Our Bonds

Chapter 231 - 209

"Shigure, can you hear me?"

"Yes, loud and clear." (Shigure)

Good. She sounds normal.

"Just as planned, you will take out the two Destroyer I-class roaming about in the area. Zuihou will assist if necessary but generally you are your own of this one. Can you do it?"

"Yes. I will succeed." (Shigure)

"I know you are eager to join back the fleet, but if things get even a bit dangerous, I'm getting Avrora to pull you out immediately. Understand?"

"Yes." (Shigure)

Shigure stood just outside the Abyssals detection range, eyeing the two Destroyer I-class as they leap out of the water like dolphins from a distance. Right now, Shigure is going through a test. A test to see if she is mentally and physically fit enough rejoin the fleet. If she can take out the two Destroyer I-class by herself without getting hurt badly, she will be reinstated. Otherwise, Zuihou will step in while Avrora drags her back to port. I also have Akashi and Rei on standby to handle any type of injuries, both physical and mental.

Initially, I didn't want to reinstate her. I still think it's too early for her to return to the battlefield, but Shigure kept begging me to let her go back. She has only been on patrol duty for a week and now she thinks she is ready. She is really eager to join back the fleet. That's why we are doing this. With only two low-ranking Abyssals, she would still be able to handle them on her own. Even if she failed, she won't be hurt too badly and Zuihou can still clean them up in one fell swoop. I made her promise me that if she fails, she will be back to doing patrols and then expeditions, before I let her return to the main fleet.

"Let's do a final check. How is your equipment?"

Shigure's cannon split into two and pulled itself towards her hands. She moved it around for a bit,

"Everything's fine. Systems all green." (Shigure)

"How about your torpedo launchers?"

The destroyer rotated the pair of launchers tied to her legs, making sure they are fully loaded and the torpedos do not slip out of their tubes.

"The launchers are fine too." (Shigure)

"Of course her equipment will be in perfect condition. Thanks to yours truly." (Akashi)

Akashi's voice suddenly came through the radio.

"Yeah yeah. Shigure, last bit not least, is your eye all right?"

"Yes. I can see perfectly." (Shigure)

"Alright. All units, are you ready?"

"Yes. Ready to launch my aircraft." (Zuihou)

"да <Yes> I'm in position." (Avrora)

"Akashi and I are at the port, ready to receive." (Rei)

"I'm counting on you two if things go south. Shigure, are you ready?"

"Yes!" (Shigure)

She wore a look of confidence and seriousness on her face. Geez. If I see you like that, even I would have to support you.

"Alright. Go and get 'em, girl."

"Shigure, do your best!" (Zuihou)

"Destroyer Shigure, launching!" (Shigure)

Shigure activated her propellers and moved forward. The two Destroyer I-class noticed her instantly and began to move towards her. They remained on top of the surface as they charged towards their sworn nemesis. One of them opened it's mouth, revealing a cannon within. It fired at Shigure once she was within firing range.

Shigure dodged the Abyssals' attack and fired her own guns, hitting the Abyssals' left eye and causing it to let out a pained scream.

"All right! Keep it up!" (Zuihou)

"Careful. Don't forget about the other one. Wait. Zuihou, how are you watching from your position?"

"I got my Type-2 recon in the air. Don't worry, it's out of firing range. Besides, I-classes don't have AA capabilities." (Zuihou)

The I-class reared its head for another shot. Shigure moved in from its left and rained fire on the Abyssal. The difference in firepower was obvious from the start. The Abyssal tilted to its left and sank under the surface. One down, one to go. The other I-class let out a shriek and slowly made its way towards Shigure. Likewise, Shigure charged towards her adversary

But that's weird, usually I-classes would work together to take down a foe. Only one of them charged forward and attacked, the other one stood behind and watched. Even now, it's maintaining a slow speed and waiting for Shigure to get closer. Something is up.

I switch to a private channel and connected with Avrora and Zuihou,

"Zuihou, Avrora,"

"Hmm?" (Zuihou)

"Y-yes?" (Avrora)

"Get ready to move in on command. Something is up."

"Eh? What do you mean?" (Zuihou)

"Why did only one I-class moved in to attack Shigure? They would have stood a better chance if they worked together. Not that it matters given Shigure's experience and prowess, but it's very weird for them to do this."

"Hmm... That's true. A two-on-one tactic would give them the advantage. Something is definitely up." (Avrora)

"Whatever the case is, standby to attack the other one. Zuihou, get some bombers in the air. Avrora, move closer but remain out of sight."

"Roger." (Avrora)

"Okay." (Zuihou)

Shigure got into firing range and aimed her guns at the I-class. She fired two shots at it, when it suddenly disappeared under the surface.

"?!?!" (Shigure)

Something is definitely wrong!

"Zuihou! Avrora!"

Zuihou launched a squadron of bombers while Avrora rushed to Shigure's position. Shigure stood there, confused by what she just saw.

"Shigure, don't just stand there! Keep moving!"

"Y-yes!" (Shigure)

When they are not engaged in battle, Abyssal Destroyers will swim underwater, jumping out every few seconds like what they did before Shigure engaged them in battle. When a lone Abyssals is in an attack state, all it has on its mind, if it even has one, is attack, attack, and attack. It doesn't care about tactics or anything else. It's a different story if there is a fleet of them led by a higher ranking Abyssal, but if it's just one, the former is usually the case. This Abyssal did something unprecedented. Apart from the submarine types, I have never seen or heard of an Abyssal Destroyer hiding underwater when it's in its attack state. And this one is staying underwater longer than it should. I can kind of guess what's it going to do.

"Shigure, move about us erratically as possible."

It's aiming to catch Shigure by surprise.

"Yes!" (Shigure)

"Avrora, I need you there now."

"I'm going as fast as I can." (Avrora)

"Zuihou, see anything?"

Zuihous' planes flew overhead,

"Nothing. It's hiding in the shadows." (Zuihou)

Damn thing pretending to be a submarine. You are a destroyer, so act like one.

"Admiral, what was that? I have never seen an I-class do that before." (Shigure)

"Me neither. I'm not taking any risks, so I'm pulling you out of this test. Leave that thing to Zuihou. Avrora is coming to escort you out of there."

"Eh? Admiral, please wait!" (Shigure)

Shigure stopped in her tracks.

"Shigure, I know how you feel, but right now, things may have gotten dangerous. There is always another chance."

"But... This can't..." (Shigure)

"Shigure! Incoming shadow on your starboard! Move!" (Zuihou)

Before Shigure can react, the Destroyer I-class leapt out of the water and into the air, revealing two grey limps. That's a late model variant! It opened its mouth wide and pointed its gun at Shigure's head.


Damn it! Zuihou's planes can't circle back fast enough. Avrora, please.

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