Our Bonds

Chapter 232 - 210

"I got you!" (Avrora)

The I-class fired just as Avrora shoved Shigure out of its line of fire. The two girls rolled across the water, seemingly unharmed. Thank goodness...

With the I-class late model showing itself, Zuihou's bombers moved in for a kill. The I-class late model immediately retreated back under the water.

"Oh come on!" (Zuihou)

"You two alright?"

Avrora adjusted her hat,

"I'm alright." (Avrora)

"I'm f-fine..." (Shigure)

Her voice is shaking. She just had a near-death experience after all. Yeah, I'm putting an end to this.

"Avrora, as planned, escort her back to port."

"I underst-" (Avrora)

"Please wait!" (Shigure)

Shigure got back on her feet,

"Admiral, please let me defeat it." (Shigure)

"Shigure, now it is not time to be selfish. The situation has changed, I am cancelling this test."

"This isn't about rejoining the fleet. Please, I want to defeat it. No, I need to defeat it. If I don't do this, I feel like I won't be able to move forward." (Shigure)

"What are you talking about? You are up against an Abyssal which we have no data on or. We don't know what it is capable of. I can't let you put yourself in danger again."

"Isn't this what us shipgirls are about? Risking our lives on the battlefield. In war, not everything goes according to plan. We need to change and react accordingly. Every second, every action determines whether we live to see another day, or we disappear into the bottom of the ocean." (Shigure)

"That's why I'm not risking this. You already had a run-in with an abnormal Abyssal before and you nearly lost your life. I'm not letting something like that happen again. Once we get more data and figure what is this things deal, we can come back for a rematch. Like I said, I will reinstate back to the fleet when you are ready. There is no need to rush."

"It's not a matter of going back to the fleet anymore!!!" (Shigure)

Shigure's shout peaked the microphone and distorted the sound. Even Ooyodo took out her headphones.

"Ow. Shigure, calm down." (Akashi)

"It's not about rejoining the fleet. This is... the same as before... An unidentified enemy... If I don't defeat it, I..." (Shigure)

"Shigure, listen to-"

"Admiral, let her do it" (Avrora)


"Please. I understand her feelings. Comrade Shigure wants to break free from the shackles of her past. This is the first step." (Avrora)

"Avrora, I don't understand."

"The beast Abyssal... That was also an unexpected enemy. If I don't defeat this one, I won't be able to move forward. I don't want that." (Shigure)

Now I see. But still... No. I already understand this. I can't always keep them away from danger... Shigure, though shaken, is determined to see this through.

"Fine. Destroyer Shigure, I'm hereby taking command of this operation. You are to abide by my orders."

"Understood!" (Shigure)

"Zuihou, order your bombers to retreat. That thing is wary about them and won't come out if they are still there. Keep the Type-2 in the air so we know where is it coming from.

We have been talking for a while but that thing isn't attacking. It's certainly aware of what happens when it surfaces with those planes still in the air.

"Are you sure?" (Zuihou)

"Yeah. Retrieve all your bombers but maintain eyes from above. This part is crucial."

"Roger." (Zuihou)

"Avrora, back Shigure up. I'm counting on you."

"Yes. Leave it to me." (Avrora)

I can see Shigure still shaking a bit,

"Shigure, take a deep breath and hold it for a while."

"Why?" (Shigure)

"Just do it."

Shigure took a gulp of air and held her breath.

"Count to ten before releasing it slowly."

Shigure exhaled slowly,


Shigure repeated the action one more.

"Good girl. Feeling better?"

"Yes. Thank you, Admiral." (Shigure)

"If you're feeling a bit overwhelmed, do that. It will calm you down a bit."

I also taught that to Zuihou back then. It really helps a lot.

"Alright, here's what we are going to do. Shigure, I need to you be as far away from Avrora as possible but still within her firing range. I bet that things doesn't know how far light cruisers can shoot. Shigure will lure it out from hiding. Zuihou, once you see a shadow, inform its position to Shigure immediately. Avrora will shoot at it if it gets too close to throw off its aim but Shigure, you will be the one to destroy it."

"Thank you, Admiral." (Shigure)

"You better come back unscathed."

"I will try." (Shigure)

Damn it. All this work and drama for an abnormal I-class. It better be worth it.

"Alright. Begin the operation!"

Shigure moved forward, leaving Avrora behind. Avrora pointed her guns in Shigure's direction and angled them upwards the further Shigure went.

"Comrade Shigure, you are almost out of my range. That spot will do." (Avrora)

"Got it." (Shigure)

Shigure stopped in her tracks and brought her guns to the front. Here comes the hard part. Shigure will need to react quickly when the I-class shows up. Zuihou will be able to inform before hand and Avrora can provide cover fire, but it all comes down to how fast Shigure can deal with the situation.

"Zuihou, I will leave my back to you." (Shigure)

"Leave that to me." (Zuihou)

Everything was silent for a few long minutes, with Shigure keeping an eye on all directions. Shigure continued to do the breathing exercise I just taught her.

"I'm seeing a shadow approaching 50 degrees to your port." (Zuihou)

Shigure whipped to the left and aimed her guns at her hidden enemy. She closed her left eye and seemed to follow something.

"Found you." (Shigure)

She continued to track something which I couldn't see, all the while with only her right eye open.

Wait, there is a shadow coming closer to the surface. Is that the I-class?

Suddenly, she closed both eyes and remained still.

"Shigure! What are you doing?!"

"It's moving towards your back. Surfacing in three... two... one..." (Zuihou)

The I-class leapt out of the water and did the same thing as before. Shigure spun around and blasted the Abyssal in its mouth, shooting in out of the air and sending it spinning back into the water. After taking a deep breath, Shigure jumped up, her guns retracting back to its original position and her torpedo launchers pointing at the Abyssal, and fired four torpedos at the I-class. The Abyssal didn't get away in time, exploding into a fiery ball of flame and it sinks into its final resting place. Shigure had destroyed her target.

"Great job! That's my girl!"

"Yes!" (Zuihou)

Shigure panted for a bit and did a small fist pump at her waist.

"Alright. Come back home and we will do a review."

Shigure regrouped with the others and the three of them made their way back to base. The mission area wasn't very far, just 45 minutes away from the base. That should give me enough time to read at least half of this new operation brief.

As soon as they got back, Shigure immediately threw of her equipment and came over to hug me. I ruffled her hair a bit,

"Geez! You nearly gave a heart attack back there."

"Ehe~ Sorry." (Shigure)

Avrora is here, so I bent down and whispered into her ear,

"As punishment, I'm going to handle you a little roughly tonight."

"Eh?" (Shigure)

Shigure face turned red instantly.

"Of course, Zuihou is going join us."

"For what?" (Zuihou)

"As a reward, I hereby appoint you to the main fleet."

Shigure's face brightened up as soon as I said that,

"Really?" (Shigure)

"Isn't that great, Shigure?" (Zuihou)

"There is going to be an medium-scale operation next week. I want you to join the fleet on the missions our base is going to be assigned to. It's been a long time, but do your best and make me proud."

"Yes! I will!" (Shigure)

I turned to face Avrora as Shigure continued to snuggle against me. Avrora really helped me quite a bit this time,

"Avrora, thank you so much."

"I didn't do much this time." (Avrora)

I shook my head,

"No. You really helped me. You saved Shigure. On top of that, if you hadn't said anything, I would have dragged Shigure back her by force. Your words alone were enough to convince me to let Shigure take out the Abyssal on her own. So thank you."

Avrora blushed a little.

"Y-your welcome... If you like, would you care to join me for a drink?" (Avrora)

"Hmm... Sure thing. Just for a bit though. I have some plans tonight."

I'm also curious how vodka would taste like.

Avrora beamed,

"Then I shall prepare the finest vodka from my collection! Comrade Shigure, Comrade Zuihou, would you like to join us?" (Avrora)

"These two will be fine with normal sake."

I can't let any of them touch vodka. It's too strong for them.

Things are going to be hectic next week. We better enjoy the free time we have for now.

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