Our Bonds

Chapter 233 - 211

I can hear Rondo letting out a sigh through the phone after I told him about what happened this afternoon,

"You didn't read the report, did you?" (Rondo)


There was a report?

I didn't want to write up a report on the abnormal Abyssal we encountered this afternoon so I decided to just inform him through a call. Shigure, Zuihou and I just go back from a drinking party with the North Union girls. Damn. Those girls can really drink. The two girls got a bit too drunk so I carried them back to my room first.

"Whatever, let me just get you up to speed. Kure and Yokosuka already encountered such Abyssals last week. I assume you already know but these new type of Abyssals possess some level of intelligence. Based on what was reported, they seem to observe their enemy before making their move." (Rondo)

Oh, so that was what it was doing.

"How did you guys handle them?"

"By shooting them, duh." (Rondo)

"No kidding, Sherlock."

"No, seriously. While these things are smarter than the rest, that's all they got. Unlike the Beast Abyssals who are stronger and tougher than normal, this new type is just... smarter. It knows how to use it's environment to it's advantage, which mainly involves hiding underwater. Other than that, sprinkle a few shells and torpedos and you get yourself a tasty piece of burnt Abyssal steak." (Rondo)

"That sounds gross."

And yep, that does sound like the one we met this afternoon. Hiding underwater and pretending to be a submarine. Maybe pretending to be a shark sounds better. Shigure did destroy it with a few shots and some torpedos.

I'm a little thirsty. I poured another shot of vodka from the bottle Avrora gave me into my cup and mixed in some lime juice and ginger beer.

"Are you drinking?" (Rondo)


Ah, oops. He must have heard me mixing my drink.

"Avrora gave me some vodka. She taught me how to drink it."

"Isn't that the drink that almost caused the Mogami-class to burn down your infirmary?" (Rondo)

"Don't remind me. That was horrible. But yeah, it is."

"How is it?" (Rondo)

"Obviously I'm not drinking it pure. I'm turning it into what is called a Moscow Mule. It's sour and a little spicy. I think Grand Admiral Hasake and the Marshal Admiral may love it."

"Why don't you drink it pure?" (Rondo)

"Have you seen the alcohol content of this?! It's 40%! It's literally just distilled alcohol with water. Not only will I get instantly pass out, it is way too bitter for me. Mixing it with something sour is the only way for me swallow it easily. This drink really kicks. I don't understand how Avrora and the other Russian shipgirls chug it like water everyday. And without mixing it with anything no less. Just pure vodka straight from the bottle."

"Then what about whiskey? You were able to drink that easily before." (Rondo)

"That was because you mixed it with soda to make it tastier for me. I prefer my drink to have some taste other than bitterness. By the way, why are we talking about alcohol?"

"You started it!" (Rondo)

"No, you were the one that asked me about it!"

Irritating little prick...

"Anyway, I'm want to reinstate Shigure back into the fleet. She will be participating in the upcoming operation."

"Oh. Has she fully recovered?" (Rondo)

"Yep. She is combat-ready."

"That's great. Just write up a short report and then we can officially put her back on the roster." (Rondo)

"Ehh? Can't you just tell the guys at Intel for me?"

"You know how those guys are. They are sticklers for rules." (Rondo)

How troublesome...

"About the upcoming operation, be prepared for anything. Tone's intel states that all three Abyssal variants might be present. The normal ones, the beast ones and the intelligent ones." (Rondo)

That might be problem. If all three are present, things are bound to be chaotic.

"Any contingency plans?"

"Nope, but based on what we know, I recommend equipping some of your girls with depth charges for the intelligent ones, since they are always hiding underwater. Let the beast ones fight with the others before picking them off. We can't keep one relying on the battleship girls for protection." (Rondo)

That's pretty simple, but better than nothing. The beast Abyssals and princesses are going to be a large problem but if they take each other out in the process, everything should work out in our favour.

"It's late already, so I will do the report tomorrow morning."

And the alcohol is starting to kick in. The room is starting to turn.

"Good for you, being able to sleep this early." (Rondo)

"What are you talking about? It's already 1am. I bet you are not even working. You are spending time with your beloved Houshou."

"Nonsense. I'm hard at- oi! Houshou! What are yo-" (Rondo)

There was some strange noise from the other side before Rondo's wife came on the line,

"Admiral Keita~" (Houshou)

"Ah, Houshou. Sorry for distur-"

The next thing that came out of Houshou's mouth was the most menacing and terrifying thing I wouldn't expect from the kindest and motherly light aircraft carrier,

"I will be coming to kill you soon~~" (Houshou)

And the line was cut. She had hang up the phone...

Eh? Huh? Ehhh?!?!

That was scary! What happened? Somehow, I pissed Houshou off? Eh? Wait, so I was right. Right? Rondo and Houshou were together. I spent too long talking to Rondo that Houshou got angry at me.

Her terrifying voice stopped the room from turning... Never mind, it's still spinning. I will just brush my teeth, change into my pajamas, head straight to bed and pray I don't get a hangover the next morning. I shouldn't, since I didn't really drink till I puke.

As I changed into my pajamas, I heard my room door creaked open.

"Admiral... Where are you?" (Zuihou)

I peeked out of the bathroom to see Zuihou staggering out in her night Yukata.

"I'm here."

I went over to her and caught her before she fell over.

"Woah there. Come on, get to bed."

"Ehehe~ Admiral~~" (Zuihou)

She rubbed her face against my chest. She is still half-asleep, I guess. I helped her back to bed and tucked the both of us in.

"Admiral~ Pet me~" (Zuihou)

"Yeah yeah."

I rubbed Zuihou's head as she continued to hug and snuggle against me.

Admiral~ Love you~" (Zuihou)

"I love you too."

Alright, time to lie down. My head hurts...

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