Our Bonds

Chapter 226 - 205

I thought Ash and Ember, who are really just Enterprise and Takao from another world, were the only two edgelords that showed up. I never expected that would be more. They are multiplying...

When Yahagi's fleet and Azur Lane's Combined fleet joined in the fight, I was able to see what were we dealing with. On one end, we have Ash and Ember. I recognize that edgy sword-wielding woman anywhere. Ember was the one that attacked my base, thinking it was Azur Lane's base. I only heard and saw pictures of Ash. We have never met her before.

Fighting against them are a bunny girl and a lolicon, one of which my girls helped to restrain a little while back. I don't know who the bunny girls is, but the lolicon, Ark Royal, looks different from what I remember. The Ark Royal I saw wore a red and blue pirate-esque uniform with a blue tailcoat. This Ark Royal wore the same thing, but with a torn up black tailcoat instead of a blue one. She had a larger gun than before and instead of a weird pistol attached to her waist like the other one, this one wields a saber. A blue streak of light is being emitted from her left pupil.

The bunny girl has long white hair and wore a greyish top and grey skirt. Her midriff is exposed. Her black garb was full of burn holes. She has two long katanas which are attached to her fligh deck. Her face seems void of emotion. Like the Ark Royal lookalike, this bunny girl is definitely overpowered. Look. She just swung her katana and a blade of energy came out!

Eyes emitting weird lights, a large gun, black clothes that are burnt, face void of emotion, overpowered... What's left is to add these traits into a 16-year-old boy that got transported to another world and you will get a 'I was left to die somewhere but I became overpowered and now I want revenge' type of light novel character. Please tell me I'm wrong.

Baltimore aimed and fired her guns at Enterprise, only for the latter to block them with her planes.

"You again? I already told many time, your attacks and skills are useless if they don't connect. Surrender yourselves and I will make your deaths swift and painless." (Ash)

"Sorry, but I don't plan on sinking anytime soon. Unlike you, I have a place to return to." (AL Baltimore)

Ash's face twised in anger as multiple planes appeared behind her and charged towards the tomboyish heavy cruiser. Jervis and Satsuki got to work and begin shooting at the planes. The Ark Royal lookalike stepped in and shot a laser at planes, destroying all of them at one go. Oh. So that laser from before came from her.

"Stay back, little ones. I will protect you." (Ark Royal?)

<What?> (Jervis)

"Uh-oh..." (Satsuki)

I guess this version of Ark Royal still loves destroyers...

Yahagi launched a salvo of torpedos at Ember. Ember slashed at the water, creating towers of water as the torpedos blew up.

"A battleship launching torpedos? No, you're just a small fry pretending to be something big. Something about you pisses me off." (Ember)

"Yahagi, attacking." (Yahagi)

Yahagi started firing all of her guns at Ember, who blocked them with ease. However, she doesn't know that Yahagi is just a distraction. The real threat comes from the two girls who are closing in on her. Yamashiro and Mogami both aimed at Ember and fired a salvo of shells a her. Yes! his could wor- ah. It didn't work...

Ember drew a second katana from behind her and used it to deflect Yahagi's shells. She used her larger sword to deflect Yamashiro's AP shells. The riggings on her right folded in close to her body, tanking the shots from Mogami's main gun. Crap. I thought that would work.

"Nice try. But it would take more than a simple diversion to even throw me off." (Ember)

"On the battlefield, showing your back to your enemy is akin to death." (Bunny girl)

"!!! Gaargh!" (Ember)

Ember staggered forward as the bunny girl managed to slash open her back.

"Kh! Damn it!" (Ember)

While one group fights Embers, the others face off with Ash.

"Poi!" (Yuudachi)

Yuudachi took out three torpedoes from her launcher and flung them at Ash.The carrier simply moved out of the torpedoes trajectory and continued to launch planes at them. Satsuki, Jervis, Akashi and Kaga focused on intercepting and destroying the planes while the rest concentrate their attacks on Ash.

Alabama used her scythe and slashed at Ash. Ash blocked with her bow and sent the battleship flying with a kick, just in time to evade Yuudachi's torpedoes and block Baltimore's attack with another wall of planes. How many planes can this woman carry?!

The Ark Royal lookalike fired her gun at Ash, before deciding that it's better to just fight her in close combat. Which she did.

The Ark Royal lookalike took a stance and lunged at Ash. Her saber made contact with Ash's bow and the two started teleporting all over the place. It looks like they are teleporting, the camera can't keep up with their speed.

Agano looked she wanted to help. She struggled to aim at the two but was stop by Akagi.

"Wait. Let them fight. Regretfully, their strength is not something we can compare to, even in a hundred years." (AL Akagi)

"This... is the true power of a battle-hardened shipgirl." (AL Baltimore)

The Ark Royal lookalike used her gun and slapped it across Ash's face, sending her flying and crashing into an injured Ember. The bunny girl did quite a number on her.

"Oi. Watch it..." (Ash)

"Shut up. Kh... This is bad..." (Ember)

"Give it up. You already lost. Disarm yourselves and let us escort you back to Azur Lane." (AL Akagi)

"You are just as stupid as I remembered..." (Ash)

"I guess some things never change." (Ember)

"If it weren't for Commander-sama's order, I would personally sink the both of you." (AL Akagi)

"Hmph. Try it." (Ash)

"With pleasure." (Ark Royal?)

"Steel yourself, Takao. I will release you now." (Bunny girl)

"Hehe. I can never win against you, huh? Hiryuu-san..." (Ember)

That's Hiryuu? My Hiryuu is going to flip when she sees this.

"Wait! We are supposed to capture them!" (AL Kaga)

"And let them recover and cause havock again? Not a chance. I'm ending this. Now." (Ark Royal?)

The Ark Royal lookalike pressed her rifle against Ash's temple. Hiryuu drew both of her swords and placed them on Ember's neck. They going to execute them!

"Wait! I said wait!" (AL Baltimore)

"Oh no. This is not going to happen." (???)

"!!!" (Ark Royal? & Hiryuu?)

A blue beam appeared from the sky and enveloped the two of them as Hiryuu and the Ark Royal lookalike kept back.

"I can't let my precious testers die here. We still have a lot of plans in store for everyone. Not to mention, her majesty would kill me a hundred times over if I let these two die." (???)

A girl with long purplish hair descended from the sky. She was skimpily dressed. A mechanical creature that looks like a stingray was attached to her back.

I recognize this girl. She was listed as a Siren higher-up in Azur Lane's files. Tester Alpha... Or maybe Beta. The two of them look the same.

"Tester Alpha..." (AL Akagi)

Ah. So this is Alpha.

"Let's end this here, okay? We are slightly behind sche-" (Tester Alpha)

Hiryuu jumped towards the Siren and tried to cut her. Since the Siren teleported at the last second, Hiryuu was left slashing at emptiness.

She reappeared higher up in the sky,

"Rude. I was still talking. Oh whatever. Dumb dogs like you will never understand the brilliance of our master plan. Until next time. Bye~" (Tester Alpha)

"Don't run!" (Hiryuu?)

Tester Alpha disappeared, along with the blue beam and the two shipgirls that were caught in it.

The battle is over.

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