Our Bonds

Chapter 237 - 215

The rest of the submarine girls left the area while Shioi made a beeline towards Node C. Guarding that island is an Abyssal Submarine fleet, escorted by at least one Destroyer Ro-class late model. The submarines may not be much of a threat to Shioi, but the Ro-class means business. What makes these class of Abyssal Destroyers dangerous to Shioi is the fact that they have Anti-submarine equipment. Her Seirans should be able to weaken the Ro-class significantly but might not be finish them off with one payload. Whatever the case, so long she is able to take down two enemies, the others will retreat and the location will be secured.

"Shioi, are your Seirans ready to fly? Are they good on fuel and ammunition?"

"Yeah! They should be able to deal heavy damage to surface sh.i.p.s. If they all hit..." (Shioi)

"Then you just got to make sure to they connect. As I mentioned before, there will definitely be a Ro-class. I suggest damaging the Ro-class before attacking the Subs. That way, you can increase your chances of not getting hit."

"I was thinking the same thing. I really hope it's the first configuration. That's the simplest one to deal with." (Shioi)

Two Submarine Ka-class Elites and two Destroyer Ro-class late models. Yeah, that's the easiest she can ask for.

"Is the fairy doing okay?

"Erm... Yeah. She is sleeping in my hanger." (Shioi)

"Alright. Just checking. I don't think I need to remind you to take good care of her."

The fairy I'm talking about is known as an anchor fairy. These special type of fairies help to establish land bases, which we can use to deploy our girls closer to the mission area or use as an airbase for LBAS aircrafts. The anchor fairies being used this time don't have to build anything specific. Instead, they just need to build a totem to signify our takeover and provoke the Heavy Cruiser Princess out of hiding. Fairies usually have their own quarters within their designated equipment, save for the special type of fairies like emergency repair fairies and anchor fairies. They just live wherever they want.

"You should be approaching the area where the Abyssal fleet is said to be on standby. Might as well launch a Seiran to scout ahead."

"Already? All right. Surfacing for launch." (Shioi)

Shioi swam to the surface and opened up her hanger. I long platform emerged and a Seiran popped up, unfolding it's wings.

"Go on." (Shioi)

The Seiran revved up it's engines and propeller and took flight. It circled around the designated location, providing us with eyes from above. I can see two Destroyer Ro-class late models, one Ro-class late model Elite, and the silhouette of something swimming underwater. A B configuration. Not the hardest one she can face but definitely not easiest.

"Ugh... This is a good one." (Shioi)

"Alright. Let's think here. I still find taking out the two normal Ro-class to be easier. The Ka-class can be taken out with a torpedo salvo. Maybe you can just focus on dodging the elite's attacks."

"But I need to pay attention to the other Ro-classes as well. They have more AS capabilities than the elite." (Shioi)

"That's why I said to take them out first. That way you don't have to worry about their AS weapons. The two elites are stronger, but so long as you take out half the fleet, it's your victory. Then you can go ahead and secure the island."

"What if I miss? Then the mission would be compromised." (Shioi)

Something is up...

"You won't miss. I know you are pretty accurate in your shots. And just one miss won't compromise the whole mission."

"But they can dodge my attacks. And there is also the risk of-" (Shioi)

Suddenly, alarms started blaring and the console started flashing red. This means trouble.

"Shioi, crash dive! Now!"

Shioi dived underwater, a bright beam of light shot overhead. I recognize that attack. Sirens.

The screen immediately cut to static and the radio emitted a loud screeching noise.

"Admiral, that laser scrambled our communication channels and our connection with the camera. It will take a while to get both back to working conditions." (Ooyodo)

This is bad. Shioi can't hear us and we can't hear her. Even visual has been cut off.

"Try to reestablish the connection. I need it up and running again ASAP."

"Roger." (Ooyodo)

As Ooyodo worked her magic, I can only pray that Shioi will be all right.


Ouch! The water around me suddenly became hot. I quickly dived deeper while my ears are still ringing. After what felt like an eternity, the ringing in my ears finally stopped. What was that?

"Ow... Admiral, are you there?"

Only a loud screeching noise responded. Argh. This noise is unbearable.

"Admiral, can you read me?"

No response...

"Admiral? Ooyodo-san? Can anyone hear me?"

This is bad. That laser just now must have disabled all communication channels. I'm cut off from base.

Should I retreat? But I'm so close to the objective. The others are also relying on me to initiate the next phase of the mission. But right now, I'm alone. Can I do it on my own?

I hear a growling noise. I can see a reddish glow in the distance, slowly advancing towards me. This is impossible! I'm supposed to be out of their detection range. Looks like escape isn't an option. No. I can still make a run for it. They shouldn't chase me if I leave the area.

But... The mission...

The Submarine Ka-class is getting closer.

Oh geez. I don't have a choice anyway!

"Go get em!"


Eh? What wrong? My torpedo launchers aren't working?!

My torpedo warning alarms started to sound off. That thing shot a torpedo at me. I moved out of the torpedoes trajectory and surfaced. If my torpedoes don't work, then I will have to use my Seirans.


The hanger won't even open. Of course. If my torpedoes aren't functional anymore, why would my hanger work? That laser not only cut off my connection to base, it disabled my weapons as well.

Yep. Time to run.

I dived back underwater and proceed to swim back. My alarms started going off again, indicating another torpedo.

"Gosh, you are persistent. I'm already leaving, alright?!"

I moved out of the way and watched the torpedo whizzed past. Seconds later, it exploded a good distance away. Something seems to sink into the water. Something black with red stripes. My reader picked up six red dots. I really don't need anymore enemies right now.

I surfaced to see what am I about to run into.

According to Murphy's law, what can go wrong, will go wrong.

Now I know where that laser came from. There are six mass-produced Siren sh.i.p.s moving towards me at high speeds. Behind me, an angry Abyssal fleet is trying to blow me up. I'm getting surrounded!

I dived back underwater as soon as I see the guns on one of the siren sh.i.p.s started to glow. I just know that thing is about to shoot.

Another loud, high pitched noise appeared as the red laser flew across the water. The water around me became hot again, forcing me to dive deeper into the cooler and darker part of the ocean. What kind of weapon is that?

I watched as more torpedoes whizzed past, making contact with the Siren sh.i.p.s. They are fighting each other. I should take this time to escape.

Okay. Maybe not...

Just right in front of me, staring straight into my souls, was a Destroyer Ro-class late model with a red glow around it. An elite variant, and one of the new smart ones. Give me a break!

The Ro-class class spat out a few black barrels. Depth charges! I quickly swam in the opposite direction as the depth charges exploded behind me.

I turned and aimed my launcher at charging Ro-class. It's still not working!

The time I spent at base flashed before my eyes. No! I don't need a flashback right now! Wait, hold on!

I manually popped opened the launcher and pulled out a torpedo. I remember listening to Yuudachi-chan mentioning about this. There are many ways to use a torpedo. I don't know whether this might work, but I know this will definitely hurt if it works.

I grasped the torpedo in my hands like a baseball bat and steady myself,

"Come on. Come and get me."

The Ro-class stared at me, unmoving. Does know what I'm about to do? How smart are these new variants?

The Ro-class charged at me, moth wide opened. I have one shot at this.

I waited for it to come closer. Don't panic. Wait for the perfect moment and strike it with the aluminum head.

I can almost count the number of teeth inside that jaw of death. I swung the torpedo at the Ro-class, hitting it square on the side of its head. The torpedo blew up, searing my skin and sent me flying backwards.

"Ouch! So hot!"

Did that Ro-class sink?

I can see the Ro-class struggling underwater as the left side of face armour crumbled apart, revealing the pale flesh underneath. That wasn't enough to take it down.

The Ro-class struggled back to the surface. Another laser appeared overhead, and I watched the Ro-class sink to the depths while slowly into dust. There was a hole in between its eyes.

Although I'm not the one that killed it, I can count that as a win, right?

I can hear the familiar growling noise. I turned to the direction of the sound and saw the Ka-class swimming towards me. Bubbles are coming out from the cracks around it's body and face. It's severely damage.

This is my chance. Once I take down that Ka-class, I can immediately go and secure that island. The Sirens can continue fighting the others for all I care.

"I don't want another torpedo exploding on me again, so you have to make do with this!"

I took out another torpedo and held it over my head, the aluminum warhead facing the incoming Ka-class. Using it as a baseball bat was extremely painful, so I have to throw it like a javelin. The propellers aren't working so I have to get closer to that Onryo before throwing it. I swam towards the Onryo.

The Ka-class made a loud screech as it shot another torpedo at me. I dodged it and continued moving at full speed.

"Take this!"

I let the torpedo go, and kicked it's propellers. That was enough to kickstart the torpedos engine and sent the torpedo flying straight at the Ka-class. Since it was so close, the Abyssal didn't have time to evade. It had no choice but to take an oxygen torpedo to the face. If I had know just a simple knock to the propellers was enough to get it working again, I wouldn't need to take an explosion at point-blank range. I doubt a single torpedo is enough to take it down so,

"Have another one!"

I took out another and punched it's behind, propelling it towards my target. I can hear it screaming for a bit, before seeing a hand emerge from below the bubbles, and then a head showed up. It's dead.

"Alright. Two down. That means I can go ahead and secure the island."

I swam towards the island as the fighting took place on the surface. I don't know why the Sirens are here, but they can take care of the Abyssals for me. I just want to complete this mission, go home and get praised by Admiral.

A black canister floated down and entered my field of vision. Oh no!

There was a loud, ear-piercing noise and my entire body is enveloped in scorching heat. I let my guard down. I should have expected the other two Ro-class would still keep an eye out for me. That was a depth charge, and it definitely belongs to either of the remaining two.

It hurts. It really hurts. I can move. But I'm so close...

I can hear more explosions above me. Two shadows appeared. There are some screaming... Backup? Maybe Admiral realized I'm in danger and sent a fleet to rescue me.

"Well that was easy." (???)

"What did you expect? It was just a fleet of small fry and a bunch of that other mysterious monsters we have been seeing since we got here." (???)

"Umm... Where is that girl?" (???)

"I'm trying to look for her right now. And good job on the air support, Enty." (???)

I can hear three female voices, one of them sounds like a little girl.

"Ah! There you are!" (???)

I see a hand reached out for me and grabbed my hand. The mysterious figure pulled me out of the water and carried me in her arms,

"Hi. Are you all right? I guess not. Woah. That's some risque outfit you're wearing." (???)

"Says the one wearing a s.e.xy bunny outfit to battle." (???)

"I didn't have time to change! And how did you change so fast? Weren't you wearing the same as me just now?" (Girl in bunny outfit)

The one that pulled me out of the water was a tall girl with long blue head. She was wearing a navy blue bunny outfit, with s.e.xy black stockings. There were two other girls with her. The taller one was wearing a blue mini skirt and a blue top that isn't enough to cover up her chest. Instead, a black blouse had to do the job. She also had a blue oversize trench coat dr.a.p.ed around her shoulders. she is obviously an aircraft carrier. There are two long flight decks sticking out from her sides and a bald eagle perched on of them. The smaller girl was wearing a white shirt with black skirt overalls, and a hat sailor hat. She looks way too small to be carrying such a large bow and such a long flight deck. A small grey ball of feathers struggled to fly and land on her head. She looks familiar, like I have seen her before.

"Let's introduced ourselves. I'm New Jersey. This Aircraft Carrier over here is Ticonderoga, and the little girl is Little Enty." (New Jersey)

"My name is not Little Enty! It's Enterprise!" (Little Enty)

The little girl pouted.

"What's your name?" (New Jersey)

"Umm... I'm I-401. Please call me Shioi."

"Oh. A Sakura Empire ship. Don't worry. We have two other girls from your faction on the island. Let's bring you back and get you patched up." (Ticonderoga)

"Um... I'm not from the Sakura Empire. And New Jersey-san, you can put me down now. I can swim there myself."

What have I gotten myself into?

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