Our Bonds

Chapter 262 - 236

Zuihou's Type-2 Recon plane flew over the two Abyssal fleets, revealing their location on the radar. The Abyssals don't seem to react to the aircraft buzzing near them, meaning their AA capabilities must be low.

"Alright. Sending recon data over to you guys."

"Thank you, Admiral Keita." (Roma)

"Are you sure you don't need our help?"

"Yeah. This whole operation is very simple. My fleet can handle everything." (Brunei Anchorage Admiral)

"It is a small operation, but don't get too ċȯċky. If something happens, we are intervening immediately."

Right now, we are in the midst of an operation. This is a small operation, spear-headed by Brunei Anchorage. Since it's a small-scale operation, Brunei Anchorage wants to complete it with minimum support as possible. They must have felt that they couldn't do much in the recent operations. Since this one is set in the Mediterranean, the girls there feel that they should bethe one to handle it themselves. Currently, we are in the last phase of the first missions. Our job is to scout and support Roma's Strike fleet.

"I know. I will leave my back to you. Now let's see. Intel states that this is supposed to be a combined fleet. What I'm seeing here clearly states otherwise." (Brunei Anchorage Admiral)

"They might be staying apart for the time being." (Italia)

"I want to finish this and get back to drinking." (Pola)

"Probably a ploy to get us to let our guard down. If we strike the main fleet, the escort fleet will attack from behind. Likewise if we attack the escort fleet."

"There are two of us. Why not we hit the main fleet as hard as we can while Roma-san and the others attack the escort fleet?" (Zuihou)

"No no no. We will take on the main fleet. You guys hit the escort fleet. This is our turn to shine." (Roma)


This girl... I already told her our duty is to support them, not the other way round. And what is she going to do with the current fleet composition? A CVL and five submarines won''t be enough to take down Heavy Cruiser Ne-class Kai. The Strike Fleet consists of Roma, Italia, Pola, Perth, De Ruyter, Scirocco and Grecale. They are more than enough to take down an enemy combined fleet on their own.

"Fine. Keita, you hit the escort fleet. It's full of small fry so it should be easy for you. Don't worry if a few managed to slip past." (Brunei Anchorage Admiral)

"We won't let them." (Shioi)

"I think it's best if we sync our attacks. That way, we should be able to prevent both fleets from convening." (Perth)

"We will enter in a Line-ahead formation. Just as per usual." (Brunei Anchorage Admiral)

"Zuihou, how many of them do you think you can sink with the opening strike?"

"Probably all five destroyers and heavily damage the Tsu-class. Provided if the Tsu-class doesn't take out some of my planes." (Zuihou)

Someone sounds confident. But knowing her strength, she can probably pull it off. If anything, only the Tsu-class has enough AA capabilities to slow Zuihou's onslaught.

"Then, we will focus all our torpedoes on the Tsu-class first. Zuihou-san can just time her attacks with ours." (Hachi)

"Worth a shot."

"Alright. Planning time over? Let's go. We are going to repeat this until that that thing finally keels." (Brunei Anchorage Admiral)

"Damn. How old are you? That's such an old term."

"Works pretty well in this situation." (Roma)

Roma's fleet sped up to meet the enemy's main fleet straight on. They will engage the enemy within ten minutes so long as they continue at max speed.

"Alright. Line ahead formation. Zuihou, match our speed with the Submarines. Submarines, surface and move at maximum battle speed. Submerge once Zuihou gives the signal. Zuihou, I'll leave the timing to you. Once you submerge, Iku, take point. Zuihou, move to the center of the fleet. Let's try to deceive them into thinking that Zuihou is the only one attacking."

"Alright. Time for us to do some real work." (Imuya)

"Let's go dechi." (Goya)

"Once the battle starts, just throw everything you got at them. Seaplanes, torpedoes, everything in your arsenal. Don't give them anytime to recover. Let's finish this in record time."

"Yes!" (All)

Zuihou launched her Type-2 recon plane again so that she will know when to order Shioi and the others to submerge and prepare for battle. They started to move towards the where the enemy escort fleet was last seen.

"Ah. They are mov- Wait!" (Zuihou)

"What is that?" (Zuihou)

"What is it?"

"Shioi, launch a Seiran to this coordinates I'm sending you. I need confirmation." (Zuihou)

"Got it." (Shioi)

Shioi's hanger opened up and a Seiran ȧssembled itself before being catapulted into the air. The other girls are visible and reasonably confused. Even I'm confused as to what is going on.

"Zuihou, what is it? What do you see?"

"Admiral, you need to see this. I'm linking the type-2's camera to you." (Zuihou)

The camera switched to what Zuihou's Type-2 was seeing. The Abyssal escort fleet was in disarray. They are all scattering about, clearly in a panic. Below the panicking Abyssals, under the ocean's surface, there was a large shadow. It was either a shadow, or a colossal black mass. Either way, it was scaring the Abyssals.

Suddenly, a Destroyer I-class disappeared under the surface, almost as if it was pulled by something.

"W-what is that?" (Shioi)

"What is it? What is going on?" (Hachi)

"Something creepy just showed up..." (Shioi)

Four large tentacles suddenly burst out of the water. The I-class that was previously disappeared, or what's left of it, was thrown high up into the air. Two of the tentacles started thrashing about, striking the Abyssal fleet and creating towers of water. Two of the Destroyer Ro-class got smashed, their bodies disappeared under the surface in a flash. The remaining Abyssal ships look as though they were overcome with panic. They are focusing on escaping the ever-growing shadow. While the two tentacles continue their uncontrolled thrashing, the other two curled up to form a loop. What looks to be purple portal appeared within the center of the loop. Spear-like objects begin shooting out of the portals, hitting the remaining Destroyer I-class and Destroyer Ro-class. Only the Light Cruiser Tsu-class remains.

"This is Roma. We have successfully sent The target Ne-class back to the ocean for the time being. Zuihou-san, what is your status?" (Roma)

"All ships, get out the area immediately. That is an order."

"Keita, what's wrong?" (Brunei Anchorage Admiral)

"We have a kraken!"

I slammed the buŧŧon to share my visual data with Brunei Anchorage.

"A kraken? What are you- What the hell is that?!" (Brunei Anchorage Admiral)

"Definitely not a ally."

The frightened Tsu-class just to escape. A purple projectile pierced it's torso, followed by more sharp purple projectiles which turned it into a pincushion within a blink of an eye.

I can hear Zuihou and Shioi gasp in horror.

The Tsu-class had stopped moving. It didn't even fall to the surface. It just remained in position, as if petrified. Bluish blood oozed out of it's wounds. Several smaller tentacles reached out from beneath the surface and wrapped around the Tsu-class' carcass, before dragging it to the depths. The four large tentacles then disappeared under the surface, and then, the black mass faded away completely.

"Once again, I'm ordering all ships to retreat from the area! Right now!"

What the hell did I just witnessed?!

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