Our Bonds

Chapter 272 - 246

I glanced up from the report to see a fidgety and nervous Rei. Well, of course she would be this nervous. I'm the one reading and vetting through her operation plan. This is part of her promotion exam, from 'Commander' to 'Rear Admiral'. Coming up with an operation plan is something all Commanders have to do if they want to rank up. Usually it would take about three years before a Commander is eligible for promotion. But since she is on an Accelerated Promotion Program, she can take it once HQ gives the 'go-ahead'.

For her exam, I gave her the location, the conditions to expect, the estimated number of enemies and their classifications, and the main target, which is a Destroyer Forest Princess. It's her task to formulate an effective and efficient plan to complete the mission. She can use anything and everything from the district. Truth to be told, her plan is acceptable. It has all the basics down, like the fleet compositions and the formations of most possible scenarios. Could be better, but pretty good for a first timer. I feel kind of bad for what I'm about to do next, but that is the fun part.

Since this is a formal exam, there are guidelines we need to follow and get it recorded. Everything will be sent to HQ for evaluation.

"I know this is pretentious, but let's treat this part seriously and formally."

"Yes." (Rei)

I switched on the voice recorder,

"Candidate number 320117. Promotional exam R552. Part B interview. Starting now. This plan of yours is feasible."

This girl... She is trying to hold back her laughter.

"Is that so?" (Rei)

"Yep. Utilizing Light Cruisers that can carry scout planes is a good way to scout for enemies without sacrificing firepower. Noshiro and Mogami are good for this role. You could have chosen Fusou to be the main damage dealer against the Princess but Kumano and Shouhou would be more than plenty to take it down since they will be devoting their entire capacity to fighters and bombers. This is a good plan."

Her eyes beamed as I said that. They will turn into panic soon enough.

"Before I continue, I have some questions. Why didn't you include any of the North Union shipgirls into the fleet? They report directly to you, right? Why not use someone you are familiar to help with your mission?"

Apart from formulating plans, there must be a reason why certain shipgirls are being drafted into the operation. This is also an exam standard.

"Indeed. While I am most familiar with the capabilities of the North Union, I feel that it will be overkill and inefficient to sortie them. Furthermore, they might not even reach the target." (Rei)

"I can understand the overkill part, but what do you mean by inefficient and not being able to reach the boss?"

"If I were to deploy the North Union girls, the fleet will compose of Avrora, Sovertskaya Rossiya, Sovertskaya Belorussiya, Tallin, Grozny and Stremitelny. On paper, they no doubt will sink the Destroyer Forest Princess but there at a great cost." (Rei)

I already know the answer but I still have to ask. It's impressive that she had thought about it.

"And would that cost be?"

"The fuel and ammo cost. The six of them are strong in terms of firepower, but they use up a lot of fuel and ammo every sortie. So it would be inefficient to sortie them for this mission." (Rei)

"That's a great answer. Now, what about the second part? The one about them not reaching the boss."

"The area where the Destroyer Forest Princess is located at has low visibility. Without sufficient LOS, the six of them will get lost, let alone each the boss. That's why I decided to rely on Light Aircraft Carriers and Cruisers to handle this. With a standard setup, the Crusiers can provide LOS and shelling while the Carriers handle the heavy lifting. The Destroyers can provide fire support. That's what I had in mind when I thought of the plan." (Rei)

"Great answer."

I switched off the voice recorder.

"I'm glad that part is over. You did well holding in your laughter."

"Hahahahaha! I mean... It's so weird seeing you act so serious and formal." (Rei)

"Yeah yeah. Laugh while you can. But seriously, that was great. There is room for improvement but you got most of the answers nailed down. Your plan is great too."

"Thank you, Admiral!" (Rei)

She looks so happy. I hate to burst your bubble but,

"Now then, let's put it to the test."

"Yes! Eh? What... Wait... Eh?!" (Rei)

"What? You don't know if a plan works if you don't try it. That is the next part of the exam."

"Wait. I wasn't told about this. And a Destroyer Forest Princess was really spotted near the Gotou Islands?" (Rei)

"Neither was I back then. And also, I was told to keep that part a secret. HQ won't just come up with a fake mission. This is the real thing. Don't worry. It's not as large scale as the one from last year. And intel states that it is injured and had its armour broken already. Come on, let's go. The Abyssals won't wait."

"That's so mean! Wait! At least let me make some adjustments." (Rei)


The six girls made their way to the Gotou Islands, where the target is residing in. The fleet consists of Shouhou, Kumano, Noshiro, Mogami, Suzukaze and Kagerou, with Rei in charge of commanding them. I'm just here to record and step in, which I hope won't happen, if necessary. I'm just an observer this time.

"Enemy fleet located. Two Wo-class, one Chi-class and three Na-class. They have spotted us and are moving in at top speed!" (Noshiro)

"Erm... Diamond formation! C-cripple the Wo-class and secure air superiority." (Rei)

"Consider it done. Uooohhhh!" (Kumano)

"Incoming torpedo salvo. Increase battle speed to 5 and revert back to 3 once they pass. Keep encircling around them." (Rei)

This part is easy, but also the most stressful. While Rei has experience commanding a fleet on sorties, it is her first time handling an operation. She has to follow the plan she came up with and can only divert away from it should something unexpected occurs. The whole battle will be recorded and sent to HQ.

"Air superiority maintained. One Wo-class eliminated!" (Shouhou)

"Alright. Keep it up. Sink them all and we can continue onwards." (Rei)

Bombs and hellfire rained down on the Abyssals, causing them to let out horrifying shrieks, followed by silence as their lifeless bodies disappear under the surface.

"Reporting. No signs of any other enemies in the area." (Shouhou)

"That was easy. Let's keep going." (Rei)

Uh oh. Being too complacent early on is going to bite you back later. And there will be some points taken off too.

The girls continued their mission, sinking the Abyssals along the way. Resistance increased as the push forward, which is expected seeing as they are getting closer to the target. So far, Shouhou and Suzukaze received light damages while the others are fine.

Noshiro's Shiun flew over the foggy area, searching for the target. This is the part where LOS is required. With any radars or planes to provide vision, any shipgirls will get lost on the fog.

"Target spotted. It is accompanied by two Carrier Wo-class flagship Kai III, one Light Carrier Nu-class elite, and one Heavy Cruiser Ne-class Kai III. They hasn't been alerted to our presence yet." (Noshiro)

"Only five? Well, I guess that makes it easier for us. Proceed onwards. Single line formation. Let's win this." (Rei)

This is weird. Why are there only four escorts? And their formation... Something is off but I can't put my finger on it. That reminds me, which fleet destroyed its armour?

The girls passed through the fog and got into attacking range.

"Shouhou, Kumano, start the bombardment! The rest of you, provide shelling support. Focus on the escort ships and draw fire so the CVLs can take out the target!" (Rei)

"Roger!" (All)

Kumano and Shouhou launched their bombers and fighters whilst the other four begin shelling. The three Abyssal Carriers opened the mouth of their head nodules, launching their own squadrons of Abyssal aircraft.

"I won't let you!" (Amatsukaze)

Suzukaze and Amatsukaze aimed their AA guns at the enemy aircraft, destroying most of them and letting our planes go through. Mogami and Noshiro shot at the Heavy Cruiser Ne-class Kai III, drawing its attention.

"Don't stray too far from the fleet. Drop your payload and immediately return." (Shouhou)

The planes dropped their bombs and torpedoes, creating tall pillers of water and fiery explosions. Abyssals shrieks entered the radio but there was one weird nosie mixed in.

"What was that? Did you hear that?" (Noshiro)

More shrieks can be heard through the smoke and something was thrown towards the girls at full force.

"Evade!" (Rei)

Ah. That was a quick reaction on Rei's end.

The six girls moved out of the projectile's path.

"Something is seriously wrong." (Rei)

This looks familiar.

Once the smoke has cleared, it became obvious that this is not a normal situation. The Destroyer Forest Princess was on all fours, carrying the body of the Ne-class by the neck in its mouth. It's riggings were misshapened as a thick black liquid oozed from it's crevices. The other Abyssals were torn to shreds. Limbs, heads, and twisted armaments scattered around the Abyssal. It bit down hard on the Ne-class neck, snapping it's head clean off. Blue blood dripped from its mouth as it licked it's lips, before letting out a bloodcurdling scream.

What is a Bestial Abyssal doing here? And a Princess at that. HQ didn't tell us anything about this! I want to step in, but... This is a good opportunity for Rei to figure out how to handle such a situation. An encounter with a Bestial Abyssal was something she did not accord for in her plan. None of the girls are equipped with anti-bestial equipment, but there is a method that was tried and proven against a Bestial Princess. Rei should also know about it.

"Everyone, get back in formation and start kiting around it. Focus all attacks on the Bestial Princess." (Rei)

Wait. Doesn't she know the method against it? What she is doing now is no different from handling a normal Abyssal.

I can see sweat dropping from her forehead. She is biting on her thumb as her eyes dart around. She is panicking.

The Princess lunged at Suzukaze, knocking her across the water and pining her down.

"Ouch! Get off me!" (Suzukaze)

Suzukaze pointed her gun at it's head and pulled the trigger. The blast knocked the Princess's head backwards, which only made it more agitated and started to claw at the Destroyer.

"Uugh! That hurts!" (Suzukaze)

Mogami used her flight deck and smacked the Princess off Suzukaze, sending it flying a few metres back.

"Are you alright?" (Mogami)

"Yeah. Thanks." (Suzukaze)

Suzukaze's clothes were ripped to shreds, she even lost her gun. Her arms and body are filled with cuts that look painful.

"Commander, what should we do?" (Noshiro)

"Kyaa!" (Shouhou)

The Princess targeted Shouhou this time. The carrier lodged her bow in its mouth and held it back. The Princess clawed viciously at her arms. Noshiro hurriedly kicked it away.

"Commander, your orders?!" (Noshiro)

"Erm... Er..." (Rei)

Rei looked at me with pleading eyes. She is asking me for help, but if I step in, it will be considered a failure no matter the circumstances. They is one way though, but it's up to HQ to determine whether or not it is a a legitimate reason.

I mouthed the words 'Are you sure? It would be counted as a failure'. She nodded without hesitation. Looks like it's my turn.

"Ooyodo, file a Code Red UC-BDFP."

Gosh, I hate these acronyms.

"From henceforth, the exam is suspended and Admiral Keita will take command."

If the one evaluating Rei's exam is lenient, this situation would be taken into consideration.

"Roger." (Ooyodo)

"Mogami, Noshiro, protect the others while they get ready. Keep that thing at bay but don't hurt yourself unnecessary."

"That's a tall order, but we will try." (Noshiro)

Noshiro opened fire at the Princess. The Princess darted around and lunged once more at the Light Crusier. Mogami thrusted her flight deck in its mouth, shattering some of it's teeth and pushing it back in pain.

"Kumano, launch four squadrons of Dive Bombers and four squadron of Torpedo Bombers. Have them fly in Vic formation and position them in all four directions. Shouhou, can you still fire some planes?"

"My bow is at it's limit. I can only launch one more squadron." (Shouhou)

"That's more than enough. Get a Fighter Squadron up in the air."

"A fighter squadron? How is that effective against the thing?" (Kumano)

"Oh. It will be extremely effective. Shouhou, have them split up into pairs and just fly around the Princess."

"Understood." (Shouhou)

As soon as Shouhou let her arrow fly, the bowstring snapped, rendering the bow useless.

"Suzukaze, can you still move about?"

"Of course I can! A couple of scratches ain't enough to stop me." (Suzukaze)

"Good. Suzukaze, stay there with Shouhou and Kumano. Ready your torpedoes. Amatsukaze, I need you to quietly move behind that animal. Can you do it?"

"That's easy. With my speed, I can easily do that." (Amatsukaze)

"That's what I like to hear. Noshiro, Mogami, hold on for just a little longer."

"Better make it quick. This thing is pissed." (Mogami)

I have never used this method against a Bestial Abyssal Princess before, but if Yokosuka managed to do it, I can too. Plus, the conditions and fleet compositions match.

"Keep it up. Once Amatsukaze-"

"I'm in position!" (Amatsukaze)

That's fast. As expected of Shimakaze's self-proclaimed elder sister.

"Timing is crucial for this. Everything needs to be executed perfectly. No mistakes. On my signal, throw every single explosive you have at it."

"Roger!" (All)

"Mogami, Noshiro, that's enough. Retreat back while firing at that animal. Don't need to hit it. Just keep distracted."

"I don't know what you are thinking but this better work." (Noshiro)

The Cruisers fired at the Bestial Princess as they moved backwards. As expected, it switched it's focus to dodging the fireballs.

"Scatter you shots. Shouhou, get your fighters to fire bullets on it."


As Mogami and Noshiro continued their attack, Shouhou's fighter planes rained bullets from above. With almost no space to dodge, the Bestial Princess can only endure the hits, letting out a bloodcurdling scream as hot metal projectiles pierced it's body.

"Throw everything you got. Light it up!"

"I won't let you escape!" (Amatsukaze)

"Eat this!" (Suzukaze)

"All Kumano aircraft, attack! Wooooaaahh!" (Kumano)

Torpedos, bombers, shells, and bullets rained down on it from all directions. A large ball of fire engulfed the Princess. The deafening echoes of the explosion drowned out it's cries.

"Did we get it?" (Mogami)

"Hopefully. Blast a few more rounds and drop some more bombs for good measure."

"I'm out of ammo." (Noshiro)

"I got it. Lobbing in a few more torpedoes too." (Amatsukaze)

Amatsukaze fired from behind and launched another torpedo salvo. Before the smoke could clear, another ball of flame erupted from within.

The plan was to restrict it's movements and throw every bomb and torpedo at it. Bestial Abyssals are tough, combine that trait with an Abyssal Princess and you get an almost indestructible entity. However, all Bestial variants are weak to heat. Even a bullet shot from an AA gun can hurt it. Once we have it constrained, it won't be able to dodge the incoming bombs and torpedoes. The ensuing explosion is enough to kill it. Yokosuka used this exact tactic, with the same fleet composition, to sink a Light Crusier Princess.

The smoke finally cleared, revealing the distorted and burnt body of the Princess. It is still twitching and growling ever so softly.

"Wow. Even after all that it still survived?" (Mogami)

"If a Destroyer Princess is this tough, I'm not sure what to make of a Battleship Princess." (Amatsukaze)

"You know, the guys at Yokosuka sunk a Light Cruiser Princess with the exact same tactic."

"Seriously?!" (Suzukaze)

"Grrllgglgllrrllgg..." (Bestial Destroyer Forest Princess)

"Finish it off and come on back. "

Mogami pointed her gun at its head and looked away before pulling the trigger, taking off half of the head and putting it out of its misery. Oi! Camera Fairy or whatever you are. I didn't need to see that. I'm going to have nightmares later on.

"I'm ending the transmission. No need to report to me later. Go straight to the docks and rest up. Take today and tommorrow off. Admiral out."

I shut off the monitor and radio. Looks like I'm sleeping late tonight. I turned to look at Rei, whose eyes are downcast and look as though she is about to cry. I mean, she did lose her chance to get promoted after all. Who knows when she will get to take it again.

"Cheer up. It was an unforeseen situation. I already highlighted the code. If you are lucky, they may understand and give you a pass. Or maybe you will get another chance soon enough."

"But... If only I knew how to..." (Rei)

"Treat this as a learning point. If such things happen again, you know what to do."

She looks as though she is gonna burst soon. How do I cheer her up? Oh, I know. I stroked her head,

"Come on. You did your best. Tell you what, let's go get some drinks. I heard Mamiya brought in a new brand of plum wine."

She glanced up at me.

"Only if you're treating..." (Rei)

"Fine. Chin up."

When she isn't trying to seduce me, she is a pretty cute creature.

That report and exam can wait.. I have until the end of this week to submit i after all.

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