Our Bonds

Chapter 261 - 235.5

"Yeah. I should be back tomorrow morning."

"That's good. When Grand Admiral Akihito came and dragged you out of the office, I didn't know what to do." (Zuihou)

"It would have helped if he explained things before kidnapping me. Unfortunately, that's how he is."

While waiting for the sisters to prepare, I decided to call Zuihou to inform her about my situation.

"Is Shigure and Zuihou-chan there? Put me on speaker phone."

"Yeah, they are here. Just give me a moment." (Zuihou)

The call suddenly cut off, and a notification for a video call showed up. Their faces showed up as soon as I pressed the call buŧŧon.

"Zuihou, you do know you can activate this function without hanging up."

"I don't know what buŧŧons to press." (Zuihou)

"Admiral, are you alright?" (Shigure)

"He didn't do anything to you, right?" (Zuihou-chan)

"Hi, Shigure, Zuihou-chan. Yeah. I'm alright. It was a close shave though."


"Zuihou-chan, why is your right eye red?"

"Hm? What are you talking about?" (Zuihou-chan)

Eh? I could have sworn it was red. Oh, well.

"Must have been my imagination."

"Anyway, Grand Admiral Akihito said there won't be any sorties or paperwork to clear today. So, just tell everyone to relax for the day. They can go out to town if they want. Just don't get into trouble."

"Okay. Admiral, where are you?" (Zuihou)

"I'm with Rei's family. In some Onsen Ryokan in Toyooka. Don't try to come here. I will be back tomorrow, and I won't do anything stupid. Especially not with that gorilla breathing behind my back."

"I-I wasn't thinking about going there." (Zuihou)

"Of course you weren't. Anyway, sorry to worry you three. I will bring back some souvenirs. So look forward to my return."

"Yeah. I will be waiting." (Shigure)

"Onee-chan and I will make lots of Tamagoyaki. Afterwards, we can work on my core." (Zuihou-chan)

"Hurry up and come back. I miss you already." (Zuihou)

"I miss you girls too. Love you. See you tomorrow."

As soon as I hung up, I heard the door slide open behind me. Rin ran out with her hair tied into twintails while her older sister followed behind, her own hair in her usual ponytail.

"Sorry for the wait. She wouldn't sit still." (Rei)

"That's fine."

"Onii-san, Onee-chan, let's go!" (Rin)

"Alright. No need to rush. The shops aren't going anywhere." (Rei)

"Thanks for accompanying my daughters." (Takao)

"This is nothing new. I accompany my girls on their shopping trips as well. But, are you sure you don't want to go along with them? It's your vacation."

"We can go tomorrow. This room has a private family onsen. Darling and I are going to enjoy ourselves first. You know what I mean, right?" (Takao)

"Alright. I will be off."

"Don't worry. I will make sure I hold my husband here." (Takao)

I better leave now. I don't want to know about their private calisthenics.

I went down to the lobby, where the sisters are waiting.

"Sorry. I forgot my wallet."

Of course I didn't. I just needed to give some excuse on why I came down later.

"Let's go. But first..." (Rei)

Both of them looked at me,



"Wow! Onii-san, you look so cool!" (Rin)

Being praised a child is somewhat embarrassing but I will take it. But this design is more weird than cool.

I look at myself in the mirror, wearing the asymatrical yukata the elderly shopkeeper picked for me. It was a white and black yukata. The black section is placed on top of the white one. Blue wave-like patterns, accompanied by a Koi, was embroidered at the helm of the yukata. Red feathers scatter all over the the upper portion of the yukata. What kind of design is this? The material is comfortable though.

"Lady boss, I don't think this suits me."

"What are you talking about?! This is clearly the best yukata for you. I may be old, but I still have a good eye for fashion." (Old shopkeeper)

"But this..."

"Either you take it, or leave my store! I have no need for people who lack fashion sense!" (Old Shopkeeper)

Damn. Calm down, hag. You are not going to get any customers with that attitude.

"Grandma, I already told you before. You got to stop trying to pick fights with your customers." (Familiar voice)

A familiar young lady emerged from what I think is there storeroom.


"Oh. It's you." (Bikini shop owner)

"Miko-chan. You don't understand. This blind fool can't see the intricate art I put in creating that masterpiece. He should be honoured that I'm even letting him try it." (Old Shopkeeper.)

"Grandma, I know how you feel. But you can't just flare up when they disagree with you. You need to speak to them. Understand why they feel that your designs are weird. That's how to improve." (Miko)

"My designs are perfect!" Flawless!" (Grumpy Old Shopkeeper)

"Was she like this when you bought from her?"

"No. She was a kind old lady." (Rei)

"Onee-chan..." (Rin)

Rin is getting scared.

"Alright alright. I will buy this. Okay?"

"Hmph! You should have said that from the start." (Grumpy Old Shopkeeper)

"Grandma!" (Miko)

The bikini shop owner looked at me apologetically,

"I'm so sorry about this. You don't have to buy it if you don't want to.." (Miko)

"It's fine. Design aside, the material is pretty good. Besides, any longer and the little one's vacation would be ruined."

I gestured at Rin, who is peeking out from behind Rei. The shop owner looked over my shoulders,

"Wife? But weren't you with a bunch of girls the other day?" (Miko)

She is friend. And colleague. She is here on vacation with her family. I just got dragged along."

"Hey, brat! Here's some geta to match with your yukata. You gonna pay up or what?" (Grumpy Old Shopkeeper)

"Alright alright."

I was charged exactly 6000 yen for the yukata.

Miko-san kept apologizing as we left the store. I already told her not to be too concerned by it.

"Sorry you had to experience that." (Rei)

"Oh, come on. Why are you apologizing too? It was just bad luck that I encountered a grumpy old hag. The design may look weird, but it's still kind of cool. Anyway, we didn't come here to mop around, right?"

"...You're right. If we have one bad experience, we just have to replace it with more memorable experiences. Remember this, Rin." (Rei)

"What do you mean?" (Rin)

"She is still too young to understand."

"Nah. Rin is a smart girl. She will understand it soon enough." (Rei)

The three of us continued our shopping trip. As expected of an onsen town, there are all sorts of onsen ryoken. However, there are other shops, cafes, and various activities to do.

I already know this from my experience with dealing with Etorofu and her group, but children are just bundles of energy. We have been chasing Rin around, tending to her whims. First she would to try some Onsen Manju, then she wants to get some candy apples, next she wants to watch a performance by a group of baskers. I'm glad she has cheered up but I having a hard time keeping up with her. Are all children like this?

Rin started runing again.

"Wait, Rin! Wher are you going?" (Rei)

"I want to see that statue." (Rin)

Oh no.

"Look out! In fron-!"

Too late. As soon as Rin turned back to the front, she crashed into the abutment of a stone bridge. She is going to cry. Rin and I both ran towards her.

"Owie~~" (Rin)

Rin clutched her forehead.

"Rin, are you okay?"

"Geez. I keep telling you to look where you are going." (Rei)

That's surprising. I was expecting her to start brawling her eyes out. Maybe it didn't hurt her that much?

I looked at the abutment which she crashed into... There is a dent and a few cracks... I gave the brigde a few light taps. It isn't exactly weak. It is made of stone, right? Maybe those were alrady there before.

"Look. Your face is covered in dirt." (Rei)

Rei wiped her sisiter's face with a hankerchief. Bits of rock fell to the ground...

"There. Let's dash before someone notices this." (Rei)

Oi oi oi. Don't tell me...

The two of them started to make a run for it. Are you for real?

By the time Rin was finally ready to return, we have our hands full with bags of trinkets and toys. I lugged them back to the inn while Rin hitched a ride on Rei's back.

"Sorry for making you carrying all that." (Rei)

"It's okay. This should make for a good experience."

"For what? I can't think of anything that requires you to carry tons of bags." (Rei)

"There is one. Not sure if it will happen but if it does, I can expect the same thing that happened today."

Rei was silent for a moment, before she seemed to realized what I was talking about.

"Oh. So that's what you meant. Don't worry, if you are serious, it will happen soon enough." (Rei)

"You sound so sure. How do you know if shipgirls can have babies?"

"There is one here. You played with her the entire day and now she is riding on my back." (Rei)

Eh? You don't mean...

I looked at the sleeping Rin,

"So... she is..."

"Yeah. A girl born from a human and a shipgirl." (Rei)

"Then, you are also-"

"Not me. I'm a human throughg and through. Right, no one told you this. Would you like to hear my story?"

According to Rei, her biological mother died in a car accident when she was around 4 years old. Grand Admiral Akihito raised her single-handedly despite being in the JMSDF. He rejected going on tours, forfeiting all chances of a promotion, before joining the IJN when the existence of the shipgirls and war with the Abyssals exploded. I can guess why he chose to become an IJN officer instead of staying with the JMSDF. As a IJN officer, not only will you be land most of the time, you can go home after office hours. IJN officers back then only had to make sure the shipgirls were doing their jobs and helping them resupply. It was there where he climbed up the ranks and got to manage his own fleet. And where he found how to love again. It was Takao who stayed by his side from the beginning of his career as a commander. Throughout the years, they shared a bond and eventually, Takao become Rei's new mother, and Rei got herself a little sister. Being born from a human and a shipgirl, Rin is physically tougher than normal kids. Aside from the bridge she just damaged, she has also damaged a wall in her school, a lamp post, and a car, just by running into them.

I was hoping for it, but I didn't think it was possible. Grand Admiral Akihito's and Takao's love and Rin's existance ȧssured me. Humans and shipgirls can make a family.

"That makes sense. The other day, during my trial, Takao's name was mentioned while the Grand Admirals were arguing. I initially thought the Takao was your biological parent but that was impossible if you think about it properly. The years don't match."

"If Takao was my biological mother, I would be around Rin's age by now. Then, I wouldn't have met you." (Rei)

"You're right. We wouldn't have met if it were like that."

If you say it like that, how am I suppose to react?

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