Our Bonds

Chapter 248 - 224

I rushed into the Command Center, where all of its lights have switched to red, signifying the danger we are in. Ooyodo and Rei are already here.

"Switch off the danger lights. It's too distracting. What's the situation?"

"Three of our sea mines just exploded. We don't kno- Woah. Why are you soaking wet?" (Ooyodo)

"I just got back from the factory. More importantly..."

"Ah, sorry. We don't know what is triggering them." (Ooyodo)

"What did the skilled lookouts report?"

"They said they can only make out a few shadows darting around. Three of the shadows were flying into the mine zone." (Ooyodo)

"Even with all of the searchlights on, they can't see anything?" (Rei)

"Yes. They are saying that they can see something coming out of the water from time to time though." (Ooyodo)

"AS radar?" (Rei)

"Not picking anything. No interference either, so it's either a surface enemy or they are launching their attack from outside our radar range." (Ooyodo)

"Sortie Fusou, Yamashiro, Rossiya, Belorussiya, Yahagi and Fubuki. I need eyes on site. And tell them to be equipped with night equipment."

Another explosion echoed through the room. Ooyodo begin deciphering the message that is being radioed in,

"Another sea mine just detonated. Skilled Lookouts have reported seeing something being thrown into the water just before the explosion." (Ooyodo)

"They are flinging things to detonate the sea mines now? Are we up against some kind of intelligent Abyssal?"

"One of the lookouts is saying she saw an Abyssal being thrown into the sea mines location." (Ooyodo)

Okay, now you are just not making any sense.

"They are throwing their own brethren onto danger? Why?"

"Infighting perhaps? Maybe like the Abyssals are fighting each other and throwing their allies into our base." (Rei)

"Highly unlikely, but not impossible. We need eyes on the ground to get a better understanding of the situation."

"This is Fusou. We are onsite." (Fusou)

Fusou's voice rang through the radio. The monitor switched on, revealing the six girls standing in the rain, awaiting orders. Perfect timing.

"Light up the area. Be ready for anything."

"Turning on searchlights!" (Fusou & Yamashiro)

"Deploying Star shell!" (Fubuki)

The dark, rainy skies were illuminated while Fusou and Yamashiro scan the area, searching for the one who is throwing the Abyssals at us. Instead, they found four severely injured Abyssal, all of which have their backs turned against the shipgirls.

A Destroyer Ni-class late model, Light Cruiser To-class Elite, Torpedo Cruiser Chi-class and a Heavy Cruiser Ne-class Flagship. Not really small fries. I will worry about why such strong Abyssals are near our base. At a glimpse, the four Abyssals have various injuries, which are not caused by gunfire. The Ni-class was missing it's limb and has four puncture holes on its head, the To-class has one of it's three head crushed, the Chi-class was missing a huge chunk of its left side, and the Ne-class lost its entire tail, which is also it's main gun. It's amazing they are still alive.

"What the heck?!" (Sovetskaya Belorussiya)

"This is..." (Yahagi)

"Horrible..." (Fubuki)

Even though they are our enemy, you can't help but pity them, especially with such injuries.

The Ne-class turned around and shrieked at the six girls.

"Put them out of their misery."

"Main guns, secondary guns, fire-!" (Fusou)

"Cease your pointless struggling!" (Sovetskaya Belorussiya)

The girls fired at the injured Abyssals, sinking them and letting them go through death's door. This is a mercy killing.

Suddenly, something entered the camera's field of vision, flying towards Yamashiro.

"Yamashiro, look out!"

"Hu-" (Yamashiro)

There was a loud thud as Yamashiro was sent flying along with the flying object.

"Yamashiro!" (Fusou)

"Ow. I'm fine, Nee-sama." (Yamashiro)

The camera shifted to Yamashiro, showing the battleship getting up while holding a Battleship Ru-class by its neck. Her head was bleeding and the right side of her rigging were badly damaged. The Ru-class was missing its entire left leg and left armaments. Blue blood spewed out of its wounds and mouth as it tries to struggle out of Yamashiro's grasp. It's barely alive.

"Of course I would be the one who gets hit by a random flying Abyssal. How unlucky." (Yamashiro)

Yamashiro blast a hole through the Ru-class. The Abyssal's body went limp as it slowly dissipates into dust and dropped into the ocean.

Fubuki launched another Star Shell into the sky, replacing the old, dim one. Fusou continued to search the area while Rossiya tends to Yamashiro. Finally, we saw what was causing all this ruckus.

A bipedal creature, standing on the water. It hunched it's back, revealing a large dorsal fin. It has a large fish tail and bloodied webbed claws. It was essentially a large shark with hands and feet. It stared at the girls, holding a lifeless Battleship Re-class in it's mouth. It snapped it's jaws shut, decapitating the Abyssal and swallowing its head. The rain washed the blue blood of its body. The headless Re-class dissolved into the water.

"What the fu-"

"What is that?" (Yahagi)

"Whatever it is, it's definitely not friendly." (Sovetskaya Rossiya)

"What should we do?" (Rei)

"Wait. Do not move a muscle. Observe the situation and react accordingly. We do not know what we are dealing with."

"The shark glared at the six girls, before it stared at us us through the monitor. What? Was it a coincidence? No. It's still looking at us.

"Is it..." (Rei)

"Yeah. It can sense the camera."

This is scary. It's glare is so intimidating. My instincts are telling me to run! Run away! I will be eaten if I don't escape.

"Admiral? Are you alright?" (Ooyodo)

I took a deep breath. Pace your breathing. It can't hurt you through the monitor. Probably. It probably doesn't know you exist. It just probably knows that there is something looking at it. Sharks can sense electric signals after all.

It finally looked away from the camera and stared at the girls.

The Star shell disappeared, leaving Fusou's and Yamashiro's searchlights as the only source of illumination. Both sides waited for the other, anticipating an action.

The shark creature slowly turned around. It dived into the ocean, disappearing from sight.

"Don't relax just yet. Ooyodo, anything on the AS radar?"

"A mark appeared for a split second before disappearing." (Ooyodo)

"Is it safe to say it's gone?" (Rei)

"Hopefully. Girls, come on back. You did well."

"There wasn't much to do other than clean up and stare down a shark monster." (Sovetskaya Rossiya)

"True. But at least the base is safe." (Yahagi)

"What was that?" (Fubuki)

"Beats me. But just in case, I will initiate a patrol. I will quickly put together a fleet list. Ooyodo, monitor the situation via the radar and Lookouts. Inform me if anything happens."

My head hurts... It's freezing...

"Admiral, are you okay? You look pale." (Rei)

"I'm fine. Now that thing is gone, I can... finally...

Huh? My vision... blurry...

"Adm- Admiral?!" (Rei)

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