Our Bonds

Chapter 247 - 223

I checked the list of resources that is going to be used today as materials for equipment upgrades and equipment development,

"Okay. Everything checks out."

I returned the clipboard to Akashi,

"Excellent. We should be done by this evening." (Akashi)

"Yay! Finally some new equipment to build. I was so bored." (Yuubari)

"Well, we can't do anything in this stormy weather. That what the entertainment room is for."

As soon as I said that, the sound of thunder echoed through the factory. That sounds very close. It was time for the annual rainy season. Today's especially heavy. Just one step out of the door and you will find yourself wet from head to toe.

"Yeah. But I prefer to work with metal. Those automated crafting system in games aren't my cup of tea." (Yuubari)

"Are our lightning rods and insulators still in good condition? I don't want another blackout and damaged antenna."

"Don't worry. The lightning rods are still standing and directing all the energy into our battery." (Akashi)

"That idea of yours better be useful. I would hate if it was a waste of resource and money."

"It will. We made it after all." (Yuubari)

"Yeah yeah. Anyway, how is that thing I asked you to do coming along?"

"What? The pykrete thing?" (Akashi)

The other day, after seeing the Harbour Princess getting her claws stuck in the floor, I had an epiphany. Can we make some kind of shield using wood? A wooden shield that is tougher than steel and can be used as a disposable trap against Beast Abyssals. I did some research and discovered that the British Royal Navy created something called Pykrete in the Great War. It's basically a material that is made out of wood and ice. They wanted to build a carrier using Pykrete but there was a big problem; how do you keep the ice below freezing temperatures? I want to recreate and improve this Pykrete thing so I gave the two engineers a little project to research and develop a wooden alloy. A wooden alloy that is more practical and tougher than Pykrete.

"We managed to recreate the original ice alloy, but it fell apart pretty fast. The warm weather definitely played a part in it's melting." (Yuubari)

"We tried to make one using concrete but it was the some as normal concrete. And heavy too. Anyway, we need more time for R&D." (Akashi)

"It's pretty interesting. I can't believe the British actually came up with this back then. If they were able to maintain its temperature, maybe that super Carrier plan of theirs could have succeeded." (Yuubari)

"I will leave it to you two. There is no need to rush. Once you figure something out, call me."

"Easier said than done. But that's the fun part. Ah. Can we have some steel to experiment on?" (Akashi)

"No more than 500. Use some bauxite of you need, but don't use more than 500. Have fun."

Akashi and Yuubari high-fived each other as I left the factory. This storm is incredible. I'm still underneath shelter and I'm already wet.

I opened up my umbrella and walked briskly back to the main building. I wonder why I even bother to bring an umbrella when I still end up soaking wet!

I walked back to my office, leaving a trail of water along the way. When I opened the door, I was greeted by Shigure, wrapped up in a blanket like a disproportionate burrito.

"Ah. Admiral, welcome back. Woah. Did you forget to bring an umbrella?" (Shigure)

"I'm back. And no. I did, but it was useless. The rain is too heavy. More importantly, are you okay? Sorry, I left you by yourself."

"The thunder is still a little scary. But Zuihou-chan is here with us." (Shigure)


Shigure opened up her blanket, revealing the smaller version of herself sound asleep on her shoulder. No wonder she looked so disproportionate. There was another girl hiding underneath.

"You said Zuihou-chan is here?"

"Yeah. She is the bathroom, preparing the bath. Join us. You definitely need one." (Shigure)

"Yeah. It's freezing."

I can't hear the sound of running water. Figures. The rain beating against every surface it can find is drowning out everything else.

The bathroom door opened and Zuihou-chan came out.

"Ah. I knew it~ Welcome back, Admiral." (Zuihou-chan)

"I'm back."

"It's pretty stormy today." (Zuihou-chan)

"Yeah. It's horrible outside. I can barely see the main building on my way back from the factory."

And the factory isn't that far from the main building. Just shows how bad this weather is hindering our vision.

"Where is Zuihou?"

"She went to get some bath bombs from our room." (Zuihou-chan)

"When did you buy bath bombs?"

"Two days ago. On our day off. They were so cute, we just had to buy them." (Zuihou-chan)

"I see. By the way,"

I grabbed her hand,

"Hmm? What is it?" (Zuihou)

"Why are stripping me so casually?"

For a while, Zuihou-chan has been casually unbuttoning and taking off my top, unbuckling and pilling out my belt and would have continued to pulled down my pants if I hadn't stopped her.

"We need to get you out of those wet clothes and warm you up in the bath. Ehehehe." (Zuihou-chan)

"Your face is scary!"

She is making the face of a predator eyeing her prey lasciviously.

"I can strip down myself. Shigure, can you put Shigure-chan on my bed first? Hopefully she won't wake up while we are having our bath."

The last thing I want is for her to wake up alone and get scared of the thunder. The two Shigure's are like peas of a pod. Both are extremely scared of thunder. Shigure is braver now but will freak out if the thunder is loud enough.

As if trying to prove my point, Raijin-sama decided to bang on his drums. There was a flash of light accompanied by a loud thunder clap. Shigure let out a shriek and retreated into her blanket. Aw. That poor thing.

"Alright. Tuck Shigure-chan into my bed and let's go for a soak. Even though it's supposed to summer, it's so cold."

The door behind me opened,

"Ah. Just in time. But isn't it too early to strip?" (Zuihou)

"Tell that to your little sister."

There was another loud bang that made me jump. Wait. That wasn't the sound of thunder.

"What? What is going on?" (Shigure-chan)

The little destroyer popped out from underneath the blanket.

"Looks like our bath will have to wait. Get your equipment and standby."

Something triggered our sea mines. Could be an animal but that is highly unlikely as they lack the weight needed to trigger them. Unless it's a whale or shark, but those two species will never come close to our shores. We have an intruder!

I put on my wet uniform and rushed to the Command Center.

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