Our Bonds

Chapter 208 - 191-1

Murasame raised her guns and aimed in front of her whilst skillfully dodging her opponent's shells,

"Oh my. Still up for it~? That's o~kay~, you know~" (Murasame)

Murasame fired at the Abyssal Destroyer Ha-class. The Ha-class let out one final scream as it exploded, sending fragments of it's body flying in all directions before sinking.

"Nice, nice!" (Murasame)

"Alright, that's the last of them." (Yamashiro)

"Ugh... I didn't get to do anything again." (Zuihou)

"Don't worry about it. It was a night battle. Us carriers can't do much without our night equipment. Right, Admiral?" (Suzuya)

"Sorry. I didn't expect it to drag on."

"That's not it. I didn't even launch a plane this time." (Zuihou)

"It can't be help. You ran out off planes." (Yamashiro)

"Anyway, come back. We are done for the day."

"Roger!" (All)

I switched of the communications device. With the Ri Lanka sortie mission completed, we have fulfilled all of HQ's orders for the day. I didn't expect the sortie to end at night. The enemy is definitely improving. Their firepower and anti-air capabilities are getting stronger. They are more evasive now, compared to last time when most of them were pretty sluggish. They are now even more dangerous than before. What a pain...

I know I shouldn't be doing this, but I need a drink. Time to visit Mamiya.

I put on my scarf and walked to Mamiya's store. The winter nights are cold, but my winter uniform is thick and warm enough. I know Maimya just received a new shipment of alcohol the other day. Hopefully the other girls haven't emptied her entire stock yet. Especially the North Union girls, all of them are heavy drinkers.

The lights are still on inside her store. Good, she is still open,

"Mamiya-san, you here?"

I made myself known as I entered her store.

"Admiral, just in time." (Mamiya)

Mamiya ran up to me with a concerned look,

"What's wron- Oh. I see."

Even before Mamiya said anything, I already see the problem. Sitting on one of her tables was my second-in-command, Rei. Looks like she has been drinking and managed to knock herself out. She has her head down on the table.

"Can you help me bring Commander Rei to her room? I need to clean and lock up the place. I don't know where is her room either." (Mamiya)

"I'll handle it."

"Really? That helps. Thank you." (Mamiya)

"Just make sure to reserve a bottle of sake for me."

"Yes. I will reserve the best bottle I have from the batch." (Mamiya)

I walked up to the drunk woman and gently shook her,

"Commander Rei, wake up."

"Nnghh..." (Rei)

"Oii~ Wake up. Time to go back to your room~"

"Just one... more cup..." (Rei)

"No. Go home. You're drunk."

"Nngh..." (Rei)

This is not working. Looks like I have to carry her back to her room.

"Alright. Let's get you back."

I tried to support her on my shoulder but she keeps slipping off...

Haah~ Right.

"Mamiya-san, help me put her on my back."

"Okay." (Mamiya)

The instant Mamiya helped me get Rei on my back, I immediately felt something extremely soft pressing against my back. Wow! They are so soft! This is a new feeling. Not even Shigure can compare, don't even talk about Zuihou.

"Admiral?" (Mamiya)

"Ah. Nothing. I will bring her back to her room. Remeber to save one bottle for me."

I left Mamiya's store with Rei on my back.

"I didn't expect you to be such a drunk. How much did you drink?"

Rei made some random drunk noises. Why did I try to ask her a question? She is too out of it to answer.

"No~ I don't want... him..." (Rei)

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"Lea... mwa nam nam..." (Rei)

"Yeah yeah. I'm bring you back to your room. A good night's sleep is what you need now."

And then you will wake up with a hangover the next morning. I don't know why but I just felt the urge to say someting in response to her random blabbering.

"Uugh... Sick..." (Rei)


First came the feeling of something warm and damp dripping down from my shoulder. Then came a smell so strong that it felt like I got punched in the nose.

"Wait! Not again! Why do you always vomit on me?!?!?!"


"Welco- Ugh... What is that smell?" (Shigure)

Sensing, or maybe smelling my presence, Shigure opened my office door to greet me, only to recoil at the stench Rei covered me in.

I can't be bothered to carry her all the way to her room, which is located in the left wing of the main office building. My room is much nearer so I decided to let her spent the night there. Plus, I want to have a bath.

"Sorry about this. Can I leave her to you?"

"Commander Rei? What happened to her?" (Shigure)

"It's New Years all over again."

"Again? Woah. That's going to stain." (Shigure)

She is taking about the spot Rei vomited on. A large, greenish mark with patches of who-know-what stretched from my left shoulder all the way down to the hem of my uniform. The fairy that handles my laundry is not going to like this.

I carried Rei to my bed and Shigure helped me lay her down.

"What should we do?" (Shigure)

"Erm...Wipe her down and change her out of those clothes. I will give you a bucket and cloth."

I went to the bathroom, took off my vomit-covered top and toss it into the washing area, before filling a bucket with warm water and bringing it along with a towel to Shigure. I will need to wash off all the disgusting food chunks Rei puked out before dumping my stained uniform into the washing machine with some bleach.

"Shigure, I brought a bucket of water and a towel. I'm coming in."

"Okay. Actually, wa-" (Shigure)

I opened my room door and saw Rei in her underwear. White laces...

I quickly closed my eyes and turned away,

"Shigure, why did you tell me to come in when you are changing her?"

"Sorry." (Shigure)

"Anyway, give me her clothes. I will wash them."

I can feel the bucket leave my hands, followed by something soft in my hands. I'm assuming these are her clothes? I turned around towards where I think the door is and opened my eyes. Yep. These are her clothes. An I guess the door's location correctly. Nice.

"What should I do about her sleepwear?" (Shigure)

"Hmm... Good question. Just let her wear one of my long sleeves T-shirts and shorts. I should have some that can fit her. Oh, by the way, can I leave her with you tonight?"

"Eh? I don't mind, but why?" (Shigure)

"If she wakes up to find me next to her, she will definitely freak out."

"Then, where will Admiral sleep?" (Shigure)

"On the sofa. Don't worry. I will put the heater on and cover myself with a warm blanket. I'm entrusting you with her."

"Okay..." (Shigure)

I left the room and proceed to the bathroom. Now then, time to do a bit of laundry, take a bath and off to sleep. Luckily, today is one of the rare days where both Zuihou and Zuihou-chan decide to sleep in Shouhou's room. I don't have to worry about them making a fuss tonight.

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