Our Bonds

Chapter 249 - 224.5

My body hurts all over. My head is throbbing. I'm feeling both hot and cold at the same time. And to top it off, this is embarrassing!

"Admiral! Don't die!" (Yuudachi)

Admiral! Don't leave us!" (Mutsuki)

So noisy... These Destroyers are overacting. Don't try to kill me off like that! And wipe those tears. You know I don't like seeing you all like that.

"Admiral is not going to die. It's just a cold." (Rei)

"But his temperature is at 38 degrees. I read that humans sometimes die from a high fever." (Kisaragi)

"Only when its above 39 degrees and after a prolonged period. 38 degrees is still normal for a cold. Come on, let's give Admiral some quiet time to sleep. He will be all right after some medicine and rest." (Rei)

Rei led the Mutsuki-class and Shiratsuyu-class out of my room.

After that fiasco with that shark thing, I suddenly felt faint and nearly passed out. Ooyodo and Rei supported me back to my bed and Rei diagnose me. Looks like- No, I actually caught a summer cold. Getting soaked from head to toe and spending time in an air conditioned room was the perfect recipe to catch one. Combined with the stress that has been piling up, my body became weak. Or at least that was what she said. I don't remember being stressed by anything recently. The operation concluded last week. There wasn't anything to be stressed about.

For a while now, I have been getting visitors. The Destroyers and Destroyer Escorts will cry and pray that I don't die, the light cruisers would check on me and talk to Rei about my condition for a bit, Fusou and Yamashiro are kind of indifferent to me but they must have been worried as well, the submarines, carriers and the North Union girls panicked but relaxed after listening to Rei's diagnosis. Apart from Avrora, the rest of the North Union girls became calm and behaved as always. They spoke about making me drink after I recovered and all sorts of shenanigans they planned to do. I'm going to have to put a stop to those once this cold goes away. Avrora was extremely worried. The other girls left but she sat by my bed for a while, holding my hand while singing some kind of song gently until Gangut called her to return. I don't understand the lyrics but somehow, it made me feel at peace.

Right now, the only ones in my room are Rei, Zuihou, Zuihou-chan, Shigure and Shioi.

"This is *koff* a blunder... I didn't expect *koff koff* to be taken down by a cold."

"After getting soaked in the rain and staying in an air conditioned room, it's no wonder you caught a cold. I'm sorry. I should have at least given you a towel to dry yourself." (Rei)

"If only I gave Admiral a change of clothes..." (Zuihou)

"I was the first one to see that he was soaking wet. I should have..." (Shigure)

"Well, we are all at fault, so we have to make up for it." (Rei)

Zuihou-chan took the now warmed cloth off my forehead, soaked it again and placed it back.

"Commander, how long will it take for Admiral to recover?" (Zuihou-chan)

"Mmm... At least two days? If his temperature doesn't drop with an hour of taking the meds, I would say two days at minimum. Otherwise, it should be up and running by tomorrow." (Rei)

"Admiral, hurry up and recover." (Zuihou)

Yeah yeah. Let me sleep already.

"Don't worry about the reports and whatnot. I will handle it." (Rei)

Then, I take you up on that. But,

"Can you three help her? Rei isn't... great at doing them...yet..."

"But..." (Shigure)

"Shioi is here. I will be alright."

Shigure, Zuihou and Zuihou-chan have a lot of experience in dealing with my paperwork.

"Oi. I'm better now compared to before." (Rei)

"You made two pages... *koff koff* worth of mistakes in yesterd-"

Ah crap. The room is spinning. I don't have the energy to retort anymore.

"Alright. Don't speak anymore. Wow. I haven't seen anyone taken down by a cold like that." (Rei)

"Just sleep for now. I will come and check on you periodically." (Rei)

"Don't worry. Leave Admiral to me. I will take care of him." (Shioi)

"If that's the case-" (Zuihou-chan)

"Nope. You are coming with me." (Zuihou)

"Nyaa!" (Zuihou-chan)

"Shut up. You are not a cat!" (Zuihou)

Zuihou dragged her little sister out of the room. The rest followed suit, with Rei being the last to leave.

"If his condition changes for the rest, call me immediately." (Rei)

"Got it." (Shioi)

"Admiral, how are you feeling? Do you want anything?" (Shioi)

"I feel like crap... No, not for now. Thank you."

Luckily for us, human diseases don't get passed to shipgirls and vice versa. So I can get as close to a sick shipgirl without fear of catching whatever is afflicting them and they can do the same with us humans.

"This reminds me of back then, when you personally nursed me back to health. Our roles are reversed this time. Ufufu~" (Shioi)

Did I? Oh yeah.

"That was ages ago... I can't bel- Achoo! Guh!"

Shioi took some tissue and placed it on my nostrils,

"Here, blow." (Shioi)

After one disgusting snorting sound, Shioi tossed the tissue full of mucus into the dustbin. That bin is going to be filled with the same kind of tissue by the end of the day.

"What did I wanted to say...? Oh right. I ca-"

"Yeah yeah. Just get some rest. You don't have to say anything." (Shioi)

I was about to say 'I can't believe you still remembered that'.

Urgh. My head is throbbing...

"I will be here. So," (Shioi)

Shioi placed a hand on my cheek,

"Sleep. I will take care of you, Admiral." (Shioi)

"Thank... yo..."



"...sure about this?" (Zuihou)

"...s a little embarrassing..." (Shigure)

"It's easy to move in though." (Zuihou-chan)

"Shioi-chan looks a little weird." (Zuihou)

"Eh?" (Shioi)

"Maybe because we are so used to seeing her wear so much lesser clothing." (Shigure)

"Hey. That is my standard outfit. And it's so easy to move in." (Shioi)

So noisy... What's going on?

I opened my eyes and didn't believe the feast in front of me. Four girls dressed in white nurse outfits. Their supple white t.h.i.g.hs, that silky white collarbone that peeks out whenever they bend over even a bit, Shioi's tanned skin which adds a certain charm to her overall s.e.xiness.

"Is this heaven? Looks like I'm already dead."

"Ah. He is awake." (Zuihou-chan)

"Admiral, how are you feeling?" (Shigure)

"Heaven looks a lot different than I thought it would be."

"... What are you talking about? You are in your room." (Zuihou)

"This is bad! Admiral's fever is so high he is hallucinating! We need to call Commander Rei!" (Shioi)

"I'm just joking. Calm down."

"Looks like you are feeling better." (Zuihou)

"A little, I guess. My head still hurts and my body is still aching. By the way, why are you all cosplaying? And where did you get that outfit?"

"This is not cosplay. And we are nursing you, so we got to look the part." (Zuihou-chan)

I see. So this is Zuihou-chan's idea.

"So, where did you get it?"

"Yuubari-san gave it to me after I got soaked in the rain. I was helping Rei to confirm the approved resources." (Zuihou-chan)

Why does Yuubari have nurse outfits that fit them perfectly?

"More importantly, would you like to eat something?" (Shigure)

"I am a little hungry."

Shioi beamed and took out a ceramic bowl. She took off the lid, revealing the piping hot porridge within.

"Shioi-chan and I made this together. I handled the eggs while she did the rest." (Zuihou)

It was your typical egg rice porridge, but somehow, it looks rather appetizing. But this situation...

Shioi scooped out a spoonful, gently blew on it, and brought it to my mouth.

"Here, ahh~" (Shioi)

There it is! The staple 'girl feeding the guy's scenario in every scene where either one gets sick. Any boy would kill to be in this scenario but I will never get used to this. It's so embarrassing!

"Shioi, I can feed myself."

"You are a patient. Patients should listen to their nurse. Here, ahh~" (Shioi)

Where did she learn that?

Argh. She seems adamant on it. I have no choice but to accept my fate and open my mouth for her. I let the warm spoon of porridge enter my mouth and explode with a burst of flavor. As expected of the egg expert, the eggs were mixed in very well. The rice isn't watery to the point of being mushy, yet easy to swallow.

"How is it?" (Shioi)

"It's delicious. The eggs were as expected but the porridge is something else."

"Thank goodness. I'm glad you like it." (Shioi)

That smile...

"I want to feed Admiral too." (Zuihou-chan)

"M-me too." (Shigure)

Oh boy... I want to stop them, but I don't think they listen to me. Oh well. Better enjoy it while I can. Though it's extremely embarrassing.

The four of them spent the rest of the day with me, nursing me and tending to my needs such as wiping my sweaty body and changing my clothes.

Come to think of it, where is Rei? Is she done with the reports?

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