Our Bonds

Chapter 224 - 203

"Admiral, as of 1400hrs, Zuihou's fleet intercepted a SOS signal from an Azur Lane fleet." (Ooyodo)

Intercepted? That's weird .

"What does it say?"

"Desron 6 has been caught in a crossfire and is currently taking cover. Requesting immediate backup extraction from HQ and surrounding fleets. Zuihou has confirmed a skirmish 5 minutes away from her current position. There are four sh.i.p.s firing at each other. Unfortunately, Zuihou's recon plane was shot down before she can get a visual of the shipgirls involved." (Ooyodo)

"If an Azur Lane fleet is having trouble, the enemy must be a strong one. Head to the Command Center first and tell Zuihou to proceed with the extraction. Avoid unnecessary conflict. Inform Azur Lane about this as well and request backup. I will take direct command of this."

"Understood." (Ooyodo)

Ooyodo rushed out of the office. Fighting between two parties, with an unlucky Azur Lane Desron stuck in the middle. The enemy is a strong one. They will definitely need backup. Forget about taking them head on, I need to be tactical here. I activated my own PA system,

"This is your Admiral speaking. Mogami, Yahagi, Noshiro, Yuubari, Satsuki, Jervis, time to show what the new Mobile Task Force is made out of."


-Northern Salmon Sea Area. Zuihou POV-

This is bad. I'm scared. I thought I have already gotten over that trauma. I caught a glimppse of her through my Recon plane before it got shot down. Her hairstyle might have changed but she is still the same. The sounds of her planes confirm my fears.

Why is Enterprise here?! And this one is even fiercer and scarier than the other one!

"-uihou. Zuihou!" (Ooyodo)

Ooyodo came through the comms,


"Are you alright? You weren't responding when I spoke to you." (Ooyodo)

"I'm okay. What are our orders?"

"You have permission to assist the fleet. However, try not to engage the other two parties. Try to keep it covert. We are sending reinforcements to your location. Keep your beacon active. Admiral will be taking direct command once he arrives at the Command Center." (Ooyodo)


I turned around to face Suzuya and the others,

"We have our orders. Rescue Desron 6. We have to do it stealthily this time. Don't engage the two fighting parties unless necessary."

"That is going to be difficult. That US Carrier must have been alerted to our presence." (Yamashiro)

"Zuihou, are you okay? You look pale." (Suzuya)

"Eh? I-I'm fine."

"Hmm... If you say so. But if anything happens, I'm dragging you out of the fight first." (Suzuya)

"What are you, my sister?"

"I'm tall enough to be yours." (Suzuya)


"Anyway, what's the plan?" 9Suzuya)

If possible, I would like to take the longest and safest route possible. I don't want to go against her. But every second lost decreases their chances of survival.

"Suzuya, can you launch a scout forward? I want to confirm something around."

"Alright." (Suzuya)

Suzuya load a magazine into her crossbow and pulled the trigger. A bolt flew out and transmuted into three Saiun planes.

"Give me a live update."

"Erm... Oh. I see the- Ah! Damn it! What was that?!" (suzuya)

"What happened?" (Agano)

"Poi?" (Yuudachi)

"All three of them were shot down." (Suzuya)

"By who?"

"It was fast but I coulda sworn those planes came from one with white hair. She looks familiar but there is a super scary aura around her." (Suzuya)

"How about the other three?"

"I only saw a bit, but the one with white hair girl is definitely the evil Takao from before. The other two... I only saw one. She looks like the tall girl we helped restrain the other time. You know, the lolicon." (Suzuya)

"Admiral?" (Kawakaze)

"I get where you are coming from, but why was the Admiral the first thing you thought off? He isn't a girl and there's no way Admiral would be out here, let alone hold a huge rifle." (Suzuya)

"Ark Royal-san?" (Yamashiro)

"Yeah, her. Her group didn't attack. Either they can't be bothered or white hair stole the kill." (Suzuya)

Let's hope it's the former,

"We are going in from the west, behind the Ark Royal-san lookalike. While they are distracted with each other, we will pull Desron 6 out of there. Let's go, everyone."

"Okay." (All)

As we move in, our radios came to life,

"Sorry I'm late. Give me a sitrep." (Admiral)

"Admiral-san!" (Yuudachi)

"Suzuya managed to confirm three of the shipgirls fighting. One of them is the evil Takao from before. She is with a white hair girl. The both of them are fighting another group. A girl that looks like Ark Royal-san is part of the other group."

"Evil Takao and a white hair girl... That must be Ember and Ash. Zuihou, are you alright? Your face is pale." (Admiral)

"Eh? I'm alright."

"See? That's what I said as well." (Suzuya)

"You might want to sit back on this one. That white hair one, Ash, is actually Enterprise. More precisely, an evil version. She and Azur Lane have clashed multiple times before." (Admiral)

I knew it. It is Enterprise. Ugh... I don't this... But... If I can get over this trauma...

"I will be fine. We just need to get in and get out as fast as we can. We will be gone bef-"

That scary sound...

"Everyone! Diamond Formation! Incoming enemy aricraft!" (Zuihou)

As we got into formation, Suzuya and I launched a squadron of fighters to intercept. No. This is not not enough.

"Suzuya, launch another squadron!"

"There are four squads coming after us?! Talk about being popular." (Suzuya)

Soon, the enemy bombers and heir escorts came into view. A dogfight started in midair as our fighters fight off our assalients. Thay are too fast!

"Yamashiro, Yuudachi, Kawakaze!" (Admiral)

"Got it." (Yamashiro)

"Poi!" (Yuudachi)

"Leave it to me. I will blast them away!" (Kawakaze)

Yamashiro, Yuudachi and Kawakaze-chan begin shooting at the enemy planes that managed to break through. Some managed to drop their load, but they were way off.

"All sh.i.p.s, steer towards 75 degrees at 5th battle speed. Get out of the enemy's range first. Suzuya, stay at the back. You are on recovery duty. Yamashiro, keep her covered." (Admiral)

"Okiee~" (Suzuya)

"But, Admiral, if we do that, it will take longer for us to reach Desron 6."

"Don't underestimate those girls. One of them is a master of the shadows. She knows the best hiding spots. They will be alright for a while more." (Admiral)

It's as if he knows who those girls are. Ah. But if it's the Desron 6 I know, then maybe what he just said is right. I think...

"Alright. Lets get out of here."

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