Our Bonds

Chapter 219 - 199

The following day, after morning roll call, I went to the beach and dismissed Suzukaze and Samidare, who were part of the night patrol. I also went ahead and dismissed Uzuki, Yayoi, Kagerou and Shiranui. I gave them a day off to catch up on their sleep.

The pod is still the same as I left it last night, blue and unmoving. I checked the time lapse camera and only things moving were the girls frolicking around under the moonlight and trying to keep themselves awake and occupied. Souryuu and Hiryuu have launched their planes for our regular morning patrol and surveillance. Noshiro and Sakawa armed themselves and are now guarding the pod. I was told that the Research ship from Ominato will arrive in the morning. They should be here soon.

"Admiral, one of my planes spotted an unidentified ship just 50km outside our perimeter." (Hiryuu)

That might be them, but still...

"Can you broadcast a message through your plane?"

"I can do that." (Hiryuu)

"Order them to identify themselves. The standard engagement will do."

Hiryuu gave a nod,

"This is Souryuu-class aircraft carrier, Hiryuu from Maizuru Naval District. Unidentified vessel, identify yourself immediately." (Hiryuu)

Hiryuu remained silent, waiting for an answer while Souryuu gets ready to launch another wave of bombers. This is standard engagement procedures. Even if we know someone is coming over, we can never be too careful. As long as we don't have a name of the incoming vessel, we are to treat it with caution. The unidentified vessel has five minutes to reply and we will ask the same thing three times within the five minutes. Fail to do so and we are authorized to attack the vessel. I don't really like the idea of sinking a ship that failed to answer us within five minutes. Not because humans would be killed in the process, I mean there is that as well, but the reports, interrogation and cleanup is a hassle to deal with. I haven't encountered such incidents yet, but Brunei Anchorage has dealt with pirates who were dumb enough to threaten them a number of times already. A few shells and planes were enough to force them to surrender. That strategy is much better than straight up killing the intruders.

"Admiral, the incoming vessel is a Multipurpose Support Ship known as the JS Otaru. The ship captain is called Lieutenent Commander Miyamoto Daikichi. He claims that they have a group of researchers onboard and were authorized by Yokosuka Naval District to retrieve a Class-A Hazardous Cargo." (Hiryuu)

Miyamoto... Didn't I spoke to one Miyamoto yesterday? More importantly, they categorized this pod as a Class-A hazard? Makes sense, since this is an Abyssal.

"Escort them in. Get them to dock at pier 3."

"Understood." (Hiryuu)

I called Rei on my phone,

"Rei, come to the beach. The research team is here."

"Okay~ On my way." (Rei)

"They're here?" (Zuihou)

Zuihou came to join me on the beach,

"Yeah Let's go greet them. By the way, where is Shigure?"

After morning roll call, Shigure disappeared from my sight. I didn't get the chance to give her the good news last night because she fell asleep first.

"She is with Yuudachi. They were discussing about going to the canteen and trying out the new steak dish." (Zuihou)

"Isn't it too early to eat such a heavy meal?"

"You know how they tend to act like puppies sometimes. Shigure and Yuudachi really love to eat meat." (Zuihou)

We watched as Hiryuu's planes land on top of her flight deck. The JS Otaru came into view a few moments later and parked itself at the pier. Rei showed up just as the gangways were being deployed. Around... right, I forgot how much people are needed to manage a ship... I can see more than 200 sailors swarming out of the Multipurpose Support Ship. I gestured them to fall in at the beach. The pier is too narrow to squeeze more than 200 people in formation.

The sailors quickly got into position at the beach, falling in rows of four. A young man, who is clearly the Lieutenant Commander judging from his shoulder insignia, stood at the front. That must be Miyamoto Daikichi.

"Attention!" (Daikichi?)

On cue, his company stood at attention with perfect synergy. The Lieutenant Commander exchanged salutes with Rei and I, before giving his introductory report.

"I am Lieutenant Commander Miyamoto Daikichi. 125th Combat Research company, reporting in! Good morning, Admiral Keita! Good Morning, Commander Rei!" (Daikichi?)

His sailors echoed his greeting.

"Good morning. At ease. You are distracting the shipgirls from their activities."

Because of how loud they were, some girls have gathered to watch. Even Noshiro and Sakawa have their attention drawn towards the sailors.

"I know you guys are tired after the journey. Shall we take some time to rest before I get you guys to work?"

"Thank you for the offer, Admiral. But my sailors are not tired at all. We are ready to work anytime." (Lieutenant Commander Daikichi)

I like his eagerness to work, but as a leader he has a long way to go. He didn't even bother to look at his men before making his decision. I can already count twenty tired sailors. It would be okay if they were part of the operational team, but these guys look like researchers and maintenance personnel. Things are going to be dangerous if they carry on working while exhausted. Oh gosh, is that guy bleeding from his leg? There is a growing patch of red on his left thigh and he looks pale. Why isn't he saying anything?

"I know you are eager to work. Before that, turn around for me."

"I'm sorry?" (Lieutenant Commander Daikichi)

"Turn around and look at your company. Tell me, what do you see?"

"Erm... Sorry. I don't understand." (Lieutenant Commander Daikichi)

I pointed at one of the tired sailors I found,

"Look at him. Look at his tired eyes. Tell me, which department is he from."

Before he could answer, I pointed at the injured fellow,

"How about him? See anything out of the ordinary? Is his uniform supposed to have a patch of red on his thigh?

"Ensign Taniguchi! What happened to you?!" (Lieutenant Commander Daikichi)

Oh? I thought he didn't care. He actually didn't realized it?

"My sincere apologies, Lieutenant Commander!" (Ensign Taniguchi)

"Alright. Settle down. Let's take an one hour break. Someone help that guy to the infirmary. Commander Rei, patch him up."

"Sure thing. That looks like a deep wound." (Rei)

"The rest of you, go freshen yourselves up. You can head to the canteen for some food if you wish. If you are tired, you can find a place to take a short nap or something. Be back here within one hour. Oh, and one warning, do not, I repeat, do not even think about hitting on my girls. I know they are cute but control yourselves. If I catch anyone doing that, it's straight to the brig for you. Understand?"

"Understood, Admiral!" (All)

"Dismiss. Make sure you back in one hour. Not a single minute late. Lieutenant Commander, follow me."

The sailors dispersed. Two guys went to help support Taniguchi and followed Rei to the infirmary. Some of them, like the tired sailor I pointed out to Daikichi, went back to the ship, probably to take a nap. A few others went to where the canteen is.

I want to talk to Daikichi before we start our work. That reminds me,

"Lieutenant Commander Daikichi, do you have any siblings?"

"Y-yes! A younger brother!" (Lieutenant Commander Daikichi)

"Calm down. No need to be on edge. It's tiring to constantly act like that. I know I'm of higher rank but you can just speak to me normally."

"Un-understood..." (Lieutenant Commander Daikichi)

"Now then, back to the topic. Your younger brother won't happen to called Izuru, right?"

"Yes. How did you know?" (Lieutenant Commander Daikichi)

"He called me yesterday. He was so nervous, it took me a while to calm him down."

"Huh?" (Lieutenant Commander Daikichi)

Daikichi stopped in his tracks,

"Since when did Izuru joined IJN? He told me he found a job in Tokyo the last... time... we spoke..." (Lieutenant Commander Daikichi)

"How long have you been in service?"

"Not counting my academy days, this is my second year. Wait. Admiral, what was my brother's rank?" (Lieutenant Commander Daikichi)

"Ensign. He is under Grand Admiral Hasake's team."

Eh? Did I step on a landmine?

"Ensign... So that means he just graduated from the academy not too long ago... He has been in the IJN for over a year already? And he has been hiding right under my nose this whole time?!" Lieutenant Commander Daikichi)

Yep. I triggered a landmine. Seems like the elder brother didn't know his younger brother had been following him this whole time.

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