Our Bonds

Chapter 271 - 245

After so many hits and miss , they finally managed to do it. Akashi and Yuubari finally developed a material alloy that is tough enough to withstand an Abyssal attack, be it ranged or melee. It is mainly made out of multiple layers of graphene, strengthened with titanium alloy.

Fusou examined the rectangular block of carbon. It's just a prototype but it light and sturdy enough. Probably.

"And what do you want me to do with this?" (Fusou)

"Give us your thoughts on it." (Akashi)

Yuubari and Akashi looked at Fusou with anticipation and excitement.

"It's... extremely light. Are you sure this is sturdy enough to withstand an Abyssal attack?" (Fusou)

"It definitely will. If it can withstand five shots from a 15.5cm Triple Gun Mount before cracking, it definitely can withstand an Abyssal attack. At least up to a Ru-class." (Yuubari)

"Are you sure? The sturdiness and weight don't seem to match." (Fusou)

"I know you have your doubts. That's why I want you to test it."

Fusou let out a sigh,

"I knew it..." (Fusou)

"Come on. Please? You are the only one who can test this out safely." (Akashi)

"What do you mean I'm the only one who can test this out safely? In the first place, what is this supposed to be?" (Fusou)

"You are a Battleship, so you are tough from the start. I need someone who is tough and able to handle herself in case something goes terribly wrong. I gave these two a task to create a material alloy that is tough enough to withstand an Abyssals attack, be it ranged or melee. The alloy should also be able to trap an Abyssal should it try to engage in a melee. And this baby here,"

I smacked the alloy hard, which is a big mistake because my hand hurts now.

"I-its the result of their hard work. If this proves to be successful, the we can start mass producing this and use it in as part of our equipment. This way, we can minimize the amount of damage you girls suffer every time you go on a sortie. Oh, and maybe this new material can also be used in construction of ships and lessen the number of dead idiots who decide not to use the proper channels when they sail from place to place."

"Haah... Fine. What do I need to do?" (Fusou)

The two crafters high-fived each other.

"I will send you along with Yuubari and 2 other Destroyers to a place where a Bestial Abyssal and a small Abyssal Destroyer fleet was discovered. Essentially, what we need you to do is to protect yourself with this block from any kind of attacks. Whether is it gun fire, or the animalistic attacks from Bestial Abyssals."

"We just need to see how well this prototype can perform against different varients. It will be great if we can test this out extensively against different types of Abyssals." (Akashi)

"For the record, I am not going to spend the whole time out there collecting data for you." (Fusou)

"We know. That's why our main priority is to test this against an Bestial Abyssal and small frys.The normal ones can wait until we get our data. Let me attach some handles to this first." (Akashi)

Akashi rushed to the back to get her tools.

"What if this breaks?" (Fusou)

"It won't. But just in case, we built some spares. We have 4 more of these blocks." (Yuubari)

"Yuubari, I have sent you the mission data. Kawakaze and Samidare are already waiting at the port. Deploy once you are ready. Once you are done with the mission, send me the results and the recipe for the alloy."

"Roger. Come, Fusou. Let's get this show on the road." (Yuubari)

"I really don't want to do this..." (Fusou)

I left the factory while Akashi and Yuubari prepare their test subject. I hope this works. It took me quite a while to convince Yokosuka and Ominato Guard District to give us the funds and materials for research. Ominato Guard District immediately agreed to provide some of the materials in exchange for another living sample of an Abyssal, which is what we will be getting during this test run. Though, counting on Fusou's bad luck, the sample would probably die even before making it's way back to base. This material alloy will be extremely beneficial to us in the future. Oh, and humanity as well. But those ministers will probably take years to accept it and come up with all kinds of reasons and excuses. Like who should be credited, what should it be used for, how to minimize the production cost, what kind of adjustments can they do to it. You know, all those kind of nonsense.

Anyway, time to return back to my office. I have a ton of paperwork to clear. It's cold and the trees have started turning brown, indicating a change in seasons.

"Welcome back, Admiral!" (Zuihou, Zuihou-chan, Shigure, Shioi)

Everyone is here.

"Ho~oh. Are you here to help me with my work?"

"If we don't, I won't be able to snuggle with you in bed." (Zuihou-chan)

Shigure nodded her head fervently.

"I-I'm just here to help." (Shioi)

"Thank you, Shioi."

I pet her head. Shioi placed her hands on mine. Does she hate it? No. She looks very happy.

"Zuihou-chan, are you alright? You can spend more time in the docks."

Zuihou-chan just came back from a sortie and had to spend some time in the docks after getting hit by a shell. Fortunately she was in her Abyssal form, which gave a tougher body and faster recovery time. It's not that serious but it's still damage to her.

Compared to before, her situation has improved. Now, with some focus, she can alternate her arms between Abyssal armaments and normal hands. Her transformations are still random, but last far shorter now. So far, she was lucky enough to be in her Abyssal form before taking any form of damage. If we can figure out how to control her transformation, then it will be perfect. The most important thing is that she is beginning to embrace this power of hers. It was only two weeks ago when she still had a complex about it. Now, she doesn't panic when she transforms.

"It was just a small scratch. You are overreacting." (Zuihou-chan)

"Even so, it's still an injury. Like I always say, you might be battle-hardened warriors, but you are still girls to me. So take better care of yourselves."

Compared to when first I came here, they're indeed taking better care of themselves. Though, they tend to dismiss small injuries such as scratches or bruises.

I sat between Zuihou and Shigure, the latter immediately snuggled up against me. I scratched her chin for a bit and Shigure let out a satisfied sound before returning to her share of work. I looked at Zuihou, who had been silently staring at me for a while.

"You want some?"

"N-no. Not now, at least." (Zuihou)

I haven't been giving her any attention these few weeks. I had been occupied with Zuihou-chan's condition and that humanoid monster. Today is Zuihou's turn. I will give her lots of love later. It's not much but it should make up for a bit of the lost time.

After what felt like an entire day, we are finally done!

"Phew. Thank you, everyone. Now HQ won't be nagging at me anymore."

"It was your fault that you delayed those reports until now." (Zuihou)

True. Most of these are backlog reports that were supposed to be submitted and archived last month.

"Zuihou and I will take these to the Archives. The three of you submit the rest to Ooyodo so she can fax them over to HQ."

"Okay." (Shigure)

"Let me help." (Shioi)

"Thank you, Shioi." (Zuihou-chan)

The three girls each carried a stack of papers and left the room. Just then, Zuihou-chan turned around and smiled,

"Don't go too wild, Onee-chan~" (Zuihou-chan)

"Shut up and go already!" (Zuihou)

"What are you planning?"

"No-nothing. Come on. Let's bring these to the Archives." (Zuihou)

Suspicious... She probably has something planned for me. Let's play along for now.

I grabbed my stack of documents and held the door open of her. The both of us made our way to the Archive room, chatting about random stuff along the way, like the new Servant I'm trying to pull in the game that starts with 'F' and ends with 'O' with a 'G' in the middle and how Akizuki got herself hilariously stuck in a tree while attempting to save Tina-chan, who had managed to get down safely by jumping into a passing Hiryuu's ċhėst.

I placed the huge stack of documents on the table and took out the key to unlock the Archive room. I turned the handwheel and pulled it open. This is ridiculously heavy for a door.

Now for the most troublesome part, sorting them into their respective categories. This is one of the reasons why I don't like to do archiving.

"Now," (Zuihou)

Zuihou tied a Tasuki around her sleeves so that they won't get in her way,

"Let's get to work~" (Zuihou)


"Geez, stop making disgusted faces." (Zuihou)

"Can't we get the fairies to do this?"

"It's not their job, and they will probably stuff everything in one place." (Zuihou)

That's what I would do too.

"Also..." (Zuihou)

Zuihou suddenly blushing caught my attention.

"Today, it's my turn to be alone with you. If we get this job done... After dinner... I will let you do... whatever you want..." (Zuihou)

"Alright! Let's do this!"

"How do you switch this fast?!" (Zuihou)

"If my girlfriend says something like this, of course I would be motivated. Oh, and today, I want to eat your cooking. Since I can do whatever I want, it will be fine to bring out my toys, right?"

"That's..." (Zuihou)

"I thought you said I can do whatever I want if I finish this?"

"Ugh... fine. But only some of them. I would rather you make me...~~~~" (Zuihou)

Her voice trailed off near the end, but I know what she is trying to say. Gosh. Why are you so cute and ŀėwd?

I lifted her chin,

"I got it. I'm going to give you all of my love later on. Don't think I'm letting you sleep tonight."

Zuihou took my hand and placed it on her ċhėst. I can feel her heart beating rapidly as she stared at me with those big, amber eyes,

"Fill me up with lots, Admiral♡" (Zuihou)

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