Our Bonds

Chapter 3 - 2

Ahh, I should have known that moment would set off a flag. This kind of things always happens in anime and video games. You wish for something and the exact thing you don't want happening occurs. Of course this sort of thing would happen in real life. No, now is not the time for this. Focus on the situation at hand!

"At approximately 5 minutes ago, Flagship Agano sent out a distress message near Jam island. For what we know, the entire fleet is severely damaged. (Ooyodo)

All of them got severely damaged?! This is bad! How is that possible?

"An ambush? Even before they entered the mission area?"

"Most probably." (Ooyodo)

This is weird. The Abyssals normally don't partake in ambush. They either just attack head on or sent an air strike. Even if they did, it's nearly impossible for the fleet to suffer heavy casualties like that. Whatever the case is, they need to get out of there!

"Ooyodo, what is their current status? Are they able to make a retreat immediately?"

"For now, they are taking cover behind some rocks nearby. However, the abyssal fleet which ambushed them is still roaming around the area. Retreat is currently impossible."


"Send out an rescue fleet and a suppression fleet. Haruna, Maya, Souryuu, Hiryuu, Murasame and Ushio will be art of the suppression fleet. Have Maya, and Murasame equipped with anti-air equipment, Haruna and Ushio with standard shelling, Souryuu and Hiryuu with Fighters and Dive Bombers. Their main objective is to slow down the enemy and cover the main fleet and rescue fleets escape. The rescue fleet will have Yahagi, Satsuki, Mutsuki, Kisaragi, Samidare and Yamakaze. Equip them with Emergency Repair Personal just in case. Tell them main fleet to stay where they are and wait for evac."

"The order has been sent out. All sh.i.p.s will be equipped and deployed within 20 minutes." (Ooyodo)

"Thank you. I will be back on my office. Once they are back, call me immediately, alright?"

"Roger!" (Ooyodo)

With that done, what's that left is to rely on the rescue and suppression fleet to complete their job successfully. Hopefully everything goes according to plan.

At around 1630hrs, all 3 fleets returned. Everyone in the main fleet were all heavily injured and exhausted. Ushio and Maya also took some damage. I could probably get them to give me report about the incident now, but that can wait. I told everyone to go rest up in the docks and went back to write up a report. The ambush the main fleet experienced makes me wonder what kind of abyssal could do that amount of damage. It could be a Hime type, but those usually just stay in one spot. A Ro-type battleship isn't out of the question, but even so, defeating them is possible. What kind of fleet can cause that much of damage?

"Erm, Admiral?"

"Hmm, what is- What the? Zuihou, what are you doing here? Why aren't you at the docks?"

I rushed to Zuihou's side, whose legs gave way and fallen on the ground. She gripped at my sleeve, breathing heavily.

"It's alright. Just a little tired. Besides I'm your secretary ship. I need to be at your side." (Zuihou)

"Geez, you don't have to force yourself. I can always call Kongou to do it."

"No, that's too dangerous." (Zuihou)


I carried her to my sofa and wrapped her up in the blanket. Her tattered clothes were nearly showing all her forbidden areas. How can she not feel embarrassed? It seems she won't listen to me so I will just let her remain like that for a while.

"Admiral." (Zuihou)


"I'm sorry the mission failed." (Zuihou)

"What are you saying? It's not your fault."

"If only we hadn't been beaten like that... if only... " (Zuihou)

I can hear her voice quivering. Tears are starting to well up in her eyes. Gosh, these girls really like to cry. I put my arms around her back and pulled her in.

"Shhh~ It's not your fault. It was an ambush. There was nothing you could do."

"B-but..." (Zuihou)

"No buts. Just stay like this until you feel better."

"mmm" (Zuihou)

We stayed like this for a quite a while. Until Zuihou fell asleep in my arms at least. Agano, who was already came in to give me a report of what happened. Though, she came in at the moment when I was placing the sleeping loli on the sofa. I guess she sort of had the wrong idea for the moment because she closed the door and said,

"Sorry for bothering you! I'll come back later!" (Agano)

Good thing I caught her and cleared up the situation. Who knows what this girl would do if I left her alone with that idea. By the way, Shigure and Yuudachi came to pick up Zuihou and carried her to the docks.

"Ahahahah! I was shocked! For a moment I thought you forced yourself on Zuihou, ripped her clothes to shreds and kept going till she fainted." (Agano)

"I did not! Where the hell did you get that idea from? Besides, you knew why her clothes were tattered."

"Just kidding. Just kidding. As expected, Admiral's reactions are the best!" (Agano)

I have no idea how to react to that.

"So, what actually happened out there?"

"Oh right! A report! As I mentioned, we were ambushed by the enemy. However, the fleet that ambushed us didn't look like any of the abyssal we encountered. They look like shipgirls and were clad in black, had like destroyer types as their armaments. One of them wore something like your uniform too. It's was very weird. And their firepower was like BAAAMMM! I think I heard them talking but not like what an abyssal would sound." (Agano)

That doesn't make any sense! A shipgirl clad in black and had abyssal destroyers as their armaments? That sure doesn't sound like any of the abyssals we have on record.

"For now, I will just write that in my report. Oh, and there won't be any sorties for a while till we find out what is going on. Taking on an unidentified enemy is too risky. I already sent a request for HQ to suspend the mission."

"It's that alright? You can do that?" (Agano)

"The report you gave me is enough proof that a new, unidentified enemy has appeared. Until HQ figures it out, we should be on standby. Well, it's good for me too since it means less work."

"Admiral, you just want to slack off do you? Your secretary ship will get angry again." (Agano)

"Well, she is in the docks now. So now I have someone else as my secretary."

"Oh right, it was supposed to be Zuihou. So who is it now?"

I pointed to the sofa.

Lying on the sofa is the purple haired, cat-like Tama. When I say cat-like, I really mean cat-like. She behaves like a cat, soft-spoken, lazy and reacts to anything that moves in front of her. She even sleeps like one. One good thing is that she doesn't keep bugging me to do my work, so long as I give her toys to play with.

"Admiral...." (Agano)


"Haaa~ Oh well. I will take my leave now! See ya!" (Agano)

"Thanks for your hard work!"

"Nyaa~ What time is it now?" (Tama)

The cat has awaken.

"9pm. You can go back to your room now."

"Finished your work?" (Tama)

"More or less."

"Then there's no problem. So, did you figure out what happened during the mission?" (Tama)

"Nope. I will leave it with HQ to figure it out. I'm not paid enough for that."

" -Yawn- Oh whatever. I will return to my room to sleep." (Tama)

"Ehh? Sleeping again?"

"Agano was so noisy that I could sleep properly." (Tama)

Oh that's why.

"Good night nya." (Tama)

Tama sleepily dragged herself out of the office. Once again, it became quiet. It was just like any other day, writing reports, comforting a sad shipgirl, expeditions and training exercises. Only exception was the ambush this afternoon. Other than that, it was just a typical work day at Maizuru Naval base.

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