Our Bonds

Chapter 218 - 198

As we wait for the research team from Yokosuka to arrive, a defensive perimeter was set up around the blue pod. The shipgirls guarding the pod are fully armed and ready to engage. I got Shioi and her fleet of submarines to investigate where did this pod come from. They managed to find some sort of bluish residual in the water, which matched the direction the pod came from. According to Shioi, the trail seems to lead deeper underwater, straight into the deep, dark end. I guessing this...pod came from the abyss, making it Abyssal in nature.

"Zuihou-chan, is that the thing the same one that damaged you when you stabbed it?"

"This one is a little bigger. And I didn't stabbed it! I just poked it with my arrow." (Zuihou-chan)

"So, this is an Abyssal pod? This is the first time I've seen one." (Rei)

"Me too. I don't know what's it's official name though? I have never heard of this kind of phenomenon before."

"Admiral," (Shioi)

Shioi walked up to me, her skin glistening in the late afternoon sun. She just came out of the water,

"They are still not here yet?" (Shioi)

"They won't arrive that fast. I heard the researchers are coming from Ominato Guard District."

"Eh? That abandoned base?" (Shioi)

"Not anymore. That place is officially IJN's new research base. They are no Shipgirls stationed there though."

Ominato Guard District was a major naval base during the Great War. It acted as a a control base for the Tsugaru Strait between Honshu and Hokkaido. The 5th fleet were stationed there until they were assimilated into the 10th Area fleet. Previously, the JMSDF used a portion of the base as theirs, while the rest remained abandoned. Now, with so many recruits joining the R&D department, HQ has decided to turn the remaining portion of Ominato Guard District into a research facility.

"They should be arriving tonight. Latest by tomorrow morning."

"Heh~ So, any other orders for us?" (Shioi)

"Not now. You are certain that the trail leads to the Abyss, right?"

"Yeah. I can dive deeper if you want me to." (Shioi)

That's out of the question...

"No. We don't know what to expect down there. Let's just wait for Ominato to send in their report before we do anything. For the time being, just be on standby."

"Alright..." (Shioi)

She sounds kind of disappointed. Does she want to dive that much?

I pet her head,

"If I need you to dive, I will call you."

"You better call me." (Shioi)

"Yeah yeah. Go on, you can head back first."

"Before that, one more time." (Shioi)


Shioi presented her head to me. Oh. She wants me to pet her again. I gave her what she wants.

"Ehehehe~ How nostalgic..." (Shioi)


"Alright. I'm satisfied. Anymore and I wou- I better go back to the rest. I promised to meet them for dessert." (Shioi)

"O-oh, okay."

I watched as the tall submarine girl ran off.

"Geez, Shioi-chan." (Zuihou-chan)

"What's wrong?"

"She should be more honest with herself." (Zuihou-chan)

"What do you mean?"

"Admiral, you know what I'm talking about, right?" (Zuihou-chan)

No. I don't. Does it have something to do with Shioi saying how nostalgic it was when I pet her head just now?

"Your face tells me you don't. Oh well. Admiral, what shall do about the guard shift?" (Zuihou-chan)

"Mmmh... I plan to station girls who are good at night battles."

"So, mainly destroyer." (Zuihou-chan)

Yeah. Destroyers are out best bet when it comes to night battles. Maybe they can rotate every two hours. It's just for tonight, since the research team will be coming tomorrow morning. I think I should get Yuubari to deploy those robots she created. She was so excited to test them. This area needs to be illuminated before the sun sets. It will be dangerous without any source of light.

"I'll get Akashi and Yuubari to set up. Help me pick some destroyers for night duty."

"Got it. Then, I shall return to the office first. Where are the records?" (Zuihou-chan)

"They should be in the second drawer. It's unlocked, so help me lock it once you picked the six destroyers."

"Okay~ See you later, Admiral~" (Zuihou-chan)

Okay. Time to go to the factory. Oh, but before that,


"Yo. What is it? Admiral." (Yahagi)

I approached the Light Cruiser. She is just staring at the pod, with her sword drawn and all guns aimed at the pod.

"Any update? I guess not."

The pod is still the same as ever. It's just sitting there on the beach, surrounded by 5 metre electric fences in a 20 metre radius. Of course, the electric fence is just a precaution in case a beast Abyssal pops out of the pod. It will be useless against a normal Abyssal.

"Yeah. That thing is of Abyssal nature, right?" (Tenryuu)

"Yeah. It will be extremely dangerous if it pops out when the researchers are here. That being said, I would like you to be part of the escort fleet."

"To bring the pod back to the research base? Got it. So, where is the research base?" (Tenryuu)

"Ominato Guard District. It's in Honshu. It should take an entire day to go there and back."

"Ominato... Oh, that place! My old haunt." (Tenryuu)

"Really? You've been there before? That helps."

"Leave it to me. I know that place like it's on the back of my hand." (Tenryuu)

"Who else has been to Ominato before?"

It would be better if the escort fleet has members familiar about the way to Ominato.

"Tatsuta's been there with me. Then, there's Yuubari, Shimakaze, and some of the Mutsuki kids. There could be more but I was transferred to Maizuru some time after that blockade we did." (Tenryuu)

"I see. Then I will assign you as the flagship of the escort fleet. I will brief you once I have the fleet composition. In the meantime, get some rest. It will be a long day tomorrow."

"Alright! Leave it to me!" (Tenryuu)

Tenryuu left her position, but not before getting Kuma to take over. Now, time to go to the factory and get those robots.

Before I can enter the factory, I felt my phone vibrate. Whose number is this?


"H-h-hell-llo? I-is th-this Ad-Admiral Ke-Keita?" (???)

Who is this guy? Why is he so nervous? He addressed me by rank, so I'm guessing he is one of us?

"Calm down. Take a deep breath and try again."

I can hear rather heavy and rapid breathing on the other side of the call.

"I said calm down, not hyperventilate. Oi! Slow down!"

It take me a while to finally get the other guy to stop panicking. Me speaking rather loudly outside the factory has caught the attention of some of the girls in the surrounding area.

"Are you calm now?"

"Hah... Hah... Y-yeah." (???)

"You don't sound alright. Want to try again later?"

"N-no. I'm fine. Really." (???)

I can hear him take a deep breath, before continuing,

"I'm so sorry. This is Ensign Miyamoto Izuru. I'm calling from the engineering department." (Ensign Izuru)

"So you are under Grand Admiral Hasake?"

"Ye-yes.I have a message... from the Grand Admiral. He wants me to tell you... how do I read this? Ji...er... I'm sorry!" (Ensign Izuru)

"Calm down. Do you know the furigana? Or just describe to me the kanji of the word."

So much trouble for one simple message.

"Erm... There is a 'Ji' from 'Jikan' <時 time> and 'ame' <雨 rain>" (Ensign Izuru)

"時雨... Shigure. That's read as Shigure."

"Oh. I see. Thank you so much." (Ensign Izuru)

"Your welcome. So, what about Shigure?"

"Y-yes. Erm... Grand Admiral wants me to inform you that Shigure's new bionic eye is ready. He will discuss with you her operation at a later date." (Ensign Izuru)

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