Our Bonds

Chapter 225 - 204

Damn. Those planes are persistent. How long are they going to chase my girls?

"Suzuya, how are you doing?

"About to reach max capacity here. Geez! Give it up already!" (Suzuya)


"I'm almost out." (Zuihou)

"Agano, I don't suppose you still have your seaplane."

"Nope. It just got blown apart." (Agano)

"Too many enemies to choose from poi! I don't like this poi!" (Yuudachi)

What should we do? According to Zuihou, those planes definitely belong to the evil Enterprise, codenamed Ash. If I remember correctly, she and Ember, who is an evil Takao, are in cahoots with the Sirens. They are fighting against two other girls we don't know about. One of them looks like Azur Lane's Ark Royal. Since they are fighting each other, I can assume they are enemies. But why focus of my girls? Change of plans,

"Defensive and evasive manuevers. Only shoot down the ones that get too close. Full speed ahead and maintain your course. We can't let the planes discover Desron 6."

If we can't destroy them, we just need to outrun them. These planes have to run out of fuel eventually. I hope...

"But it would take forever to shake these flies off." (Suzuya)

"I concur. But shooting them is a waste of ammunition too." (Yamashiro)

"Alright! I'm in!" (???)

"???" (All)

Someone managed to enter the encrypted channel!

"Who ar-"

"Those girls over there! Get down and cover your ears if you don't want to get hurt! And you on the other side, mute everything!" (???)

"All units, duck! Ooyodo, disable the comms."

"Are we reall-" (Agano)

"Just do it!"

As soon as the six girls crouched and covered their ears, a large beam came out of nowhere and swept right above them. The beam destroyed every single one of the planes that was chasing after them.

What firepower...

"Ooyodo, reestablish the comms link."

"It's a little unstable for now, but it should return back to normal soon." (Ooyodo)

"Girls, can you hear me? Is everyone alright?"

They all look dazed. That laser must have been loud enough to stun all of them.

"Sorry, but that was the only way. Not time to talk. Hurry up and save those destroyers. I have already wasted some time helping you." (???)

"Hey. Who are you? Hey!"

No answer... She must have left the channel. How did she managed to get into an encrypted channel? More importantly,

"Girls, can you hear me? Are you all right?"

"Ugh... What was that? My ears are still ringing." (Kawakaze)

"My ears hurt poi!" (Yuudachi)

Looks like they are fine.

"What? Who did that?" (Zuihou)

"Who knows. Whatever the case, she get rid of the troublesome ones. Shake it off. We still have some destroyers to save. Adjust your course and proceed to the beacon."

"Roger!" (All)

While Zuihou and the others work on the rescuing Desron 6, I need to check on MTF 9.

"Yahagi, sitrep."

"We have just rendezvous with Azur Lane's Combined Carrier Task Force." (Yahagi)

"They sent 12 girls for this?"

"Yes. Currently, we are on the way to assist Hiryuu-san in her battle. She is currently fighting Ash and Ember alone. Their Commander asked if he can leave the escorting of Desron 6 to us." (Yahagi)


The camera shifted it's focus to Yahagi's fleet. She is wearing a white top over her black uniform and pleated skirt. Her rigging and equipment has changed to resemble that of a battleship. Noshiro is also wearing the same outfit and equipment as her sister, albeit smaller. The two Agano-class cruisers just received their second remodels the other day. Even Mogami received hers that same day. Instead of her usual maroon colored uniform, she is know wearing a caramel colored uniform. The appearance of her equipment hasn't changed much, but she did receive a massive power up. Along with Yuubari Kai Ni D, Satsuki Kai Ni and Jervis, the six of them make up the new Mobile Task Force 9. This is their first mission.

"Admiral, do we engaged the enemy?" (Yahagi)

"What is Azur Lane doing?"

There was a brief moment of silence before Yahagi replied,

"The Carrier Task Force will be negotiating with them. If negotiations break down, they are going to capture them by force." (Yahagi)

Negotiations? Capture? I was expecting them to use force to chase them away. What is he up to? Looking at it from a different perspective, if we can get those two to turncoat, it will help us greatly. I'm assuming thats the plan, but my girls need help as well.

"Your main job is to assist Zuihou's fleet. Assist Azur Lane but once Zuihou and the others show off, focus on protecting them. They are almost out of ammo and fuel."

"Roger." ( Yahagi)

I watched on screen as the battle between the so-called Hiryuu and the two siren shipgirls unfold. A girl with long bunny ears, a flight deck that is taller than its owner, and two swords on her right waist was dodging the shells and bombs thrown at her, while launching her own set of planes and attacks. Her black garb was riddled with burn holes. Burnt pieces of black cards float around her as she danced through the explosions. That must be the other Hiryuu.

"Admiral, change of plans. Azur Lane is going straight to capture Ash and Ember by force." (Yahagi)

Looks like we need to change ours as well,

"Yeah. I doubt this is the time for negotiations. Here are my new orders. Assist Azur Lane and that bunny girl. Do whatever it takes to capture Ember and Ash."

"Roger!" (All)

"Zuihou,status report."

"Desron 6, secured. They only took some minor damage. Otherwise, they are in tiptop shape." (Zuihou)

"Patch me to them."

There was some static, before a familiar voice came through,

"Hello? Akastuki here." (AL Akatsuki)

"Akatsuki, this is the Admiral here."

"Ah. Admiral-dono, thank you for rescuing us." (AL Akatsuki)

"Save the thanks for later. We are not out of the woods yet. Tell me, how much fuel and ammo do you have left?"

"We ran away as soon as we saw them show up. So we still have quite a lot left." (AL Akastuski)

"Alright. Zuihou and Suzuya, use your remaining planes to secure the air around you. Escort the Desron 6 back to Azur Lane's base. Only attack when there larger enemies. Desron 6, assist them with the smaller ones. We can't waste planes on small fry. Yamashiro, Agano, Yuudachi and Kawakaze, rendezvous with Yahagi and the others. They are fighting with Ash and Ember. They are going to need all the help they can get."

A series of explosions echoed throughout the Command Center. Straight to point, huh. The battle has already started. No wonder, Akagi is leading the battle.

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