Our Bonds

Chapter 235 - 213

The submarine girls, led by Shioi, entered the mission zone and met up with Sasebo's fleet. Right now, we are in the first phase of the second mission. While the fleet from Sasebo handles the main transport phase, my submarines will provide air and torpedo support. Our main job is basically to scout forward, weaken and scatter the enemies so Sasebo can move in and take the spotlight. We will provide support until the designated area, where the boss of the area and their gatekeepers lurk. From then on, Sasebo will be assisted by their LBAS aircrafts and retrieve as much resources as their barrels can carry.

"Alright. Time for revenge. Girls, we are counting on you." (Isuzu)

"Leave the scouting and support to us. More importantly, is you guys all right?" (Shioi)

Just yesterday, as soon as Sasebo's fleet, which consists of Isuzu, Chikuma, Makigumo, Kazagumo, Naganami, and Kiyoshimo, reached the spot where they were supposed to fight off the Abyssal fleet which is led by an Ne-class Kai, and retrieve the resources, all six of them got damaged badly by the Ne-class, so no progress was made and an immediate retreat was ordered. Today, like what Isuzu said, is a revenge match.

There are about three phases to this mission. The first one is a transport phase. Once that is done, I will have to send in a submarine girl to secure codename 'Node C' while a Fast Carrier Task Force from Sasebo secures Codename 'Node P'. Don't mind the codenames, they are just names for certain key installation points. Once these two points are secured, Sasebo will send the same Fast Carrier Task Force to sink the Heavy Cruiser Princess. This will mark the end of Phase 2 and start phase 3. Phase 3 will involve an Aircraft Carrier Princess. Plans on how to defeat her are still being discussed. That's the mission flow for now.

"I'm going to murder that thing for wasting my time yesterday." (Isuzu)

"Alright. Enough talk. Let's beat the lowly lifeform and finish this transport run quickly." (Sasebo)

"Idiot. That's my line." (Isuzu)

The submarine girls moved in, sneaking past the Abyssal Aircraft patrol. They can do anything to those aircrafts, so might as well let Isuzu's fleet handle it. The first Abyssal fleet they encountered was a small one, consisting of two Destroyer Ro-class late models and four Destroyer I-class.

"So... Same as before?" (Shioi)

"Yep. Wait for Isuzu before before lighting up those shark-wannabes with torpedos. Save your seaplanes for later."

"Roger. Maintaining depth." (Shioi)

"Isuzu, what's your situation?"

There was a loud explosion, followed by high pitched screaming. Oh boy...

"That doesn't sound good."

"Yeah. It's as bad as it sounds." (Isuzu)

"Retreat. Makigumo and Chikuma got hit and received heavy damages." (Sasebo)

"I'm sorry." (Chikuma)

"Uweeh! I'm sorry!" (Makigumo)

"Can't you use a repair bucket? My girls can wait."

"I don't want to. Not in this phase. I'm saving for the more high priority phases." (Sasebo)

"Fair point. The next phase is going to hard. But let's try to save time if possible."

"Yeah. I understand. I will review their equipment and make the necessary adjustments. I might have focused a bit too much on their transport capacity and neglected any AA capabilities." (Sasebo)

"You think? Anyway, when shall we resume?"

"I will get everything settled by tomorrow morning. Sorry about this." Sasebo)

No problem. You heard him. Return to base for now."

"Roger." (Submarine girls)

I guess this is a blessing in disguise. They will be able to make it in time for the mini party.

The girls looks a little displeased. I checked to see if the Sasebo has disconnected from our channel. Yep, we are in the clear.

"Girls, you are free to speak your mind. They are gone for now."

"..." (Iku)

"What's wrong?"

"It's nothing serious..." (Imuya)

"Come on. I won't know what is it if you don't tell me."

"Should we...?" (Hachi)

"But even so, this is our first mission in a while dechi... I feel bad if we complain dechi." (Goya)

"I'm the leader, so I'll say it. Admiral, I know it's not our place to say this but honestly, we were expecting a more active role in this operation. I mean, it's been a while since we were able to participate in an operation, and I know we should be grateful to even receive an support role but we want to contribute more. We want a more important role." (Shioi)

Hmm... I understand their displeasure. True, they have been on the sidelines for too long. When they were finally able to participate, they were only given a support role. It's like being assigned the background dancer despite practicing so hard while your friends take the spotlight.

Shioi would be the one most displeased. Even back in the Great War, she didn't get the chance to participate and do much in the war effort. She would always request for an active role but I couldn't find one for her even after all these years.

"I know it looks and sounds like a lame role, but being a support is just as important. You are helping to hasten the mission and making it easier for the other party to do their job. Sure, they will take the spotlight, but it's because of your efforts that they are able to. Even if you are not credited, deep down in your hearts, you all know who did the real work. So cheer up. A support role isn't a lame job."

The six of them don't look convinced. What I just gave sounded like standard military answer as to how being in logistics is just as important as the frontline soldiers. A wishful, made-to-sound-good kind of response.

"Tell you what, I will try to get you girls a more active role in this operation. But don't get your hopes up. I'm sure HQ has already came up with plans by now."

"Okay..." (Submarine girls)

Woah. They really aren't getting their hopes up. I guess they already expect to be put on the sidelines again. This is my fault...

"Come on. Cheer up. You are going to have a mini party now. Use this time to take your mind of things."

"A mini party? Is there something special on today?" Ro-chan)

"Ah! It's their birthday today!" (Iku)

The door to the Command Center opened and both Zuihou's popped in,

"Admiral~" Zuihou)

"Cake is ready~" Zuihou-chan)

"Excellent. What about decorations?"

"All set." (Zuihou)

"Alright. Gather everyone in the cafeteria. We will start when everyone is together."

I turned my focus back to the submarine girls,

"Hurry up and return. The party won't start without the six of you."


"One, two~~"

The sound of party poppers filled the air as confetti was spread all over our two birthday girls,

"Shigure, Shigure-chan, Happy Birthday to you!" (All)

"Thank you." (Shigure)

"Thanks!" (Shigure-chan)

Today is the 18th of May, the launch date and birthday of Shigure. Since we have two of them, we are celebrating both of their launch dates. Although we are in the midst of an operation, it's good to lay back and party for a bit, especially since the mission has been postponed.

This is just a simple party, with cake, some drinks and a little bit of merrymaking.

"Puhaa~ Keep the drinks coming! Bring out the whole stash of vodka!" (Gangut)

Okay, let me rephrase that. A simple party with cake, a lot of drinks and a lot of merrymaking.

I walked up to the two Destroyers with two presents in hand,

"Shigure, Shigure-chan, happy birthday."

"Thank you, Admiral." (Shigure)

"Thanks, Admiral." (Shigure-chan)

I gave Shigure-chan a rose gold ruby bracelet. I had it customized to match her favorite hairpin.

"Wah~ Pretty~" (Shigure-chan)

For Shigure, I gave her a black twin-lens reflex camera. A few days ago, while on a date, I noticed her eyeing it when we passed by a camera store. I thought it might match her other clothes so I got it for her.

"This... The other day..." (Shigure)

"This is what you wanted, right?"

"Yeah... Thank you so much, Admiral!" (Shigure)

Shigure kissed my lips as the others looked on with eyes wide open. Even I am surprised by this.

"Shigure... When did you two-?" (Yamashiro)

"For a while now. Sorry for keeping it a secret." (Shigure)

"I always thought you were extremely close to Admiral, but I didn't think you were this close." (Shiratsuyu)

"Papa and Shigure-nee..." (Yamakaze)

"Eh? You girls didn't know? I thought we were pretty obvious already."

"Eh? What about Zuihou? Since when did the two of you break up?" (Umikaze)

"We didn't break up! It's complicated but let's just say we are sharing." (Zuihou)

"Oh my, I didn't think you were that of a player." (Rei)

"Admiral..." (Yamashiro)

I feel a chill down my spine as Yamashiro smiled eeriely at me,


"If you ever make my precious Shigure cry..." (Yamashiro)

Are you her parent or what?

Yamashiro crushed the can of beer in her hands, causing it's contents to spill onto the floor. For the sake of staying alive, let's just say what she wants to hear.

"Don't worry. I will take care and love her."

"I find it hard to trust a two-timing pervert like you. But if she is happy, I guess I can let it slide for now." (Yamashiro)

"Geez. Look at what you have done."

"Ehehe~" (Shigure)

"Since it's your birthday, I'll let it slide for today." (Zuihou)

"I want a kiss too..." (Zuihou-chan)

"I'll give you one later."

I whispered. I have a feeling they thought only Zuihou and Shigure are in a relationship with me. Wait until they hear about Zuihou-chan. My body might be found hanging from the flagpole the next morning.

The party continued on without a hitch. It was getting late and the girls are starting to return to their dorms or going for bath. I didn't want to screw up the atmosphere, even though it almost did, so I didn't do what I promised to do. I stepped out of the cafeteria to make a call.

"Rondo? It's me."

"What is it, Keita? I'm a little busy at the moment." (Rondo)

"I need a favor from you. Is there a way I can give my submarine girls a main role in this operation? Like joining the mission fleet or something."

"Submar- Wait, hold on!" (Rondo)

I can hear some papers being shuffled, followed by Rondo shouting,

"Implement six SS and cycle the simulation! What is the success rate? You are kidding me. Do it again!" (Rondo)

"Rondo, is everything fine?"

"Give me a minute. I'm on to something here." (Rondo)

There was more background shouting, with Rondo talking about various equipment setups. After a few minutes, he finally came back on the line,

"How many aircraft carrying submarines do you have?" (Rondo)

"Umm... Iku, Goya, Hachi, and Shioi. Four."

"That's more than enough! Finally! We figured it out!" (Rondo)

He sounds happy, but what is he happy about?

"Rondo, what's all this about?"

"Keita, my man! Thank you so much for calling me! You're a genius! I need to treat you to a drink some day." (Rondo)

"What did I do? And can you tell me what's going on already?!"

"For the third phase of the 2nd mission, your submarine fleet will handle the sinking of the Aircraft Carrier Princess." (Rondo)



"Wait... Hold on for-"

"I will write up the mission brief for you. See you later." (Rondo)

"Rondo, wai-"


He hang up on me! I tried calling his number again but I got sent straight to his voice mail. That guy must have switched off his phone or something. What's that all about?!

"Admiral, what's wrong?" ( Shioi)

I turned around to see Shioi giving me a concerned look. I guess I can tell her first. This is the news she would be most happy to hear after all.

"Umm... How do I say this? Somehow, I was able to get you girls an active role. The details are not in yet, but you girls are going to be the one to sink the Aircraft Carrier Princess in this current mission."

There was a moment of silence, before the tall submarine girl let out an appropriate,

"Eh?" (Shioi)

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