Our Bonds

Chapter 236 - 214

"Alright! Everyone ready?" (Sasebo)

"Of course! Let's get this done and move to the next phase!" (Isuzu)

"Submarine fleet, the same tactic as before."

"Yes! Leave the support to us!" (Shioi)

"Once the last of the resources have been secured and transported out, Shioi, you know what to do."

"Make a detour to Node C and secure the area." (Shioi)

"That's right. Sasebo, is your Carrier Task Force ready?"

"Haruna and Hiei are on standby and ready to move out. I need to Yokosuka for this. I panicked when I heard I needed to prepare a Fast Carrier Task Force. I don't even have a Fast Battleship here." (Sasebo)

"There is an alternative method but I doubt it would be effective, based on the intel. This is a lot enemies for you guys to handle along the way."

"Yours ain't any better. A lone submarine securing a high priority target is definitely no ordinary feat." (Sasebo)

"If it's Shioi, I know she can do it."

"Ah! So mean! Does that mean the rest of us can't do it nano?!" (Iku)

"Does that mean you don't trust us?" (Ro-chan)

"No. That's not what I meant."

Ah crap. I shouldn't have said that. I made the others angry.

"Alright Save it for later. I want to hurry up and finish this." (Isuzu)

"We are going to grill you later, Admiral. Look forward to it." (Imuya)

"Oh, I definitely won't be looking forward to it. Anyway, move out! Carve our victory-"

"Carve our victory on the horizon of dawn!" (Sasebo)

"Oi! Don't steal my line!"

"Shut up. I'm the one leading this mission! I'm the one who should say it!" (Sasebo)

"Both of you shut up! We have started already." (Isuzu)

Shioi led her fleet under the enemy air patrol. Moments later, the sound of explosions can be heard as Isuzu's fleet took down the enemy air fleet and rendezvous with Shioi.

Ever since that one time where Chikuma got damaged by the air patrol, significant changes have been made to her equipment, which should have been the default. Who puts only drum canisters and barrels on an aviation cruiser who has strong AA potential and the capacity to carry seaplanes? Apparently, her Admiral. After realizing his mistake, he brought back Chikuma's usual equipment setup, which are two 20.3cm No. 3 Twin Gun Mounts, WG42 and Zuiun Kai Ni 634 Air Group Skilled Bombers. Minor adjustments were made to Isuzu's and Naganami's equipment to give them more firepower. Makigumo, Kazagumo and Kiyoshimo remain as the designated transport sh.i.p.s of the fleet. Their setup to be quite successful for most parts. It took about fifteen round trips, with minor slipups here and there, to get to where we are right now, which is pretty good.

Shioi surfaced and launched a Seiran up into the air. The Seiran began it's reconnaissance, spotting a Light Cruiser Ho-class flagship and three Destroyer Ro-class late models.

"Enemy fleet spotted. It's a type B configuration." (Shioi)

"Alright. Leave that sub to me. I have a couple of depth charges to use." (Isuzu)

"I thought you only had AA guns." (Sasebo)

"I always carry a couple of depth charges. What kind of submarine hunter doesn't carry a couple of Anti-submarine equipment with her?" (Isuzu)

"Light them up."

"Feuer!" (Hachi)

"Please, Torpedo-san!" (Goya)

"Load torpedoes from 1 to 4. Let's go get a win!" (Imuya)

"Launching 6 oxygen torpedoes!" (Iku)

"Go get em!" (Shioi)

The six girls launched their own set of torpedo attacks, sinking all three Destroyer Ro-class and heavily damaging the Light Cruiser Ho-class. The remaining member of the enemy fleet, a submarine Ka-class Elite, narrowly dodged a stray torpedo, possibly coming from Iku's torpedo barrage.

"Ah! Just a little more and I could have hit it!" (Iku)

"Alright! Let's move to the next point." (Shioi)

"Ooh! Nice! Thanks for the easy win!" (Isuzu)

Isuzu's fleet cleaned up the remaining enemies quickly and regrouped with the submarine fleet, who are just outside the detection range of the next Abyssal fleet. A quick scout from the Seiran revealed a Light Cruiser Tsu-class elite, four Destroyer Ro-class late models, one of which is an Elite variant, and a Destroyer I-class. A type C configuration.

"Hmm... This is a bit tough. We can definitely take out the three normal Ro-class and I-class, but the other two..." (Shioi)

"That's okay. One way or another, we will break through." (Isuzu)

"Then..." (Shioi)

The six girls looked at each other and smiled. They moved into range and launched their torpedoes, blowing up the Destroyer I-class and two Destroyer Ro-class. The Ro-class elite got damaged by torpedoes while the Tsu-class elite and another Ro-class remained unscathed.

"Charge!" (Isuzu)

"Alright. Hold your position. Wait till the mission is done before moving onto the next phase."

Chikuma launched her seaplanes bombers and dropped bombs all over the Tsu-class, severely damaging and crippling it. The surviving Ro-class sank after being hit by Naganami's torpedo attack. The Ro-class elite fired and launched its own set of torpedoes at it's adversary, only to miss by a mile.

"Idiot, do you want me to shoot you?" (Isuzu)

She shot the Ro-class elite anyway, staggering it. Makigumo, Kazagumo and Kiyoshimo fired at the Ro-class elite, suppressing it in place as Isuzu continued to rain hellfire on it. Chikuma and Naganami took care of the Tsu-class, sending it back to it's home in the depths. The Ro-class elite followed soon after.

"Alright! Let's continue! Leave the rest to us." (Isuzu)

"Thank you for support." (Chikuma)

"Shioi-chan, good luck with your role." (Naganami)

"Thank you. Please do your best." (Makigumo)

There was a little 'beep' sound, signalling Isuzu's fleet has left the radio channel as they continued onwards while my submarines remain in position.

"Girls, you can surface. But be on guard. Crush dive immediately if you sense trouble."

"Okay~" (All)

The six submarine surfaced and took a gulp of fresh air. Things are going smoothly for now.

"Say, Admiral, I want to ask something." (Shioi)

"What is it?"

"About the third phase, is HQ serious about letting us handle it? I know we said we wanted an active role but that is a pretty big fish for us." (Shioi)

This is the fifth time she mentioned about the third phase. Is she not confident about taking it on?

"Geez, Shioi-chan, we can definitely handle it nano. That Abyssal fleet won't a chance against us nano." (Iku)

"That's right. We are Maizuru's strongest submarine fleet after all." (Ro-chan)

"But-" Shioi)

Before Shioi can say anything, the familiar 'beep' signalled Isuzu's return to the channel,

"Mission accomplished! Finally, we are done with this. We are now transporting the rest of the resources back to base." (Isuzu)

"Good work. We shall now proceed to the next phase. Haruna and Hiei have already left and are en route to Node P." (Sasebo)

"Roger. Shioi, can you make your way to Node C now?"

"Erm... Yes, I can." (Shioi)

"Just in case, let's do a stock check."

"Oh. Good idea." (Imuya)

Imuya popped open her backpack and pulled out two full-length torpedoes. Goya and Iku both materialized four torpedoes from thin air and held it in their arms. Hachi opened her book and a yellow light shine brightly as a torpedo came out from it. Ro-chan pulled out the torpedo she had strapped to her back. Shioi opened up the tubes of her launcher and revealed six torpedoes. Looks like she listened when I told her to save her ammunition. But six won't be enough for her next mission.

"Okay. Imuya, hand over both torpedoes. Goya and Iku, each of you give two to Shioi. Hachi and Ro-chan, you're going to have to return empty-handed."

Now, Shioi should have a total of twelve torpedoes. It's not full capacity but it should be enough to breakthrough enemy lines.

"Thank you. I will make sure to use these." (Shioi)

"The rest of you head on back. Shioi, Ooyodo will be sending you the coordinates shortly. It's pretty close by so don't worry."

"You can do it. I have seen the intel. The enemies are pushovers." (Isuzu)

For a submarine hunter like you, they are definitely pushovers.

"If we are lucky, you will only have to face two Submarine Ka-class Elites and two Destroyer Ro-class late models. Otherwise, it's three Ka-class Elites and one Ro-class late model Elite. Even so, those Ro-class are going to be a pian to deal with."

"Uwah. I don't feel like doing it anymore..." (Shioi)

"It will be fine. Once you break through the enemy lines, then it's mission complete! You can definitely do it!" (Ro-chan)

Ro-chan grasp her friend's hand and smiles brightly.

"Ro-chan... Yeah. I'm going to show those Abyssals what power of I-400 series!" (Shioi)

"Yep!" (Ro-chan)

"Flagship, I-401, heading out!" (Shioi)

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