Our Bonds

Chapter 203 - 187

The fleet is almost reaching the Salmon Seas. Along the way, We spoke about various things, like what the hololive girls usually do and life at both of our bases. At one point, Fubuki let out a cat-like scream after being startled by a lone Destroyer I-class that popped out of nowhere. Shigure-chan dealt with it with a single torpedo, before continuing the journey.

"For the last time, I'm not a cat! I'm an Arctic Fox!" (AL Shirakami Fubuki)

"Foxes don't go 'nya' when they get frightened."

"Ah. Admiral, can you say that again? That 'nya' was cute." (Zuihou)

I'm gonna tie her up later.

Ayame giggled at Zuihou's words.

"I found something. 50 metres to our left." (AL Ookami Mio)

"An enemy?"

"Beast Abyssals. Two of the shark-looking ones from before." (AL Ookami Mio)

Destroyer I-class...

"Ignore them. Let's concentrate on our objective."

"I detect an Abyssal fleet further up. In fifteen minutes, we will enter firing range." (Zuihou)

Should we try our luck? Maybe the first fleet we encounter has the black mental cube.

"Now that I think of it, this mission is basically a gacha."

"I know right? Isn't it exciting? We never know what we are going to find or get." (AL Shirakami Fubuki)

"I see. You are a girl of culture as well. Anyway, prepare for battle. Let's try our luck and get that black mental cube."

"Roger!" (All)

The fleet engaged the first enemy we found. It was a small Abyssal fleet consisting of a Light Cruiser He-class Kai flagship, a Light Cruiser Tsu-class, two Destroyer Ha-class and two Destroyer I-class. Not much of a threat, but still a considerably dangerous fleet. Well, the girls are strong enough to defeat them. Except for Shigure-chan, maybe. She is still inexperienced.

As soon as they are within range, Fubuki, Mio and Zuihou launched the first wave of bombers to initiate a bombing run. The initial attack sunk both Destroyer Ha-class and severely damaged the Light Cruiser He-class Kai Flagship.

Wait... Fubuki can launch her own set of bombers? Isn't she Destroyer? I haven't heard of a Destroyer launching aircrafts, let alone having any plane capacity. If it were just Seaplanes, it would make much more sense. But bombers? And those bombers are a type which I have never seen before. The bombers are like jet planes, but with a weird spiral growth with a pair of furry ears sticking out behind the c.o.c.kpit. Is that a bamboo sprout with fox ears? What is this?

Both parties started shelling at each other. Being damaged and severely overwhelmed, the Abyssal fleet taken out almost immediately. There weren't any black mental cubes floating around.

"Aww~ Nothing..." (AL Shirakami Fubuki)

"Well, it is a gacha. Let's look for the next one. Before that, everyone feeling okay? I can see your statuses on the screen but I just want to confirm it."

"You can see everything about us? You pervert~" (AL Narsuiro Matsuri)

"I can only whether you're damaged or not!"

Our next target, an Abyssal fleet led by another Light Cruiser Tsu-class, wasn't any better. Just as it was with the last one, this fleet wasn't holding on to our target.

"Maybe we should aim for stronger fleets? I'm pretty sure the weaker ones won't be holding onto such a precious item."

"Good point." (AL Ookami Mio)

"Then with that in mind, Zuihou, launch a scout plane and search for the nearest Carrier fleet."

"Okay." (Zuihou)

Zuihou drew her bow and let fly an arrow. The arrow burst into flames, transmuting into three Type-2 Reconnaissance Aircraft. The three planes split up, each moving in a different direction to cover more ground.

The girls continued moving forward, searching for their next target. I'm also looking at the map on my end. There are a few enemy fleets nearby, but they are mainly led by Light Cruiser Tsu-classes. This area is populated with them. A red symbol of a wolf appeared on screen. A beast Abyssal fleet is approaching them.

"Girls, a Beast Abyssal fleet is approaching your current location."

"We can see it. Fleet, prepare for battle." (Zuihou)

A beast Abyssal fleet, consisting of two Heavy Cruiser Ne-class, one Torpedo Crusier Chi-class, and two PT Imp packs... Oh great. An irritating one just showed. The heavy cruisers and torpedo crusier won't be much of a problem. The PT Imps, however, are a hassle to deal with, especially the Beast varient. The usual ones already have that weird gimmick of being impervious to most of our high-caliber guns and planes. Furthermore, they are highly evasive, able to dodge most, if not all, of our attacks. The only thing effective against them are small caliber guns, AA machine guns, skilled lookouts and seaplanes. I can't imagine how troublesome the beast varient will be.

"Gh! PT Imps..." (Zuihou)

"They look like small goblins." (AL Nakiri Ayame)

"How do we deal with them?" (AL Shirakami Fubuki)

"Let me think... Shigure-chan, I want you to launch a naplam to scatter them. Matsuri-san and Ayame-san, I need you both to take out those Imp packs. They are fast and tough, so don't underestimate them. Matsuri-san will fire at them to distract and draw their attention. Ayame-san will then proceed to lob off their heads one by one."

"Easy... Wait, I'm the bait, am I?!" (AL Natsurio Matsuri)

"I can try." (AL Nakiri Ayame)

"Let's hope this works. Zuihou, Fubuki-san and Mio-san, focus on taking out the other Abyssals. I know it will be tough but Fubuki-san, I need you to double as back-up for Ayame-san and Matsuri-san just in case things go south."

"Roger." (All)

As the Beast Abyssal fleet got closer, I noticed one of the imps was holding onto something. A black cube with a purple tinge in the middle.

"Is that our objective?"

"What is?" (AL Ookami Mio)

"That black cube in that Imp's hand."

"Huh? Are you serious? It is! I don't know if we are lucky or not that it came to us." (AL Shirakami Fubuki)

"At least it saves us the time and effort to search for it." (AL Nakiri Ayame)

"Ok. Slight change of plan. Shigure-chan, block off their escape routes. We are going to take them down right here and right now."

"I can try." (Shigure-chan)

Shigure-chan took out her gun and begin charging. Her hands and the surface of the gun begin to glow red while an orange light can be seen inside the gun barrel. Zuihou, Fubuki and Mio launched their bombers to initialize the bombing run. Ayame and Matsuri got ready to open fire once the enemy is close enough.

Suddenly, my console started going crazy. Alarms started to blare, indicating an incoming threat,

"Girls, something is wrong. I'm detecting a large incoming threat on my end. Is there anything I'm not seeing over there?" Find authorized novels in , faster updates, better experience, Please click <a href="/book/our-bonds-(a-kantai-collection-fanfic)_13194262906075005/chapter-187_51084263541501311">/book/our-bonds-(a-kantai-collection-fanfic)_13194262906075005/chapter-187_51084263541501311</a> for visiting.

"Yeah. Maybe a big hole of doom?" (AL Natsuiro Matsuri)

The camera panned up to where Matsuri was pointing. Right above them is a giant, black and blue portal, which spun rather slowly at first, before accelerating within moments.

Then, the feed cuts to black...

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