got up from the sofa and motioned to Rio with his head.

"Already? I want to play with them some more." (Rio)

"Too bad. They are mine. Maybe some other time."

"I still can't believe she isn't your child. Are all shipgirls like this? Like there are multiple of the same type?" (Rio)

"Last time? No. But there are such cases now. I have a smaller version of Shigure back at my base."

"He~eh~ I want to see her." (Rio)

"Rio!" (Nen)

"Maybe next time. Bye bye, Zuihou-san, Shigure-san and Zuihou-chan. I will definitely hug you next time." (Rio)

Rio grabbed her jacket and ran off to the doorway,

"Nen-kun, wait for me!" (Rio)

When we heard the door latch shut,

"I don't want to meet her next time." (Zuihou-chan)

"Yeah..." (Zuihou, Shigure)

"You can use the bath now." (Mom)

I heard my mom shout from upstairs.

"Okay. I don't mind having my bath last. No. The bath here is too small for all of us to be inside together. Don't even think about it."

The three of them are giving that look, saying they want to take one together. Apart from the bath being small, we are at my parents house. The walls are not thick enough, let alone being soundproof. I don't to make a noisy mess in my parents bathroom.


"Admiral's smell~" (Shigure)

"Hey. There is no smell. I haven't worn that for ages."

"No. It's faint but I can still smell it." (Shigure)

I don't know why to say anymore. Shigure continued sniffing at an orange long-sleeved shirt which I used as pajamas when I was younger. My mom let them use my old clothes as pajamas. They were delighted. Seriously, they are overreacting to everything.

"And how long are you two going to keep rolling around in my bed?"

While Shigure is there taking in my scent for some reason, the other two are playing around on my bed.

"Come on. At least let me enjoy it for a while. It's onlu fair enough since Zuihou-chan will get the bed to herself." (Zuihou)

"Like I said, it's not that bi- Never mind."

Shigure helped my set up the futons on the floor. As expected of my mom, she made sure the futons are clean and fresh. After tucking everyone in, i switched off the lights and maneuvered around to my bed. This is one of the reasons I said I can sleep on the floor with everyone. Back at base, the moon is enough to dimly light up the room for me to see. Here, it's pitch black. I don't want to step on th- !!!

I felt something catch my foot and gravity took over my body as I fell over,


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I feel something soft in my hand. I sort of know who I fell on and what was going on. This soft thing I'm touching... The size is a little too big to be Zuihou's. And that scream...

"Admiral, are you alright?" (Zuihou)

Zuihou is on my right...

"Erm... Admiral. We can't. Not here." (Shigure)

Yep. I knew it. I fell on top of Shigure and my hand miraculously found her chest,

"Sorry! It wasn't on purpose! Are you hurt?"

"N-no. I'm okay." (Shigure)

"Good. Sorry. Good night."

My eyes have kind of adjusted to the darkness. I can barely make out Shigure's silhouette. I went and pet what seems to be her head. Please let me be right.

I can feel her hair. I hit the mark.

"You too, Zuihou. Good night."

"Good night." (Zuihou)

I quickly got up and felt my way to the bed.

"Good night, Zuihou-chan."

No response. Only the sound of her breathing. She must have fallen asleep already. She really is a child, sleeping as soon as she is on the bed and at 2200hrs.

I can feel her move closer to me, before wrapping her arms around mine. I half-expected her to say something as usual, but not this time.

I better go to sleep myself. We are returning back to base tomorrow morning. And then our daily routine will continue.

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