Our Bonds

Chapter 220 - 200

The research team barely started doing anything and three jokers managed to hurt themselves. First, we have the Ensign who got a deep cut on his thigh. A female researcher accidentally stepped on Tina-chan's tail, who is one of our two resident cats, and got hit by her omnislash attack. Like a true predator, Tina-chan went for the head, scratching the female researcher's face and attempting to bite her neck before her friend managed to pull the angry cat off her. Fortunately, Mutsuki trimmed her class the previous day, so the scratches were shallow and won't create any scars. Probably... Just to be safe, Rei gave her some cream to help with the healing process and prevent scarring.

The third fellow won first prize for being an idiot. I don't know if it was ego or something else, but it was extremely idiotic of him to do that. According to his friends, this idiot decided to ignore my warning and attempted to hit on Yamakaze in the canteen. Shigure stood up for her sister, and that guy made a rude remark about Shigure's injury. This prompted Yuudachi to give him a nightmare, by beating the living daylights out of him. The idiot's friends and the other girls nearby tried to break them up, but Yuudachi wouldn't listen to any of them and continued to beat him up. If Matsuwa and Etorafu didn't tell me about the one-sided beatdown, that idiot would have needed a full facial construction. I am tempted, no, I want to throw him into the brig. Not only did he ignore my warning about hitting on any of my girls, but he also went ahead and insult my beloved Shigure. Absolutely unforgivable! I could have charged him with insubordination. I only decided not because Lieutenant Commander Daikichi offered to punish him on his own. Right now, the idiot is unconscious. Once he wakes up, he better give an apology to Shigure, Yuudachi and Yamakaze. Either through a letter or a telegram. If not, I will personally go to Ominato and drag him back here. After this is done, I'm going to pacify the three Shiratsuyu sisters.

Research work on the Abyssal pod went rather smoothly. Firstly, the team ran a thermal scan of the pod with this weird, oversized camera. The camera they used looks like any ordinary television camera, but with more wires and a little bulkier. The thermal scan didn't reveal anything, which is normal, since Abyssals don't generate any heat. The only thing that should generate heat are the guns they use during our battles. Next, they ran an X-ray scan and an ultrasound scan. Both scans revealed the silhouette of a Submarine So-class in the pod. There is no way to check its vitals, so we have to assume that it still alive.

After doing all the necessary scans and noting down their findings, it was time to transport the Abyssal pod back to Ominato Guard District. Since it's a submarine, Tenryuu's escort fleet will be outfitted with Anti-submarine equipment when they escort the JS Otaru back base. Since only the blue top of the pod will explode when touched, they tied a harness around the pod and used the ship's crane to lift it up a bit. A steel platform was then slid underneath, and the crane slowly placed it down again. After attaching the platform to the crane, it was finally placed onto a mini transport craft, modelled after a Daihatsu Landing Craft. Now, they are ready to return home.

"Once again, I am so sorry for the trouble my sailors have caused." (Lieutenant Commander Daikichi)

Daikichi bowed deeply,

"I better see a written apology by the one guy who thinks it's alright to disturb my girls. I'm giving you by the end of next week. If I don't receive it, I will personally get it from him myself. And it won't end with that."

"Yes. I understand." (Lieutenant Commander Daikichi)

"Alright. Lift your head."

I pat his shoulders,

"Good luck with your task. I look forward to your report."

"Ah. Y-yeah." (Lieutenant Commander Daikichi)

"Tenryuu will make sure you people have a safe trip back. When it comes to Abyssals, they know the best."

The both of us exchanged salutes, before Daikichi returned to his ship. The ship blew its horn before moving off, with Tenryuu, Tatsuta, Shimakaze, Kizazuki, Mochizuki, and Mikazuki following closely behind.

Now, time to do my part. I will need to find Yamakaze first.


I knocked on Yamakaze's door,

"Yamakaze, you there?"

"Papa?" (Yamakaze)

"Yeah. It's me. Can I come in?"

"Y-yeah..." (Yamakaze)

The door swung open slowly as Yamakaze peeked out from behind.

"Are you alright? Just now..."

"Yeah. I'm alright. It's was a bit scary but Yuudachi-nee and Shigure-nee protected me." (Yamakaze)

"I see."

That's great. I thought she would be traumatised by that event. She is getting stronger even before I know it.

I brushed a few strands of stray hair off the confused destroyer's face and pet her head. She snuggled against my hand for a few seconds,

"Erm... You don't have to worry about me. You should care more about Yuudachi-nee and Shigure-nee. Especially Shigure-nee." (Yamakaze)

"I know. But I care about you too."

I hugged her for a while, before going off to find the other two. I know where Yuudachi is, since I ordered her to stay in her room for the time being. As for Shigure, well... I should pay more attention to her movements. I have no idea where she went.

I knocked on Shiratsuyu's door,


The door immediately swung open, and I got tackled to the ground,

"Admiral-san!" (Yuudachi)



"Yuudachi, I told you... Eh? What happened?"

Yuudachi was sobbing against my chest,

"I'm... sorry... *hic* I'm sorry... I'm sorry..." (Yuudachi)

"There. There. Let's calm down first."

It took quite a while for Yuudachi to finally stop crying.

"Are you okay?"

"Yes... I'm okay now." (Yuudachi)

"Silly. I won't hate you just because you went and beat up a sailor."

"But... I caused trouble for Admiral-san. What if their superior writes up a report saying that the shipgirls here are all rampant and Admiral-san is accused for not controlling us?" (Yuudachi)

I didn't think she would reflect and overthink like this. In the first place, that kind of thinking... may not be too far off. I can actually see it happening if Daikichi's superior wants to make a big deal out of it. Then again,

"If that happens, I can just write up a counter report. Mix in some lies and exaggeration with the truth and submit it as my side of the story. Who are they going to believe? Some unknown guy that got posted far away or one of the Admirals in charge of the Japan's main Naval Bases?"

"Ehehehehehe. That's true poi." (Yuudachi)

Yuudachi and I chat for a while. It's almost time for dinner, so Yuudachi followed me to find Shigure, who I still have no idea where she is.

"Got any ideas where your sister might be?

"Hmm... Admiral-san's room poi?" (Yuudachi)

That's a good guess. Let's check it out.

We entered my office. There is the sound of someone stumbling about, followed by something slamming close. That might be Zuihou, but that cute pervert would be too engrossed in her activity to notice her surroundings. Shigure is here, isn't she?

"Ah. Shigure is here poi." (Yuudachi)

Yeah. I knew it.

I knocked on my room door,

"Shigure, you're in there, right?"

"Yes." (Shigure)

I opened the door. Shigure was sitting on the bed. Her hair is a little disheveled. My wardrobe is ajar, with a little piece of cloth sticking out. Apart from her physical appearance, she seems alright. But knowing her, she is probably hiding her feelings again.

"Shigure, how are you feeling?"

"Hm? Ah, about just now?" (Shigure)

The both of us nodded our heads,

"Don't need to worry. I'm not affected by him. He... is kind of... right..." (Shigure)

Yeah. I should have thrown him into the brig. Letting him off was a mistake.

"You don't have to think about what that guy said. He is not even in frontlines like you girls. He doesn't understand what you have been through."

"That's right poi. If it makes you feel better, I can go and drag that guy back and beat him up poi." (Yuudachi)

"If you go now, you should be able to catch to their ship. I think Akashi has a torpedo replica in her workshop. You can use that as a bat."

"Destroyer Yuudachi, sortieing!" (Yuudachi)

"You don't have to do that! Geez. That human is kind of right. I'm more or less a decommissioned ship. I can't go on expeditions or patrol." (Shigure)

"Shigure..." (Yuudachi)

"Who says you are a decommissioned ship? You can still fight."

"But with this injury, I can't-" (Shigure)

"Grand Admiral Hasake informed me yesterday. Your new bionic eye is ready. Once it's implanted, with some training, you can go back to the frontlines."

I went over to hug her,

"You can fight again. You are not a decommissioned ship."

"That's... *sniff* great..." (Shigure)

I can feel her grip my uniform,

"Come on. No need to cry. Wash your face, we are going to get dinner. Yuudachi, what's on the menu?"

"The fairies are serving Ahiru Shio Ramen today poi. It's been a while since we had duck for a meal poi." (Yuudachi)

"That's what she said. Let's go eat together."

"Y-yeah." (Shigure)

Shigure rubbed her eye and smiled,

"Let's go, Admiral, Yuudachi." (Shigure)

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